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Created March 5, 2017 08:08
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Best of Anko and kotlin-logging
* Copyright (c) 2017 Stephen Michel <>
* This file is free software: you may copy, redistribute and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and
* permission notices:
* Anko <>
* Copyright 2016 JetBrains s.r.o.
* kotlin-logging <>
* Copyright 2017 oshai
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
@file:Suppress("unused", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
import android.util.Log
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier
* Normally you should pass the logger tag to the [Log] methods, such as [Log.d] or [Log.e].
* This can be inconvenient because you should store the tag somewhere or hardcode it,
* which is considered to be a bad practice.
* Instead of hardcoding tags, Logger provides a member, Log, which implements
* the [KLog] interface. You can just add the interface to the companion object
* of any of your classes, and then call its member functions.
* @param enabled (optional) whether to print logs. If this is omitted, the
* const val DEBUG will be used instead.
* @param TAG (optional) the tag to print with the logs. If this is omitted,
* the javaclass.simpleName will be used by default.
* usage example:
* class ClassWithLogging {
* companion object: Logger() // Default
* fun test() {
* Log.i{"test ClassWithLogging"}
* }
* }
* Or, the default constructor could be replaced with:
* companion object : Logger(false) {
* companion object : Logger(true, "MY_TAG") {
* companion object : Logger(TAG = "YOUR_TAG") {
const val DEBUG = true
abstract class Logger(val enabled: Boolean = DEBUG, TAG: String? = null) {
* The member that performs the actual logging
val Log: KLog =
if (TAG == null) {
} else {
* get logger for the class
private fun log(): KLog = makeLog(this, enabled)
* get logger by explicit name
private fun log(tag: String): KLog = makeLog(tag, enabled)
object KLogging {
* This method allow defining the logger in a file in the following way:
* val logger = Logging.logger {}
* val logger = Logging.logger("MY TAG", true)
* This method is not recommended unless you are unable to use Logger().
fun logger(func: () -> Unit, enabled: Boolean = DEBUG): KLog = makeLog(func, enabled)
fun logger(TAG: String, enabled: Boolean = DEBUG): KLog = makeLog(TAG, enabled)
abstract class KLog {
* The logger tag used in extension functions for the [KLog].
* Note that the tag length should not be more than 23 symbols.
abstract val logTag: String
abstract val logEnabled: Boolean
* Send a log message with the [Log.VERBOSE] severity.
* Note that the log message will not be written if the current log level is above [Log.VERBOSE].
* The default log level is [Log.INFO].
* @param message the message text to log. `null` value will be represent as "null", for any other value
* the [Any.toString] will be invoked.
* @param thr an exception to log (optional).
* @see [Log.v].
fun v(message: Any?, thr: Throwable? = null) {
if (logEnabled) {
log(this, message, thr, Log.VERBOSE,
{ tag, msg -> Log.v(tag, msg) },
{ tag, msg, thr -> Log.v(tag, msg, thr) })
* Send a log message with the [Log.DEBUG] severity.
* Note that the log message will not be written if the current log level is above [Log.DEBUG].
* The default log level is [Log.INFO].
* @param message the message text to log. `null` value will be represent as "null", for any other value
* the [Any.toString] will be invoked.
* @param thr an exception to log (optional).
* @see [Log.d].
fun d(message: Any?, thr: Throwable? = null) {
if (logEnabled) {
log(this, message, thr, Log.DEBUG,
{ tag, msg -> Log.d(tag, msg) },
{ tag, msg, thr -> Log.d(tag, msg, thr) })
* Send a log message with the [Log.INFO] severity.
* Note that the log message will not be written if the current log level is above [Log.INFO]
* (it is the default level).
* @param message the message text to log. `null` value will be represent as "null", for any other value
* the [Any.toString] will be invoked.
* @param thr an exception to log (optional).
* @see [Log.i].
fun i(message: Any?, thr: Throwable? = null) {
if (logEnabled) {
log(this, message, thr, Log.INFO,
{ tag, msg -> Log.i(tag, msg) },
{ tag, msg, thr -> Log.i(tag, msg, thr) })
* Send a log message with the [Log.WARN] severity.
* Note that the log message will not be written if the current log level is above [Log.WARN].
* The default log level is [Log.INFO].
* @param message the message text to log. `null` value will be represent as "null", for any other value
* the [Any.toString] will be invoked.
* @param thr an exception to log (optional).
* @see [Log.w].
fun w(message: Any?, thr: Throwable? = null) {
if (logEnabled) {
log(this, message, thr, Log.WARN,
{ tag, msg -> Log.w(tag, msg) },
{ tag, msg, thr -> Log.w(tag, msg, thr) })
* Send a log message with the [Log.ERROR] severity.
* Note that the log message will not be written if the current log level is above [Log.ERROR].
* The default log level is [Log.INFO].
* @param message the message text to log. `null` value will be represent as "null", for any other value
* the [Any.toString] will be invoked.
* @param thr an exception to log (optional).
* @see [Log.e].
fun e(message: Any?, thr: Throwable? = null) {
if (logEnabled) {
log(this, message, thr, Log.ERROR,
{ tag, msg -> Log.e(tag, msg) },
{ tag, msg, thr -> Log.e(tag, msg, thr) })
* Send a log message with the "What a Terrible Failure" severity.
* Report an exception that should never happen.
* @param message the message text to log. `null` value will be represent as "null", for any other value
* the [Any.toString] will be invoked.
* @param thr an exception to log (optional).
* @see [].
inline fun wtf(message: Any?, thr: Throwable? = null) {
if (logEnabled) {
if (thr != null) {, message?.toString() ?: "null", thr)
} else {, message?.toString() ?: "null")
* Send a log message with the [Log.VERBOSE] severity.
* Note that the log message will not be written if the current log level is above [Log.VERBOSE].
* The default log level is [Log.INFO].
* @param message the function that returns message text to log.
* `null` value will be represent as "null", for any other value the [Any.toString] will be invoked.
* @see [Log.v].
inline fun v(message: () -> Any?) {
if (logEnabled) {
val tag = logTag
if (Log.isLoggable(tag, Log.VERBOSE)) {
Log.v(tag, message()?.toString() ?: "null")
* Send a log message with the [Log.DEBUG] severity.
* Note that the log message will not be written if the current log level is above [Log.DEBUG].
* The default log level is [Log.INFO].
* @param message the function that returns message text to log.
* `null` value will be represent as "null", for any other value the [Any.toString] will be invoked.
* @see [Log.d].
inline fun d(message: () -> Any?) {
if (logEnabled) {
val tag = logTag
if (Log.isLoggable(tag, Log.DEBUG)) {
Log.d(tag, message()?.toString() ?: "null")
* Send a log message with the [Log.INFO] severity.
* Note that the log message will not be written if the current log level is above [Log.INFO].
* The default log level is [Log.INFO].
* @param message the function that returns message text to log.
* `null` value will be represent as "null", for any other value the [Any.toString] will be invoked.
* @see [Log.i].
inline fun i(message: () -> Any?) {
if (logEnabled) {
val tag = logTag
if (Log.isLoggable(tag, Log.INFO)) {
Log.i(tag, message()?.toString() ?: "null")
* Send a log message with the [Log.WARN] severity.
* Note that the log message will not be written if the current log level is above [Log.WARN].
* The default log level is [Log.INFO].
* @param message the function that returns message text to log.
* `null` value will be represent as "null", for any other value the [Any.toString] will be invoked.
* @see [Log.w].
inline fun w(message: () -> Any?) {
if (logEnabled) {
val tag = logTag
if (Log.isLoggable(tag, Log.WARN)) {
Log.w(tag, message()?.toString() ?: "null")
* Send a log message with the [Log.ERROR] severity.
* Note that the log message will not be written if the current log level is above [Log.ERROR].
* The default log level is [Log.INFO].
* @param message the function that returns message text to log.
* `null` value will be represent as "null", for any other value the [Any.toString] will be invoked.
* @see [Log.e].
inline fun e(message: () -> Any?) {
if (logEnabled) {
val tag = logTag
if (Log.isLoggable(tag, Log.ERROR)) {
Log.e(tag, message()?.toString() ?: "null")
* Return the stack trace [String] of a throwable.
inline fun Throwable.getStackTraceString(): String = Log.getStackTraceString(this)
private inline fun log(
logger: KLog,
message: Any?,
thr: Throwable?,
level: Int,
f: (String, String) -> Unit,
fThrowable: (String, String, Throwable) -> Unit) {
val tag = logger.logTag
if (Log.isLoggable(tag, level)) {
if (thr != null) {
fThrowable(tag, message?.toString() ?: "null", thr)
} else {
f(tag, message?.toString() ?: "null")
* get logger by explicit name
inline private fun makeLog(tag: String, enabled: Boolean): KLog = object : KLog() {
override val logEnabled = enabled
override val logTag =
if (tag.length <= 23) {
} else {
tag.substring(0, 23)
* get logger for the class
inline private fun makeLog(logger: Logger, enabled: Boolean): KLog =
makeLog(resolveName(logger.javaClass), enabled)
* get logger for the method, assuming it was declared at the logger file/class
inline private fun makeLog(noinline func: () -> Unit, enabled: Boolean): KLog =
makeLog(resolveName(func), enabled)
// get logger by the object. Not sure if we will need this.
//inline internal fun makeLog(obj: Any): Log = makeLog(obj.javaClass)
* get class name for function by the package of the function
inline private fun resolveName(noinline func: () -> Unit): String {
val name = func.javaClass.simpleName
val slicedName = when {
name.contains("Kt$") -> name.substringBefore("Kt$")
name.contains("$") -> name.substringBefore("$")
else -> name
return slicedName
* get class name for java class (that usually represents kotlin class)
inline private fun <T : Any> resolveName(forClass: Class<T>): String =
* unwrap companion class to enclosing class given a Java Class
inline private fun <T : Any> unwrapCompanionClass(clazz: Class<T>): Class<*> {
if (clazz.enclosingClass != null) {
try {
val field = clazz.enclosingClass.getField(clazz.simpleName)
if (Modifier.isStatic(field.modifiers) && field.type == clazz) {
// && field.get(null) === obj
// the above might be safer but problematic with initialization order
return clazz.enclosingClass
} catch(e: Exception) {
//ok, it is not a companion object
return clazz
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