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Created October 15, 2018 12:59
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multiple object tracking challenge data file and evaluation
import pandas as pd
import errno
import numpy as np
import sys
import warnings
def save_mot(filename, df):
df.to_csv(filename, header=False, index=False)
def load_mot(filename):
Load Multiple Object Tacking Challenge trajectories file.
:param filename: mot filename
:return: DataFrame, columns frame and id start with 1 (MATLAB indexing)
return pd.read_csv(filename, names=[u'frame', u'id', u'x', u'y', u'width', u'height', u'confidence'])
def eval_mot(df_gt, df_results, sqdistth=10000):
Evaluate trajectories by comparing them to a ground truth.
:param df_gt: ground truth DataFrame, columns <frame>, <id>, <x>, <y>; <frame> and <id> are 1-based; see load_mot
:param df_results: result trajectories DataFrame, format same as df_gt
:param sqdistth: square of the distance threshold, only detections and ground truth objects closer than
the threshold can be matched
:return: (summary DataFrame, MOTAccumulator)
nan_mask = (df_results.x == -1) | (df_results.x == -1) | df_results.x.isna() | df_results.y.isna()
if len(df_results[nan_mask]) > 0:
warnings.warn('stripping nans from the evaluated trajectories')
df_results = df_results[~nan_mask]
from motmetrics.utils import compare_to_groundtruth
import motmetrics as mm
columns_mapper = {'frame': 'FrameId', 'id': 'Id'}
acc = compare_to_groundtruth(df_gt.set_index(['frame', 'id']).rename(columns=columns_mapper),
df_results.set_index(['frame', 'id']).rename(columns=columns_mapper),
dist='euc', distfields=['x', 'y'], distth=sqdistth)
mh = mm.metrics.create()
return mh.compute(acc), acc
def eval_and_save(gt_file, mot_results_file, out_csv=None):
Evaluate results and save metrics.
:param gt_file: ground truth filename (MOT format)
:param mot_results_file: results filename (MOT format)
:param out_csv: output file with a summary
df_gt = load_mot(gt_file)
df_results = load_mot(mot_results_file)
assert sys.version_info >= (3, 5), 'motmetrics requires Python 3.5'
summary, acc = eval_mot(df_gt, df_results)
summary['motp_px'] = np.sqrt(summary['motp']) # convert from square pixels to pixels
import motmetrics as mm
if out_csv is not None:
summary.to_csv(out_csv, index=False)
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