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Created July 26, 2012 03:01
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迷路の自動生成 ref:
(def get-pos ((y . x)) (and (<= 0 y) (< y h) (<= 0 x) (< x w) ((maze y) x)))
(def dig-pos ((y . x)) (sref (maze y) nil x) (cons y x))
(def get-dir-pos ((y . x) d n)
(case d
a (cons (- y n) x) b (cons (+ y n) x)
l (cons y (- x n)) r (cons y (+ x n))))
(def can-dig? (pos d) (get-pos (get-dir-pos pos d 2)))
(def dig (pos d) (dig-pos (get-dir-pos pos d 1)) (dig-pos (get-dir-pos pos d 2)))
(def rget (g) (let x (rand-elt g) (cons x (rem x g))))
(def cdir (d) (case d a 'b b 'a l 'r r 'l))
(def ndir (d) (rem (cdir d) all-dirs))
(= all-dirs '(a b l r))
(def iter (pos d digd)
(if digd
(if d
(let d (rget d)
(if (can-dig? pos (car d))
(let np (dig pos (car d))
(iter np (ndir (car d)) (cons np digd)))
(iter pos (cdr d) digd)))
(let pg (rget digd)
(iter (car pg) all-dirs (cdr pg))))))
(= box-size 5)
(def print-maze (x y)
(each line maze
(= x 0)
(each itm line
(if itm (pr "<svg:rect x=\"" (* x box-size) "px\" y=\"" (* y box-size)
"px\" width=\"" box-size "px\" height=\"" box-size
"px\" fill=\"black\" stroke=\"none\" />\n"))
(= x (inc x)))
(pr "\n")
(= y (inc y))))
(def main (size)
(= h size) (= w size)
(= maze (n-of h (n-of w t)))
(dig-pos '(1 . 1))
(iter '(1 . 1) all-dirs '((1 . 1)))
(pr "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>")
(pr "<svg:svg xmlns:svg=\"\" xmlns:si=\"\" version=\"1.1\" viewBox=\"0 0 "
(* box-size w) " "
(* box-size h) "\" preserveAspectRatio=\"xMinYMin meet\" si:version=\"0.0\">\n")
(print-maze 0 0)
(pr "</svg:svg>\n"))
(main 35)
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