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Last active December 18, 2015 08:39
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
class MultipleDimensionsTable(object):
def __init__(self):
self.src = []
def _convert(self, i, j, vs):
v = vs[i][j]
t = type(v)
if t == float or t == int:
return float(v)
if t == str or t == unicode:
if v == '^': return self._convert(i-1, j, vs)
if v == 'v': return self._convert(i+1, j, vs)
if v == '<': return self._convert(i, j-1, vs)
if v == '>': return self._convert(i, j+1, vs)
r = re.match(r'^([\d\.]+)$', v)
if r:
return float(v)
r = re.match(r'^\@(\d*)$', v)
if r:
ref =
return self._convert(int(ref), j, vs)
r = re.match(r'^(\d*)~(\d*)$', v)
if r:
s, e =,
s = float(s) if s != '' else float('-inf')
e = float(e) if e != '' else float('+inf')
return (s, e, )
def _order_by_accuracy(self):
def comp(_a, _b):
a = _a[0]
b = _b[0]
if len(a) != len(b): return 1 if len(b) > len(a) else -1
_inf = float('-inf')
inf = float('inf')
inf_a = 0
dirty_inf_a = 0
area_a = 1
for x in a:
if type(x) != tuple: continue
(min, max) = x
if min == _inf and max == inf:
if min == _inf or max == inf:
w = ((max - min) + 1)
area_a = area_a * w
inf_b = 0
dirty_inf_b = 0
area_b = 1
for x in b:
if type(x) != tuple: continue
(min, max) = x
if min == _inf and max == inf:
if min == _inf or max == inf:
w = ((max - min) + 1)
area_b = area_b * w
if inf_a != inf_b: return 1 if inf_a > inf_b else -1
if dirty_inf_a != dirty_inf_b: return 1 if dirty_inf_a > dirty_inf_b else -1
return area_a - area_b
# use my qsort because sorted() in python3 doesn't support cmp parameter.
def qsort(list, fn):
if list == []: return []
pivot = list[0]
lesser = qsort([x for x in list[1:] if fn(x, pivot) < 0], fn)
greater = qsort([x for x in list[1:] if 0 <= fn(x, pivot)], fn)
return lesser + [pivot] + greater
self.src = qsort(self.src, comp)
def set(self, cond):
cond_list = [cond]
c = []
l = len(cond)
v = cond[l-1]
for j in xrange(0, l-1):
c.append(self._convert(0, j, cond_list))
self.src.append((c, v, ))
def bulk_set(self, cond_list):
for i in xrange(0, len(cond_list)):
cond = cond_list[i]
c = []
l = len(cond)
v = cond[l-1]
for j in xrange(0, l-1):
c.append(self._convert(i, j, cond_list))
self.src.append((c, v, ))
def get(self, points, _default=None):
plen = len(points)
for s in self.src:
cond = s[0]
val = s[1]
clen = len(cond)
for i in xrange(0, clen):
if plen <= i: return val
c = cond[i]
p = points[i]
if type(c) == tuple:
if not (c[0] <= p and p <= c[1]): break
if not (c == p): break
return val
return _default
def test():
tbl = MultipleDimensionsTable()
v = '''
~ , 0~9 , @9 , 1500~ , 50,
^ , 10~ , ~ , 0~299 , 100,
@0 , @0 , 0~99 , ^ , 300,
^ , < , > , ~ , 0,
~ , @7 , ^ , 300~1499 , 75,
0~100 , @0 , ^ , @1 , 200,
~ , ^ , ^ , ^ , 150,
@3 , @9 , ^ , < , 1,
~ , 0~9 , ^ , @4 , 100,
~ , @1 , ^ , 1500~ , 33,
vs = filter(
lambda a: a != [],
map(lambda l: filter(
lambda a: a != '',
map(lambda c: c.strip(), l.split(','))), v.split('\n')))
inf = float('inf')
_inf = float('-inf')
if tbl.src != [([(_inf, inf), (0.0, 9.0), (0, 99.0), (0.0, 299.0)], '300'),
([(0, 100), (0.0, 9.0), (_inf, inf), (0.0, 299.0)], '200'),
([(_inf, inf), (0.0, 9.0), (_inf, inf), (0.0, 299.0)], '150'),
([(_inf, inf), (0.0, 9.0), (_inf, inf), (300.0, 1499.0)], '100'),
([(_inf, inf), (0.0, 9.0), (_inf, inf), (1500.0, inf)], '50'),
([(_inf, inf), (10.0, inf), (_inf, inf), (0.0, 299.0)], '100'),
([(_inf, inf), (10.0, inf), (_inf, inf), (300.0, 1499.0)], '75'),
([(_inf, inf), (10.0, inf), (_inf, inf), (1500.0, inf)], '33'),
([(_inf, inf), (10.0, inf), (_inf, inf), (_inf, inf)], '1'),
([(_inf, inf), (_inf, inf), (_inf, inf), (_inf, inf)], '0')]:
raise Exception('src is wrong. ' + str(tbl.src))
if (tbl.get((10, 10, 1000, 322)) != '75' or
tbl.get((10, 10, 1000, 0)) != '100' or
tbl.get((10, 10, 1000, -10)) != '1'):
raise Exception('get() is wrong.')
print 'OK'
if __name__ == '__main__':
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