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Last active May 20, 2024 17:27
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Save smileham/8188b3bb65f4ce1b645519db957db1c5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Powershell script to create a Salesforce Data Dictionary in CSV/Excel or JSON formats
# usage sfdd ALIAS
# Needs ImportExcel Module installed
# Needs sf cli installed
# v1. First release
# v2. Included Record Types
# v3. Added PUML
# v4. Add Ignore list (Json format {"ignoreObjects":["Object","Object2"],"ignorePackages":["package1"]})
# v5. Added support for BigER
$alias = "",
$includeAllObjects = $false,
$generateTableCSV = $true,
$generateGlobalCSV = $true,
$generateXLS = $true,
$includeMinCount = 0,
$includePackages = $true,
$includeMdtandCustomSettings = $false,
$splitPackages = $true,
$appendTimestamp = $true,
$saveRawJSON = $true,
$includeRecordTypes = $true,
$generatePuml = $true,
$pumlLocation = "c:/apps/plantuml/plantuml.jar",
$includeStdRelationsInPuml = $false,
$ignoreListLocation = "./ignore.json",
$pumlFormat = "pdf",
$generatePackageList = $true,
$generateBiger = $true
function New-Row() {
return [PSCustomObject]@{
sObject = $null
label = $null
apiName = $null
isCustom = $null
isAutoNumber = $null
isFormula = $null
isRequired = $null
isUnique = $null
isExternalId = $null
helpText = $null
type = $null
length = $null
defaultValue = $null
formula = $null
picklistValues = $null
if ($appendTimestamp) {
$timeStamp = "-" + [string](Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d")
else {
$timeStamp = ""
if (Test-Path -Path $ignoreListLocation){
$ignoreListFile = Get-Content $ignoreListLocation | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json
$ignoreObjectList = $ignoreListFile.ignoreObjects
$ignorePackageList = $ignoreListFile.ignorePackages
else {
$ignoreObjectList = @()
$ignorePackageList = @()
$sheetNames = @{}
$pumlPackages = @{}
$sObjectsResponse = sf sobject list --sobject all -o $alias --json | convertFrom-Json
if ($sObjectsResponse.status -eq 0) {
mkdir -path "./$alias"
if ($generateTableCSV -or $generateGlobalCSV) {
mkdir -path "./$alias/CSV"
if ($generateXLS) {
mkdir -path "./$alias/XLS"
if ($generatePuml) {
mkdir -path "./$alias/PUML"
if ($pumlLocation -ne "") {
mkdir -path "./$alias/ERD"
if ($generateBiger) {
mkdir -path "./$alias/biger"
if ($saveRawJSON) {
mkdir -path "./$alias/JSON"
$sObjects = $sObjectsResponse.result | Sort-Object
foreach ($sObjectName in $sObjects)
$sObjectArray = @()
$pumlEntity = ""
$pumlRelationships = ""
$bigerRelationships = ""
Write-Debug "Checking $sObjectName"
# Check for packages
if ($sObjectName -match '^(.+)__(.+)__(.+)$') {
$package = $Matches[1]
if ($package -in $ignorePackageList -or -not($includePackages)) {
Write-Debug "Ignoring Package $package"
# Check for ignored objects
if ($sObjectName -in $ignoreObjectList) {
Write-Debug "Ignoring $sObjectName"
# Stop Custom Metadata (unless we include them)
if ($sObjectName -Match "__mdt$" -and ((-not $includeMdtandCustomSettings) -or (-not $includeAllObjects))) {
Write-Debug "Ignoring Settings"
# Check for "noisy" objects
if ($sObjectName -match ".+(History|ChangeEvent|Feed|Share)$" -and (-not $includeAllObjects)) {
Write-Debug "Ignoring Noisy $sObjectName"
# Get the Object via the Salesforce CLI
$sObject = sf sobject describe --sobject $sObjectName -o $alias --json | convertFrom-Json
# Stop Custom Settings (unless we include them)
if ($sObject.result.customSetting -and ((-not $includeMdtandCustomSettings) -or (-not $includeAllObjects))) {
Write-Debug "Ignoring Settings"
if ((($sObject.result.custom -or ($null -ne $sObject.result.urls.quickActions) -or ($sObject.result.fields -match "__c") -and ($null -eq $sObject.result.associateEntityType)) -or $includeAllObjects)) {
# Check that there is at least X records in the system to include this object
if ($includeMinCount -gt 0) {
$soqlResult = sf data query --query "Select count() from $sObjectName" --target-org $alias --json | convertFrom-Json
if (-not($soqlResult.result.totalSize -ge $includeMinCount)) {
Write-Debug "Excluding $sObjectName"
Write-Output "Writing $sObjectName"
if ($saveRawJSON) {
$sObject.result | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100 | Out-File "./$alias/JSON/$sObjectName$timestamp.json"
# Add Object Header
$headerRow = New-Row
$headerRow.sObject = $sObject.result.label + " Object"
$headerRow.label = $sObject.result.label
$headerRow.apiName = $
$sObjectArray += $headerRow
$pumlEntity = "entity $sObjectName {`n"
$bigerEntity = $pumlEntity
$referenceList = @{}
# Add Record Types
if ($includeRecordTypes) {
$pumlRecordTypes = ""
$bigerRecordTypes = ""
foreach ($recordType in $sObject.result.recordTypeInfos) {
if ($ -and (-not $recordType.master)) {
$recordTypeRow = New-Row
$recordTypeRow.sObject = $sObject.result.label + " Record Type"
$recordTypeRow.label = $
$recordTypeRow.apiName = $recordType.developerName
$recordTypeRow.defaultValue = $recordType.defaultRecordTypeMapping
$sObjectArray += $recordTypeRow
if ($recordType.defaultRecordTypeMapping) {
$pumlRecordTypes += "-"
$pumlRecordTypes += "RT: "+$recordType.developerName+"`n"
if ($generateBiger) {
$bigerRecordTypes += "entity "+$recordType.developerName+" extends "+$sObjectName+"{}`n"
$pumlEntity+=$pumlRecordTypes +"--`n"
# Add Fields
$fields = $sObject.result.fields | Sort-Object -property custom,@{Expression="idlookup"; Descending=$true},name
$pumlCustomLimit = $false
foreach ($field in $fields) {
if (-not $field.deprecatedAndHidden) {
$ddRow = New-Row
$ddRow.sObject = $sObject.result.label
$ddRow.label = $field.label
$ddRow.apiName = $
$ddRow.isCustom = $field.custom
$ddRow.isAutoNumber = $field.autoNumber
$ddRow.isFormula = $field.calculated
$ddRow.isRequired = -not($field.nillable)
$ddRow.isUnique = $field.unique
$ddRow.isExternalId = $field.externalId
$ddRow.helpText = $field.inlineHelpText
$ddRow.type = $field.type
$ddRow.length = $field.length -gt 0 ? $field.length:($field.digits -gt 0 ? $field.digits : ($field.precision -gt 0 ? $field.precision : $null))
$ddRow.defaultValue = $field.defaultValue
$ddRow.formula = $field.calculatedFormula
$ddRow.picklistValues = ""
if ($null -ne $field.extraTypeInfo) {
$ddRow.type += " ("+$field.extraTypeInfo+")"
$pumlTags = ""
$bigerTags = ""
if ($ddRow.isCustom -and (-not $pumlCustomLimit)) {
$pumlCustomLimit = $true
if ($ddRow.isRequired) {
$pumlEntity += "* "
if ($ddRow.apiName -eq "Id") {
$pumlTags += " <<PK>>"
$bigerTags += " key"
if ($ddRow.isAutoNumber) {
$pumlTags += " <<generated>>"
foreach ($picklistValue in $field.picklistValues) {
$ddRow.picklistValues += $picklistValue.label + ";"
if ($ddRow.type -eq "reference") {
$reference = $field.referenceTo[0]
$ddRow.type = $ddRow.type+" ("+$reference+")"
if (($generatePuml -or $generateBiger)-and (($reference -notmatch "User|Group|RecordType|Organization") -or $includeStdRelationsInPuml) -and ($referenceList[$reference] -ne 1) -and (-not($reference -in $ignoreObjectList))) {
$ignore = $false
if ($reference -match '^(.+)__(.+)__(.+)$') {
$package = $Matches[1]
if ($package -in $ignorePackageList) {
$ignore = $true
if (-not $ignore) {
if ($generatePuml) {
$pumlRelationships += "$sObjectName }o--o| $reference`n"
$referenceList[$reference] = 1;
if ($generateBiger) {
$bigerRelationships += "relationship "+$sObjectName+"_"+$ddRow.apiName+" {"+$reference+"[1] -> "+$sObjectName+"[N]}`n"
$pumlTags+= " <<FK>>"
else {
$bigerEntity += "`t"+$ddRow.apiName+" : "+$field.type+$bigerTags+"`n"
if ($ddRow.isExternalId) {
$pumlTags+= " <<FK>>"
$pumlType = ""
if ($ddRow.length -gt 0) {
$pumlType = $ddRow.type+"("+$ddRow.length+")"
else {
$pumlType = $ddRow.type
if ($ddRow.isFormula) {
$pumlType = "Formula("+$pumlType+")"
$pumlEntity += "`t"+$ddRow.apiName+" : "+$pumlType+$pumlTags+"`n"
$ddRow.picklistValues = $ddRow.picklistValues.Trim(';')
if ($generatePuml) {
$pumlEntity += "}`n"
if ($sObjectName -match '^(.+)__(.+)__(.+)$') {
$package = $Matches[1]
$pumlPackages[$package] += 1
Add-Content -Path "./$alias/PUML/$alias-$package$timeStamp.puml" -value $pumlEntity
else {
Add-Content -Path "./$alias/PUML/$alias-Objects$timeStamp.puml" -value $pumlEntity
if ($pumlRelationships -ne "") {
Add-Content -Path "./$alias/PUML/$alias-Relationships$timeStamp.puml" -value $pumlRelationships
if ($generateBiger) {
$bigerEntity +="}`n"
Add-Content -Path "./$alias/biger/$alias-Objects$timeStamp.erd" -value $bigerEntity
Add-Content -Path "./$alias/biger/$alias-Relationships$timeStamp.erd" -value $bigerRelationships
if ($bigerRecordTypes -ne "") {
Add-Content -Path "./$alias/biger/$alias-RecordTypes$timeStamp.erd" -value $bigerRecordTypes
if ($generateTableCSV) {
$sObjectArray | Export-Csv -Path "./$alias/CSV/$sObjectName$timeStamp.csv"
if ($generateXLS) {
if ($sObjectName.length -gt 30) {
$truncatedName = $sObjectName.Substring(0,30)
if ($sheetNames[$truncatedName] -gt 0) {
$sheetNames[$truncatedName] += 1
else {
$sheetNames[$truncatedName] = 1
$worksheetName = $truncatedName+$sheetNames[$truncatedName]
Write-Debug "Truncated to $worksheetName"
else {
$worksheetName = $sObjectName
if ($splitPackages -and ($sObjectName -match '^(.+)__(.+)__(.+)$')) {
$package = $Matches[1]
$sObjectArray | Export-Excel -path "./$alias/XLS/$alias-$package$timeStamp.xlsx" -Worksheetname $worksheetName
else {
$sObjectArray | Export-Excel -path "./$alias/XLS/$alias$timeStamp.xlsx" -Worksheetname $worksheetName
if ($generateGlobalCSV) {
if ($splitPackages -and ($sObjectName -match '^(.+)__(.+)__(.+)$')) {
$package = $Matches[1]
$sObjectArray | Export-Csv -Path "./$alias/CSV/$alias-$package$timeStamp.csv" -append
else {
$sObjectArray | Export-Csv -Path "./$alias/CSV/$alias$timeStamp.csv" -append
if ($generatePuml) {
$pumlPackageList = ""
foreach ($package in $pumlPackages.keys) {
$pumlPackageList+= "package $package {`n"
$pumlPackageList+= "!include ./$alias-$package$timeStamp.puml`n"
$pumlPackageList+= "}`n"
$pumlHeader = "@startuml`nheader`n$alias$timeStamp`nendheader`nscale 32768 width`nhide circle`nskinparam linetype polyline`n!include ./$alias-Objects$timeStamp.puml`n"
$pumlFooter = "!include ./$alias-Relationships$timeStamp.puml`n@enduml"
Add-Content -Path "./$alias/PUML/$alias$timeStamp.puml" -value $pumlHeader
Add-Content -Path "./$alias/PUML/$alias$timeStamp.puml" -value $pumlPackageList
Add-Content -Path "./$alias/PUML/$alias$timeStamp.puml" -value $pumlFooter
if($pumlLocation -ne "") {
if (Test-Path -Path $pumlLocation){
$execute = "java -DPLANTUML_LIMIT_SIZE=32768 -jar $pumlLocation ./$alias/PUML/$alias$timeStamp.puml -o ../ERD/ -$pumlFormat"
try {
Write-Debug "Generating ERD"
Invoke-Expression $execute
catch {
Write-Error "Issue with PlantUML"
else {
Write-Error "Can't find PlantUML"
if ($generateBiger) {
$biger = "erdiagram $alias`nnotation=default`n"
$bigerEntities = Get-Content -Path ./$alias/biger/$alias-Objects$timeStamp.erd -Raw
$bigerAllRelationships = Get-Content -Path ./$alias/biger/$alias-Relationships$timeStamp.erd -Raw
$bigerAllRecordTypes = Get-Content -Path ./$alias/biger/$alias-RecordTypes$timeStamp.erd -Raw
$biger += $bigerEntities;
$biger += $bigerAllRelationships;
$biger += $bigerAllRecordTypes;
Add-Content -Path "./$alias/biger/$alias$timeStamp.erd" -value $biger
if ($generatePackageList) {
$packageQuery = "SELECT Id, SubscriberPackageId, SubscriberPackage.NamespacePrefix, SubscriberPackage.Name, SubscriberPackageVersion.Id, SubscriberPackageVersion.Name, SubscriberPackageVersion.MajorVersion,SubscriberPackageVersion.MinorVersion,SubscriberPackageVersion.PatchVersion, SubscriberPackageVersion.BuildNumber FROM InstalledSubscriberPackage ORDER BY SubscriberPackageId"
$soqlResult = sf data query --query $packageQuery --target-org $alias -t --result-format csv > ./$alias/$alias-packages$timestamp.csv
else {
Write-Error "Issue with SF CLI"
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