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Last active March 11, 2023 12:20
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#jarchi Script to audit an Archi model based on a defined metamodel
* AuditModel
* Requires jArchi -
* Version 0.1: Audits all elements in selected view, comparing to a view called "Audit"
* Version 0.2: Bug in "Template" selection - fixed
* Version 0.3: Audits all elements in selected view, allowing a user to select from views in an "Audit" Folder
* Creates the Audit folder and a default Audit view if one is not found.
* Version 0.4: 2023-03-11 - Support for Audit on Documentation/Properties of the View,
* Fix bug for "note" on default generated Audit
* Fix for non-escaped regexes in generated Audit.
* *
* Further information can be found here:
* (c) 2023 Steven Mileham
var debug = false;
var colourise = false;
var auditLevel = 0;
function buttonDialog(message,options) {
var dialog = new org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog(shell,"Archi",null,message,3,options.concat(["Cancel"]),0);
return result==options.length?null:(result+1).toString();
console.log("Audit Model Script");
// TODO: Optional Properties - Done 29/9
// TODO: Relationships - Done 29/9
// TODO: Generic Components (pass in type to auditComponents?) (based on components found in Audit view!!!) - Done 29/9
// TODO: Colour code based on Score - Done 3/10
// TODO: Options menu (Properties/Relationships/All) - Done 3/10
// TODO: Optional Relationships/Mandatory Relationships (*(blank)/+)
// TODO: Template matching based on Property (i.e. if Property is set, perform additional audit: Logical Component can Realize Physical Component)
// TODO: Error levels (e.g. Info/Warn/Error)
// TODO: Export Report
// TODO: Add Report to Note on View
function createTemplate() {
var theViews = $("folder.Views").first();
var theApplications = $("folder.Application").first();
var theTechnology = $("folder.Technology & Physical").first();
var theRelations = $("folder.Relations").first();
var theApplicationsFolder = theApplications.createFolder("Audit");
var theTechnologyFolder = theTechnology.createFolder("Audit");
var theRelationsFolder = theRelations.createFolder("Audit");
var theFolder = theViews.createFolder("Audit");
var theAudit = model.createArchimateView("Default",theFolder);
theAudit.documentation = "\\w+";
// Default Elements (Application)
// I use the following for "Names" ^(\[[\w&\-]{2,8}\] )?([\w \-:\.\/@"&]+)( \([\w \-\/]+\))?( \[proposed\])?$
var theApplicationComponent = model.createElement("application-component","^.+$",theApplicationsFolder);
theApplicationComponent.prop("Standards Class","^(Standard|Non-Standard|Phasing-Out Standard|Proposed Standard|Retired Standard)$");
theApplicationComponent.prop("Category","^(Physical Application Component|Logical Application Component)$");
var theApplicationFunction = model.createElement("application-function","^.+$",theApplicationsFolder);
var theApplicationService = model.createElement("application-service","^.+$",theApplicationsFolder);
var theApplicationData = model.createElement("data-object","^.+$",theApplicationsFolder);
var theApplicationInterface = model.createElement("application-interface","^.+$",theApplicationsFolder);
var theApplicationProcess = model.createElement("application-process","^.+$",theApplicationsFolder);
// Default Elements (Technology)
// I use the following for "Names" ^(\[[\w&\-]{2,8}\] )?([\w \-:\.\/@"&]+)( \([\w \-\/]+\))?( \[proposed\])?$
var theSystemSoftware = model.createElement("system-software","^.+$",theTechnologyFolder);
theSystemSoftware.prop("Standards Class","^(Standard|Non-Standard|Phasing-Out Standard|Proposed Standard|Retired Standard)$");
theSystemSoftware.prop("Category","^(Physical Application Component|Logical Application Component)$");
var theArtifact = model.createElement("artifact","^.+$",theTechnologyFolder);
var theDevice = model.createElement("device","^.+$",theTechnologyFolder);
var theTechnologyProcess = model.createElement("technology-process","^.+$",theTechnologyFolder);
// Default Relationships
var appCompToAppFunc = model.createRelationship("assignment-relationship","",theApplicationComponent, theApplicationFunction, theRelationsFolder);
var appCompToAppComp = model.createRelationship("serving-relationship","",theApplicationComponent, theApplicationComponent, theRelationsFolder);
var appFuncToAppFunc = model.createRelationship("serving-relationship","",theApplicationFunction, theApplicationFunction, theRelationsFolder);
var appFuncToAppComp = model.createRelationship("flow-relationship","",theApplicationFunction, theApplicationComponent, theRelationsFolder);
var appFuncToAppServ = model.createRelationship("realization-relationship","",theApplicationFunction, theApplicationService, theRelationsFolder);
var appServToAppComp = model.createRelationship("serving-relationship","",theApplicationService, theApplicationComponent, theRelationsFolder);
var appCompToAppServ = model.createRelationship("realization-relationship","",theApplicationComponent, theApplicationService, theRelationsFolder);
var appIntToAppServ = model.createRelationship("assignment-relationship","",theApplicationInterface, theApplicationService, theRelationsFolder);
var appCompToAppInt = model.createRelationship("composition-relationship","",theApplicationComponent, theApplicationInterface, theRelationsFolder);
var appProcToAppFunc = model.createRelationship("composition-relationship","",theApplicationProcess, theApplicationFunction, theRelationsFolder);
var appCompToAppProc = model.createRelationship("assignment-relationship","",theApplicationComponent, theApplicationProcess, theRelationsFolder);
var appFuncToAppData = model.createRelationship("access-relationship","",theApplicationFunction, theApplicationData, theRelationsFolder);
var appCompToAppData = model.createRelationship("access-relationship","",theApplicationComponent, theApplicationData, theRelationsFolder);
var appDataToAppData = model.createRelationship("composition-relationship","",theApplicationData, theApplicationData, theRelationsFolder);
var artifactToAppComp = model.createRelationship("realization-relationship","",theArtifact, theApplicationComponent, theRelationsFolder);
var artifactToSysSoft = model.createRelationship("realization-relationship","",theArtifact, theSystemSoftware, theRelationsFolder);
var devToArtifact = model.createRelationship("assignment-relationship","",theDevice, theArtifact, theRelationsFolder);
var sysSoftToArtifact = model.createRelationship("assignment-relationship","",theSystemSoftware, theArtifact, theRelationsFolder);
var sysSoftToTechProc = model.createRelationship("assignment-relationship","",theSystemSoftware, theTechnologyProcess, theRelationsFolder);
var sysSoftToAppComp = model.createRelationship("serving-relationship","",theSystemSoftware, theApplicationComponent, theRelationsFolder);
var sysSoftAccessArtifact = model.createRelationship("access-relationship","",theSystemSoftware, theArtifact, theRelationsFolder);
var devToSysSoft = model.createRelationship("assignment-relationship","",theDevice, theSystemSoftware, theRelationsFolder);
// Add to the View
var appComp = theAudit.add(theApplicationComponent, 10, 200, -1, -1, true);
var appProc = theAudit.add(theApplicationProcess, 300, 200, -1, -1, true);
var appFunc = theAudit.add(theApplicationFunction, 10, 300, -1, -1, true);
var appServ = theAudit.add(theApplicationService, 10, 400, -1, -1, true);
var appInt = theAudit.add(theApplicationInterface, 300, 400, -1, -1, true);
var appData = theAudit.add(theApplicationData, 300, 300, -1, -1, true);
var sysSoft = theAudit.add(theSystemSoftware, 900, 200, -1, -1, true);
var techProc = theAudit.add(theTechnologyProcess, 900, 100, -1, -1, true);
var device = theAudit.add(theDevice, 900, 300, -1, -1, true);
var artifact = theAudit.add(theArtifact, 600, 200, -1, -1, true);
//appComp.labelExpression("Application Component");
//appFunc.labelExpression("Application Function");
theAudit.add(appCompToAppFunc, appComp, appFunc);
theAudit.add(appCompToAppComp, appComp, appComp);
theAudit.add(appFuncToAppFunc, appFunc, appFunc);
theAudit.add(appFuncToAppComp, appFunc, appComp);
theAudit.add(appFuncToAppServ, appFunc, appServ);
theAudit.add(appServToAppComp, appServ, appComp);
theAudit.add(appCompToAppServ, appComp, appServ);
theAudit.add(appIntToAppServ, appInt, appServ);
theAudit.add(appCompToAppInt, appComp, appInt);
theAudit.add(appProcToAppFunc, appProc, appFunc);
theAudit.add(appCompToAppProc, appComp, appProc);
theAudit.add(appFuncToAppData, appFunc, appData);
theAudit.add(appCompToAppData, appComp, appData);
theAudit.add(appDataToAppData, appData, appData);
theAudit.add(artifactToAppComp, artifact, appComp);
theAudit.add(artifactToSysSoft, artifact, sysSoft);
theAudit.add(devToArtifact, device, artifact);
theAudit.add(sysSoftToArtifact, sysSoft, artifact);
theAudit.add(sysSoftToTechProc, sysSoft, techProc);
theAudit.add(sysSoftAccessArtifact, sysSoft, artifact);
theAudit.add(sysSoftToAppComp, sysSoft, appComp);
theAudit.add(devToSysSoft, device, sysSoft);
var theNotes = theAudit.createObject("diagram-model-note", 10,10,890,90);
theNotes.text = "An Audit view must contain all components wishing to be audited. \n"+
"You can create multiple Audit views in the Audit folder, and you will be prompted to select a view.\n"+
"Regular Expressions are used to manage compliance with the standard.\n"+
" E.g.\n"+
" \n"+
" Drag Application Component from Palette.\n"+
" \n"+
" Set following:\n"+
" \n"+
" Name = \"^.*$\"\n"+
" Documentation = \"\\w+\"\n"+
" Properties {\n"+
" Category = \"^.*$\"\n"+
" Created Date = \"^(\\d\\d/\\d\\d/\\d\\d)?$\" // that is DD/MM/YY or \"blank\"\n"+
" Standards Class = \"^(Standard|Non-Standard)$\"\n"+
" ID = \"^[A-Z0-9\\-]{3,5}$\"\n"+
" }\n"+
" You could then add an Application Function from Palette.\n"+
" \n"+
" Name = \"^.*$\"\n"+
" Documentation = \"\\w+\"\n"+
" \n"+
" Now, you can add an Assignment relationship from the Application Component to the Application Function\n"+
" \n"+
" When you run the scipt it will audit that all Application Components meet the requirements for Name/Documentation and Properties,\n"+
" and any Application Function elements are related to the Appliation via an Assignment relationship.+\n"+
" \n"+
" A report will be sent to the Script Console for review\n"+
" \n"+
" Further information can be found here:\n"+
" \n"+
" (c) 2023 Steven Mileham"
return theAudit;
function validateDocumentation(theTemplate, theComponent) {
var reg = new RegExp(theTemplate.documentation);
var theValue = theComponent.documentation!=null?theComponent.documentation:"";
if (!reg.test(theValue)){
return ("Invalid Documentation: "+theValue+"\n");
else {
return null;
//componentNotes +=;
function validateProperties(theTemplate, theComponent) {
var thePropertyKeys = theTemplate.prop();
var theAudit = "";
thePropertyKeys.forEach(property => {
//console.log (component+":"+property+":"+component.prop("property")+"matches("+theComponentTemplate.prop(property)+")");
var theReg = theTemplate.prop(property);
var reg = new RegExp(theReg);
var theValue = theComponent.prop(property)!=null?theComponent.prop(property):"";
if (!reg.test(theValue)){
theAudit +="Invalid Property: "+property +" ("+theValue+")\n";
if (theAudit!="") {
return theAudit;
else {
return null;
function auditView() {
debug?console.log("Auditing: View"):true;
viewNotes = theView+"\n";
viewScore = 0;
// Validate Documentation
theAudit = validateDocumentation(theTemplate,theView);
if (theAudit!=null) {
viewNotes +=theAudit;
else {
// Validate Properties
var thePropertyKeys = theTemplate.prop();
var maxScore = 1+thePropertyKeys.length;
theAudit = validateProperties(theTemplate, theView);
if (theAudit!=null) {
viewNotes +=theAudit;
viewScore += thePropertyKeys.length-(theAudit.split("\n").length-1);
else {
viewScore += thePropertyKeys.length;
if (viewScore!=maxScore) {
console.log (viewNotes+"\n");
function auditComponents(type) {
debug?console.log("Auditing: "+type):true;
var theComponentTemplate = $(theTemplate).find(type).first();
var theComponents = $(theView).find(type);
var relationshipTemplate = {};
/*$(theComponentTemplate).outRels().forEach(element => {
if (relationshipTemplate["-"+element.type]) {
var cardinality =""?"*"
debug?console.log("Adding Valid OutRel: ""-"+element.type+":"+cardinality):true;
else {
var cardinality =""?"*"
relationshipTemplate["-"+element.type] = new Array(cardinality);
debug?console.log("Adding Valid OutRel: ""-"+element.type+":"+cardinality):true;
$(theComponentTemplate).outRels().forEach(element => {
if (element.type.indexOf("diagram")<0) {
if (relationshipTemplate[]) {
debug?console.log("Adding Valid OutRel: "" - "+element.type):true;
else {
relationshipTemplate[] = new Array(element.type);
debug?console.log("Adding Valid OutRel: "" - "+element.type):true;
debug?console.log("Valid Relationships: "+JSON.stringify(relationshipTemplate)):true;
theComponents.forEach(component => {
var maxScore = 0;
debug?console.log("validating: ";
var componentScore = 0;
var componentNotes = component+"\n";
if (auditLevel == 1 || auditLevel == 3) {
var thePropertyKeys = theComponentTemplate.prop();
var maxScore = 2+thePropertyKeys.length;
// Validate Name
var reg = new RegExp(;
var theValue =;
if (reg.test(theValue)){
else {
componentNotes +="Invalid Name: "+theValue+"\n";
// Validate Documentation
theAudit = validateDocumentation(theComponentTemplate,component);
if (theAudit!=null) {
componentNotes +=theAudit;
else {
// Validate Properties
theAudit = validateProperties(theComponentTemplate, component);
if (theAudit!=null) {
componentNotes +=theAudit;
componentScore += thePropertyKeys.length-(theAudit.split("\n").length-1);
else {
componentScore += thePropertyKeys.length;
if (auditLevel==2 || auditLevel==3) {
// Validate Relationships
var outRels = $(component).outRels();
outRels.forEach(relationship => {
debug?console.log("Validating Relationship: "+relationship.type):true;
if (relationship.type.indexOf("diagram")<0) {
if (relationshipTemplate[] && relationshipTemplate[].includes(relationship.type)){
debug?console.log("Valid Relationship: (" + relationship.type+" to "")"):true;
else {
componentNotes+="Invalid Relationship: (" + relationship.type+" to "":"")\n"
if (colourise) {
relationship.lineColor = "#ff0000";
if (componentScore!=maxScore) {
console.log (componentNotes+"\n");
if (colourise) {
if (componentScore/maxScore>0.75) {
component.lineColor = "#ffbf00";
else {
component.lineColor = "#ff0000";
else {
if (colourise) {
var theViews = $("folder.Views").first();
var theFolder = $(theViews).children("folder.Audit").first();
var theTemplates = $(theFolder).children("archimate-diagram-model");
var theView = $(selection).filter("archimate-diagram-model").first();
var theTemplate = null;
if (theTemplates.length>1) {
var theTemplateNames = [];
theTemplates.forEach(function (template){
var theAnswer = buttonDialog("Please select an Audit View?", theTemplateNames);
if (theAnswer>0)
theTemplate = theTemplates[theAnswer-1];
else {
theTemplate = false;
else if (theTemplates.length==1) {
theTemplate = theTemplates.first();
else {
console.error("No Audit View found, creating Audit");
theTemplate = createTemplate();
if (theTemplate) {
if (theView) {
var cont = true;
var theAnswer = buttonDialog("Do you want to colourise, or report only?", ["Colourise", "Report Only"]);
if (theAnswer == 1) {
colourise = true;
else if (theAnswer==2) {
else {
cont = false;
if (cont) {
var theAnswer = buttonDialog("What do you want to Audit?", ["Elements", "Relationships", "Both"]);
if (theAnswer == 1) {
auditLevel = 1;
else if (theAnswer==2) {
auditLevel = 2;
else if (theAnswer==3) {
auditLevel = 3;
else {
cont = false;
if (cont) {
$(theTemplate).find().forEach(element => {
if (element.type.indexOf("relationship")<=0 && element.type.indexOf("diagram")<0) {
else {
console.error("Please select a view to audit.");
else {
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smileham commented Oct 5, 2022

For anyone who tried this... I managed to introduce a bug in my last update which stopped it from working, this was an issue with the selector for the "Template", which is now fixed.

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