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Created October 9, 2009 01:22
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Index: modules/sapphire/branches/airnz/iteration3/core/model/SiteTree.php
--- modules/sapphire/branches/airnz/iteration2/core/model/SiteTree.php (revision 85655)
+++ modules/sapphire/branches/airnz/iteration3/core/model/SiteTree.php (revision 88403)
@@ -93,29 +93,27 @@
static $has_many = array(
"Comments" => "PageComment"
static $many_many = array(
"LinkTracking" => "SiteTree",
"ImageTracking" => "File",
"ViewerGroups" => "Group",
"EditorGroups" => "Group",
- "UsersCurrentlyEditing" => "Member",
static $belongs_many_many = array(
"BackLinkTracking" => "SiteTree"
static $many_many_extraFields = array(
- "UsersCurrentlyEditing" => array("LastPing" => "SSDatetime"),
"LinkTracking" => array("FieldName" => "Varchar"),
"ImageTracking" => array("FieldName" => "Varchar")
static $casting = array(
"Breadcrumbs" => "HTMLText",
"LastEdited" => "SSDatetime",
"Created" => "SSDatetime",
@@ -563,20 +561,23 @@
* This function should return true if the current user can add children
* to this page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an
* application.
* Returns true if the member is allowed to do the given action.
* @uses DataObjectDecorator->can()
+ * If a page is set to inherit, but has no parent, it inherits from
+ * {@link SiteConfig}
+ *
* @param string $perm The permission to be checked, such as 'View'.
* @param Member $member The member whose permissions need checking.
* Defaults to the currently logged in user.
* @return boolean True if the the member is allowed to do the given
* action.
* @todo Check we get a endless recursion if we use parent::can()
function can($perm, $member = null) {
@@ -957,21 +958,21 @@
// Set all the relevant items in $result to true
$result = array_fill_keys($groupedByParent[$parentID], true) + $result;
$combinedStageResult = $combinedStageResult + $result;
- return $combinedStageResult;
+ return isset($combinedStageResult) ? $combinedStageResult : array();
// check for empty spec
if(!$this->CanEditType || $this->CanEditType == 'Anyone') return true;
// check for inherit
if($this->CanEditType == 'Inherit') {
if($this->ParentID) return $this->Parent()->canEdit($member);
else return ($member && Permission::checkMember($member, 'CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain'));
@@ -1250,41 +1251,48 @@
$this->HasBrokenFile = false;
if($links) foreach($links as $link) {
if(preg_match('/^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\/?(#.*)?$/', $link, $parts)) {
$candidatePage = DataObject::get_one("SiteTree", "\"URLSegment\" = '" . urldecode( $parts[1] ). "'", false);
if($candidatePage) {
$linkedPages[] = $candidatePage->ID;
} else {
$this->HasBrokenLink = true;
+ } else if(substr($link,0,7) == 'assets/') {
+ $candidateFile = File::find(Convert::raw2sql(urldecode($link)));
+ if($candidateFile) {
+ $linkedFiles[] = $candidateFile->ID;
+ } else {
+ $this->HasBrokenLink = true;
+ }
} else if($link == '' || $link[0] == '/') {
$this->HasBrokenLink = true;
- } else if($candidateFile = DataObject::get_one("File", "\"Filename\" = '" . Convert::raw2sql(urldecode($link)) . "'", false)) {
- $linkedFiles[] = $candidateFile->ID;
$images = HTTP::getImagesIn($this->Content);
if($images) {
foreach($images as $image) {
$image = Director::makeRelative($image);
if(substr($image,0,7) == 'assets/') {
- $candidateImage = DataObject::get_one("File", "\"Filename\" = '$image'");
+ $candidateImage = File::find($image);
if($candidateImage) $linkedFiles[] = $candidateImage->ID;
else $this->HasBrokenFile = true;
+ $this->extend('augmentSyncLinkTracking');
function onAfterWrite() {
// Need to flush cache to avoid outdated versionnumber references
// Update any virtual pages that might need updating
$linkedPages = DataObject::get("VirtualPage", "CopyContentFromID = $this->ID");
if($linkedPages) foreach($linkedPages as $page) {
@@ -1451,47 +1459,47 @@
$backLinksNote = '';
$backLinksTable = new LiteralField('BackLinksNote', '<p>' . _t('NOBACKLINKEDPAGES', 'There are no pages linked to this page.') . '</p>');
// Create a table for showing pages linked to this one
if($this->BackLinkTracking() && $this->BackLinkTracking()->Count() > 0) {
$backLinksNote = new LiteralField('BackLinksNote', '<p>' . _t('SiteTree.PAGESLINKING', 'The following pages link to this page:') . '</p>');
$backLinksTable = new TableListField(
- 'Title' => 'Title'
+ 'Title' => 'Title',
+ 'AbsoluteLink' => 'URL'
'"ChildID" = ' . $this->ID,
'LEFT JOIN "SiteTree_LinkTracking" ON "SiteTree"."ID" = "SiteTree_LinkTracking"."SiteTreeID"'
- 'Title' => '<a href=\"admin/show/$ID\">$Title</a>'
+ 'Title' => '<a href=\"admin/show/$ID\">$Title</a>',
+ 'AbsoluteLink' => '<a href=\"$value\">$value</a>',
// Lay out the fields
$fields = new FieldSet(
// Add a field with a bit of metadata for concurrent editing. The fact that we're using
// non-standard attributes does not really matter, all modern UA's just ignore em.
- new LiteralField("SiteTree_Alert", '<div deletedfromstage="'.((int) $this->getIsDeletedFromStage()).'" id="SiteTree_Alert"></div>'),
new TabSet("Root",
$tabContent = new TabSet('Content',
$tabMain = new Tab('Main',
new TextField("Title", $this->fieldLabel('Title')),
new TextField("MenuTitle", $this->fieldLabel('MenuTitle')),
- new HtmlEditorField("Content", _t('SiteTree.HTMLEDITORTITLE', "Content", PR_MEDIUM, 'HTML editor title')),
- new HiddenField("Version", "Version", $this->Version)
+ new HtmlEditorField("Content", _t('SiteTree.HTMLEDITORTITLE', "Content", PR_MEDIUM, 'HTML editor title'))
$tabMeta = new Tab('Metadata',
new FieldGroup(_t('SiteTree.URL', "URL"),
new LabelField('BaseUrlLabel',Director::absoluteBaseURL()),
new UniqueRestrictedTextField("URLSegment",
_t('SiteTree.VALIDATIONURLSEGMENT1', "Another page is using that URL. URL must be unique for each page"),
@@ -1576,23 +1584,32 @@
$editorsOptionsSource = array();
if($this->Parent()->ID || $this->CanEditType == 'Inherit') $editorsOptionsSource["Inherit"] = _t('SiteTree.INHERIT', "Inherit from parent page");
$editorsOptionsSource["LoggedInUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.EDITANYONE', "Anyone who can log-in to the CMS");
$editorsOptionsSource["OnlyTheseUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.EDITONLYTHESE', "Only these people (choose from list)");
if(!Permission::check('SITETREE_GRANT_ACCESS')) {
- $fields->makeFieldReadonly($viewerGroupsField);
+ if($this->CanViewType == 'OnlyTheseUsers') {
+ $fields->makeFieldReadonly($viewerGroupsField);
+ } else {
+ $fields->removeByName('ViewerGroups');
+ }
- $fields->makeFieldReadonly($editorGroupsField);
+ if($this->CanEditType == 'OnlyTheseUsers') {
+ $fields->makeFieldReadonly($editorGroupsField);
+ } else {
+ $fields->removeByName('EditorGroups');
+ }
$tabContent->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABCONTENT', "Content"));
$tabMain->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABMAIN', "Main"));
$tabMeta->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABMETA', "Metadata"));
$tabBehaviour->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABBEHAVIOUR', "Behaviour"));
$tabReports->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABREPORTS', "Reports"));
$tabAccess->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABACCESS', "Access"));
$tabBacklinks->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABBACKLINKS', "BackLinks"));
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