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Nate Smith smit1678

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# Uses Mapbox Wellknown
# npm install -g wellknown
echo "POLYGON ((31.9204 -3.0145,31.9373 -3.0144,31.9372 -2.9977, 31.9206 -2.9977, 31.9204 -3.0145))" | wellknown > katoro.geojson
echo "POLYGON (( 31.9369 3.27183, 31.9595 3.27187, 31.9594 3.29441, 31.9368 3.29454,31.9369 3.27183))" | wellknown > dzaipi.geojson
echo "POLYGON ((29.6354 -4.8831, 29.6523 -4.8832, 29.6522 -4.8664, 29.6354 -4.8664 , 29.6354 -4.8831))" | wellknown > kigoma.geojson
smit1678 / index.html
Last active September 14, 2016 13:42
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We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 2 should actually have 43 columns, instead of 32 in line 1.
2011-06-29T15:09:37Z,St. Sára Salkahazy Rutovu Hospital,-3.8811538,29.844847,-3.8811538 29.844847,OSM,Ministry of Public Health,,MUZENGA BIBATE RN7,N/A,,Second referral hospital or General hospital,,,,,,Children / pediatrics,,,,,," full time beds, part time beds",,,,,None,",,,,None",Medicine and medical specialties,Surgery and surgi
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Devseed Office

Our office is located at 1714 14th St NW, Rear Entrance. Rear entrance is key; we're located in the alley behind 14th St. From the corner of 14th and R St, head west towards 15th St. Take the first alley on the right. We're about halfway down in the blue building with glass garage doors and a Mapbox sign out front.

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smit1678 / 0_reuse_code.js
Created July 15, 2014 13:16
Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console