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Created October 1, 2021 04:53
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an program file
"""Write a program that rotates the elements of a list so that the element at
the first index moves to the second index, the element in the second
index moves to the third index, etc., and the element at the last moves to
the first index."""
"question 9"
# def lower_case():
# ob = open("/Users/mahantsmith/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/PyCharmCE2020.3/scratches/file14fun.txt")
# fb = open("lower_file14fun.txt","w")
# j = ob.readlines()
# for x in j:
# if x[0].islower():
# fb.write(x)
# ob.close()
# fb.close()
# lower_case()
"question 10"
# def fun1():
# ob = open("/Users/mahantsmith/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/PyCharmCE2020.3/scratches/file14fun.txt")
# print(max(ob.readlines(),key=len))
# fun1()
"question 11"
# ob = open("/Users/mahantsmith/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/PyCharmCE2020.3/scratches/file14fun.txt")
# n = ob.readlines()
# for x in n:
# if x[0] == "k" or x[0] == "K":
# print(x)
"question 12"
# ob = open("/Users/mahantsmith/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/PyCharmCE2020.3/scratches/file14fun.txt")
# n = ob.readlines()
# for x in n:
# if len(x)>20:
# print(x)
"question 13"
# import random
# ob = open("/Users/mahantsmith/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/PyCharmCE2020.3/scratches/file14fun.txt")
# n = ob.readlines()
# print(random.choice(n))
"question 14"
import pickle
import os
def writing():
ob = open("library.dat","w")
while True:
book_no = int(input("enter the book number :"))
book_name = input("enter the book name :")
author_name = int(input("enter the author name :"))
k = input("do you want to continue[y/n] :")
if k == "n" or k == "N":
def reading():
ob = open("library.dat")
"question 15"
# import csv
# import os
# def writing():
# ob = open("student.csv", "w", newline="")
# csv_w = csv.writer(ob)
# l=[]
# while True:
# roll_no = int(input("Enter roll no:"))
# name = input("Enter name:")
# mark = int(input("Enter mark:"))
# stream = input("Enter stream:")
# l.append([roll_no,name,mark,stream])
# k = input("want ot continue")
# if k == "n":
# break
# for x in l:
# csv_w.writerow(x)
# ob.close()
# def reading():
# ob = open("student.csv", "r")
# csv_r = csv.reader(ob)
# for i in csv_r:
# print(i)
# def searching():
# ob = open("student.csv", "r")
# csv_r = csv.reader(ob)
# name = input("enter the name to search:")
# found = 0
# for i in csv_r:
# if i[0] == name:
# found = 1
# print(i)
# if found == 0:
# print("name not found")
# def update():
# obs = open("dubstudent.csv", "w", newline="")
# csv_ws = csv.writer(obs)
# ob = open("student.csv", "r")
# csv_r = csv.reader(ob)
# name = input("enter the name to update")
# l = []
# for i in csv_r:
# if i[0] == name:
# mark = input("enter the new mark")
# l.append([i[0], mark])
# else:
# l.append(i)
# for x in l:
# csv_ws.writerow(x)
# obs.close()
# ob.close()
# os.remove("student.csv")
# os.rename("dubstudent.csv","student.csv")
# def delete():
# obs = open("dubstudent.csv", "w", newline="")
# csv_ws = csv.writer(obs)
# ob = open("student.csv", "r")
# csv_r = csv.reader(ob)
# name = input("enter the name to update")
# l = []
# for i in csv_r:
# if i[0] == name:
# pass
# else:
# l.append(i)
# for x in l:
# csv_ws.writerow(x)
# obs.close()
# ob.close()
# os.remove("student.csv")
# os.rename("dubstudent.csv", "student.csv")
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