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Created August 15, 2019 10:59
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# Edit this
$NSXT_Manager = "your-nsxt-manager-hostname-or-ip"
$NSXT_Username = "admin"
$NSXT_Password = 'mypassword'
# Stop editing
function Invoke-NSXTRestMethod
param (
[Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
[string]$Body = ""
$headerDict = @{}
$headerDict.add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headerDict.add("X-Allow-Overwrite", "true")
$cred = $Username + ":" + $Password
$base64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($cred))
$headerDict.add("Authorization", "Basic " + $base64)
$URL = "https://$($Server)$($URI)"
Write-Debug "$(Get-Date -format s) REST Call via Invoke-RestMethod: $Method $URL - with body: $Body"
# Build up Invoke-RestMethod parameters, can differ per platform
$invokeRestMethodParams = @{
"Method" = $Method;
"Headers" = $headerDict;
"ContentType" = "application/json";
"Uri" = $URL;
# If a body for a POST request has been specified, add it to the parameters for Invoke-RestMethod
if($Body -ne "") {
$invokeRestMethodParams.Add("Body", $body)
$invokeRestMethodParams.Add("SkipCertificateCheck", $true)
# Energize!
$response = Invoke-RestMethod @invokeRestMethodParams
# If its a webexception, we may have got a response from the server with more information...
# Even if this happens on PoSH Core though, the ex is not a webexception and we cant get this info :(
catch [System.Net.WebException] {
#Check if there is a response populated in the response prop as we can return better detail.
$response = $_.exception.response
if ( $response ) {
$responseStream = $response.GetResponseStream()
$reader = New-Object$responseStream)
$responseBody = $reader.readtoend()
## include ErrorDetails content in case therein lies juicy info
$ErrorString = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : The API response received indicates a failure. $($response.StatusCode.value__) : $($response.StatusDescription) : Response Body: $($responseBody)`nErrorDetails: '$($_.ErrorDetails)'"
# Log the error with response detail.
Write-Warning -Message $ErrorString
## throw the actual error, so that the consumer can debug via the actuall ErrorRecord
Throw $_
# No response, log and throw the underlying ex
$ErrorString = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Exception occured calling invoke-restmethod. $($_.exception.tostring())"
Write-Warning -Message $_.exception.tostring()
## throw the actual error, so that the consumer can debug via the actuall ErrorRecord
Throw $_
catch {
# Not a webexception (may be on PoSH core), log and throw the underlying ex string
$ErrorString = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Exception occured calling invoke-restmethod. $($_.exception.tostring())"
Write-Warning -Message $ErrorString
## throw the actual error, so that the consumer can debug via the actuall ErrorRecord
Throw $_
Write-Debug "$(Get-Date -format s) Invoke-RestMethod Result: $response"
# Return result
if($response) { $response }
function Confirm-Deletion
param (
[Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
Write-Host "Do you want to delete '$Name'?"
$input = Read-Host "Please write yes or no and press enter"
switch ($input)
'yes' { return $true }
'y' { return $true }
'no' { return $false }
'n' { return $false }
default {
Write-Host "You may only answer [yes|y] or [no|n], please try again."
Confirm-Deletion -Name $Name
Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow "Starting PKS Cleanup from NSX-T.."
$DEL_LS = 0
$DEL_LR = 0
$DEL_NS = 0
$DEL_IPP = 0
$DEL_LB = 0
$DEL_FW = 0
Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow "Starting with Logical Routers.."
$routers = Invoke-NSXTRestMethod -Username $NSXT_Username -Password $NSXT_Password -Server $NSXT_Manager -Method GET -URI "/api/v1/logical-routers"
foreach($router in $routers.results)
if((Confirm-Deletion -Name $router.display_name) -eq $true) {
Invoke-NSXTRestMethod -Username $NSXT_Username -Password $NSXT_Password -Server $NSXT_Manager -Method DELETE -URI "/api/v1/logical-routers/$($"
else {
Write-Host "Skipping '$($router.display_name)'.."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow "Moving on to Logical Switches.."
$switches = Invoke-NSXTRestMethod -Username $NSXT_Username -Password $NSXT_Password -Server $NSXT_Manager -Method GET -URI "/api/v1/logical-switches"
foreach($ls in $switches.results)
if((Confirm-Deletion -Name $ls.display_name) -eq $true) {
Invoke-NSXTRestMethod -Username $NSXT_Username -Password $NSXT_Password -Server $NSXT_Manager -Method DELETE -URI "/api/v1/logical-switches/$($"
else {
Write-Host "Skipping '$($ls.display_name)'.."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow "Moving on to Firewall Sections.."
$sections = Invoke-NSXTRestMethod -Username $NSXT_Username -Password $NSXT_Password -Server $NSXT_Manager -Method GET -URI "/api/v1/firewall/sections"
foreach($sec in $sections.results)
if((Confirm-Deletion -Name $sec.display_name) -eq $true) {
Invoke-NSXTRestMethod -Username $NSXT_Username -Password $NSXT_Password -Server $NSXT_Manager -Method DELETE -URI "/api/v1/firewall/sections/$($"
else {
Write-Host "Skipping '$($sec.display_name)'.."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow "Moving on to Load Balancers.."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow "Load Balancers Services.."
$loadbalancers = Invoke-NSXTRestMethod -Username $NSXT_Username -Password $NSXT_Password -Server $NSXT_Manager -Method GET -URI "/api/v1/loadbalancer/services"
foreach($lb in $loadbalancers.results)
if($lb.display_name.StartsWith("pks-") -Or $lb.display_name.StartsWith("lb-pks-"))
if((Confirm-Deletion -Name $lb.display_name) -eq $true) {
Invoke-NSXTRestMethod -Username $NSXT_Username -Password $NSXT_Password -Server $NSXT_Manager -Method DELETE -URI "/api/v1/loadbalancer/services/$($"
else {
Write-Host "Skipping '$($lb.display_name)'.."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow "Load Balancers Virtual Servers.."
$loadbalancers = Invoke-NSXTRestMethod -Username $NSXT_Username -Password $NSXT_Password -Server $NSXT_Manager -Method GET -URI "/api/v1/loadbalancer/virtual-servers"
foreach($lb in $loadbalancers.results)
if($lb.display_name.StartsWith("pks-") -Or $lb.display_name.StartsWith("lb-pks-"))
if((Confirm-Deletion -Name $lb.display_name) -eq $true) {
Invoke-NSXTRestMethod -Username $NSXT_Username -Password $NSXT_Password -Server $NSXT_Manager -Method DELETE -URI "/api/v1/loadbalancer/virtual-servers/$($"
else {
Write-Host "Skipping '$($lb.display_name)'.."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow "Load Balancers Pools.."
$loadbalancers = Invoke-NSXTRestMethod -Username $NSXT_Username -Password $NSXT_Password -Server $NSXT_Manager -Method GET -URI "/api/v1/loadbalancer/pools"
foreach($lb in $loadbalancers.results)
if($lb.display_name.StartsWith("pks-") -Or $lb.display_name.StartsWith("lb-pks-"))
if((Confirm-Deletion -Name $lb.display_name) -eq $true) {
Invoke-NSXTRestMethod -Username $NSXT_Username -Password $NSXT_Password -Server $NSXT_Manager -Method DELETE -URI "/api/v1/loadbalancer/pools/$($"
else {
Write-Host "Skipping '$($lb.display_name)'.."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow "Load Balancers Monitors.."
$loadbalancers = Invoke-NSXTRestMethod -Username $NSXT_Username -Password $NSXT_Password -Server $NSXT_Manager -Method GET -URI "/api/v1/loadbalancer/monitors"
foreach($lb in $loadbalancers.results)
if($lb.display_name.StartsWith("pks-") -Or $lb.display_name.StartsWith("lb-pks-"))
if((Confirm-Deletion -Name $lb.display_name) -eq $true) {
Invoke-NSXTRestMethod -Username $NSXT_Username -Password $NSXT_Password -Server $NSXT_Manager -Method DELETE -URI "/api/v1/loadbalancer/monitors/$($"
else {
Write-Host "Skipping '$($lb.display_name)'.."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow "Moving on to NS Groups.."
$nsgroups = Invoke-NSXTRestMethod -Username $NSXT_Username -Password $NSXT_Password -Server $NSXT_Manager -Method GET -URI "/api/v1/ns-groups"
foreach($group in $nsgroups.results)
if($group.display_name.StartsWith("pks-") -Or $group.display_name.StartsWith("lb-pks-"))
if((Confirm-Deletion -Name $group.display_name) -eq $true) {
Invoke-NSXTRestMethod -Username $NSXT_Username -Password $NSXT_Password -Server $NSXT_Manager -Method DELETE -URI "/api/v1/ns-groups/$($"
else {
Write-Host "Skipping '$($group.display_name)'.."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow "Moving on to IP Pools.."
$ippools = Invoke-NSXTRestMethod -Username $NSXT_Username -Password $NSXT_Password -Server $NSXT_Manager -Method GET -URI "/api/v1/pools/ip-pools"
foreach($pool in $ippools.results)
if($pool.display_name.StartsWith("pks-") -Or $pool.display_name.StartsWith("lb-pks-"))
if((Confirm-Deletion -Name $pool.display_name) -eq $true) {
Invoke-NSXTRestMethod -Username $NSXT_Username -Password $NSXT_Password -Server $NSXT_Manager -Method DELETE -URI "/api/v1/pools/ip-pools/$($"
else {
Write-Host "Skipping '$($pool.display_name)'.."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "Done!"
Write-Host "Deleted:"
Write-Host "Logical Routers: $DEL_LR"
Write-Host "Logical Switches: $DEL_LS"
Write-Host "Firewall Sections: $DEL_FW"
Write-Host "NS Groups: $DEL_NS"
Write-Host "IP Pools: $DEL_IPP"
Write-Host "Load Balancer Objects: $DEL_LB"
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