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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Save smittytone/11370885 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Electric Imp UART implementation of 1-Wire for multiple devices
function one_wire_reset()
// Configure UART for 1-Wire RESET timing
ow.configure(9600, 8, PARITY_NONE, 1, NO_CTSRTS)
if ( == 0xF0)
// UART RX will read TX if there's no device connected
server.log("No 1-Wire devices are present.")
return false
// Switch UART to 1-Wire data speed timing
ow.configure(115200, 8, PARITY_NONE, 1, NO_CTSRTS)
return true
function one_wire_write_byte(byte)
for (local i = 0; i < 8; i++, byte = byte >> 1)
// Run through the bits in the byte, extracting the
// LSB (bit 0) and sending it to the bus
one_wire_bit(byte & 0x01)
function one_wire_read_byte()
local byte = 0
for (local i = 0; i < 8; i++)
// Build up byte bit by bit, LSB first
byte = (byte >> 1) + 0x80 * one_wire_bit(1)
return byte;
function one_wire_bit(bit)
bit = bit ? 0xFF : 0x00
local return_value = == 0xFF ? 1 : 0
return return_value
function one_wire_search(next_node)
local last_fork_point = 0
// Reset the bus and exit if no device found
if (one_wire_reset())
// There are 1-Wire device(s) on the bus, so issue the 1-Wire SEARCH command (0xF0)
// Work along the 64-bit ROM code, bit by bit, from LSB to MSB
for (local i = 64 ; i > 0 ; i--)
local byte = (i - 1) / 8
// Read bit from bus
local bit = one_wire_bit(1)
// Read the next bit
if (one_wire_bit(1))
if (bit)
// Both bits are 1 which indicates that there are no further devices
// on the bus, so put pointer back to the start and break out of the loop
last_fork_point = 0
else if (!bit)
// First and second bits are both 0: we're at a node
if (next_node > i || (next_node != i && (id[byte] & 1)))
// Take the '1' direction on this point
bit = 1
last_fork_point = i
// Write the 'direction' bit. For example, if it's 1 then all further
// devices with a 0 at the current ID bit location will go offline
// Write the bit to the current ID record
id[byte] = (id[byte] >> 1) + 0x80 * bit
// Return the last fork point so it can form the start of the next search
return last_fork_point
function one_wire_slaves()
id <- [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
next_device <- 65
next_device = one_wire_search(next_device)
// Store the device ID discovered by one_wire_search() in an array
// Nb. We need to clone the array, id, so that we correctly save
// each one rather than the address of a single array
function get_temp()
local temp_LSB = 0
local temp_MSB = 0
local temp_celsius = 0
imp.wakeup(5.0, get_temp)
// Reset the 1-Wire bus
// Issue 1-Wire Skip ROM command (0xCC) to select all devices on the bus
// Issue DS18B20 Convert command (0x44) to tell all DS18B20s to get the temperature
// Even if other devices don't ignore this, we will not read them
// Wait 750ms for the temperature conversion to finish
foreach (device, slave_id in slaves)
// Run through the list of discovered slave devices, getting the temperature
// if a given device is of the correct family number: 0x28 for BS18B20
if (slave_id[7] == 0x28)
// Issue 1-Wire MATCH ROM command (0x55) to select device by ID
// Write out the 64-bit ID from the array's eight bytes
for (local i = 7 ; i >= 0; i--)
// Issue the DS18B20's READ SCRATCHPAD command (0xBE) to get temperature
// Read the temperature value from the sensor's RAM
temp_LSB = one_wire_read_byte()
temp_MSB = one_wire_read_byte()
// Signal that we don't need any more data by resetting the bus
// Calculate the temperature from LSB and MSB
temp_celsius = ((temp_MSB * 256) + temp_LSB) / 16.0
server.log(format("Device: %02d Family: %02x Serial: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x Temp: %3.2f", (device + 1), slave_id[7], slave_id[1], slave_id[2], slave_id[3], slave_id[4], slave_id[5], slave_id[6], temp_celsius))
ow <- hardware.uart12
slaves <- []
// Enumerate the slaves on the bus
// Start sampling temperature data
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