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Last active April 15, 2023 10:03
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Komodo Notary Node Testnet 2023 setup cheat sheet
This guide assumes you have already completed the steps in the following two links:
### Clone dPoW and checkout the testnet branch
git clone
git checkout 2023-testnet
### Create pubkey.txt
`echo "pubkey=<pubkey>" > ~/dPoW/iguana/pubkey.txt`
### Create wp_testnet and make it executable
echo 'curl --url "" --data "{\"method\":\"walletpassphrase\",\"params\":[\"YOUR_SEED_OR_PRIVKEY_HERE\", 9999999]}"' > ~/dPoW/iguana/wp_testnet
chmod +x ~/dPoW/iguana/wp_testnet
### Open Iguana p2p port
`sudo ufw allow 17778 comment '2023 Testnet Iguana'`
### Create symboloc links for the komodod & komodo-cli
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/komodo/src/komodo-cli /usr/local/bin/komodo-cli
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/komodo/src/komodod /usr/local/bin/komodod
### Start KMD, DOC and MARTY
Create a file named `` and add the launch parameters.
source ~/dPoW/iguana/pubkey.txt
komodod -pubkey=$pubkey &
komodod -ac_name=MARTY -ac_supply=90000000000 -ac_reward=100000000 -ac_cc=3 -ac_staked=10 -addnode= -addnode= -pubkey=$pubkey &
komodod -ac_name=DOC -ac_supply=90000000000 -ac_reward=100000000 -ac_cc=3 -ac_staked=10 -addnode= -addnode= -pubkey=$pubkey &
Make the script executable with `chmod +x`, then launch the chains with `./`
You can check the status of these chains with
tail -f ~/.komodo/debug.log
tail -f ~/.komodo/DOC/debug.log
tail -f ~/.komodo/MARTY/debug.log
### Import your private key to all chains
komodo-cli importprivkey YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY "" true $(komodo-cli getblockcount) # This will import without rescanning which is faster but will not display existing balance.
komodo-cli -ac_name=DOC importprivkey YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY
komodo-cli -ac_name=MARTY importprivkey YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY
Send some funds to your notary node chain addresses. If you need some RICK / DOC, ask Alright or Smk. If you need some KMD, post a DOC/MORTY meme in the Discord testnet channel with your address below and if its funny enough, charity may follow.
### Create a splitfunds script
Create split script called ``. Use the following template as an example.
source ~/dPoW/iguana/pubkey.txt
unspent=$(komodo-cli listunspent | jq '[.[] | select (.generated==false and .amount==0.0001 and .spendable==true and (.scriptPubKey == "'21${pubkey}ac'"))] | length')
echo "${chain}: $unspent"
if [ $unspent -lt 50 ]; then
echo "Topping up ${chain}"
curl --url "" --data "{\"coin\":\""${chain}"\",\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"splitfunds\",\"satoshis\":\"10000\",\"sendflag\":1,\"duplicates\":"50"}"
unspent=$(komodo-cli -ac_name=DOC listunspent | jq '[.[] | select (.generated==false and .amount==0.0001 and .spendable==true and (.scriptPubKey == "'21${pubkey}ac'"))] | length')
echo "${chain}: $unspent"
if [ $unspent -lt 50 ]; then
echo "Topping up ${chain}"
curl --url "" --data "{\"coin\":\""${chain}"\",\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"splitfunds\",\"satoshis\":\"10000\",\"sendflag\":1,\"duplicates\":"50"}"
unspent=$(komodo-cli -ac_name=MARTY listunspent | jq '[.[] | select (.generated==false and .amount==0.0001 and .spendable==true and (.scriptPubKey == "'21${pubkey}ac'"))] | length')
echo "${chain}: $unspent"
if [ $unspent -lt 50 ]; then
echo "Topping up ${chain}"
curl --url "" --data "{\"coin\":\""${chain}"\",\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"splitfunds\",\"satoshis\":\"10000\",\"sendflag\":1,\"duplicates\":"50"}"
Make it executable with `chmod +x`
Add a crontab entry for this script so it will ensure you have enough UTXOs when you are asleep.
Open the cron job editor with `crontab -e`
Add the following entry: `0 * * * * /home/YOURUSERNAME/`
This will check/replenish your UTXOs every hour
### Start Iguana
cd ~/dPoW/iguana
Good luck! Don't be shy to ask questions and learn from the Vetern Notary Node Operators!
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