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Last active November 23, 2016 16:44
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AJAX (reading)

The 4 main steps of AJAX

  1. DOM (Document Object Model) Event Occurs
  • An interaction occurs on the webpage (#div link or button is clicked)
  • The JS running on the page has an event listener for the interaction $("#new-fortune").on("click", function(event) {
  • event.preventDefault() prevents the page from executing the button/link's function within the event listener function
  1. The HTTP Request Occurs through AJAX
  • The request is made through AJAX
  • This will communicate to your server which should have a path /new-fortune.json in existence
var request = $.ajax({
    method: "GET",
    url: "/new-fortune.json"
  1. The HTTP Response returns with the JSON Payload
  • The response from the server should be defined as JSON (JS Object) using content_type :json
  • A ruby hash can be converted to JSON using the .to_json method.
get "/new-fortune.json" do
  content_type :json

  { fortune: random_fortune }.to_json
  1. Use the JSON and JQuery to update the DOM
  • JQuery is a "Write Less Do More" JS Library, syntax denoted by $
  • Use request.done to begin the JQuery execution.
  • Use JQuery to manipulate the DOM, or change the page, accordingly.
request.done(function(newFortune) {

AJAX and REST (reading)

  • Each CRUD Action is tied to an HTTP Verb, denoted with a .json at the end of the path.
  1. Read/Get (Already talked about in the AJAX article)

  2. Create/Post

  • Requires the "POST" method instead of the "GET" method
  • Also requires data to be passed into the request using another argument in the request.
var fortune = { content: "Walk through life like a badass." };
   var request = $.ajax({
     method: "POST",
     url: "/api/v1/fortunes.json",
     data: fortune

   request.done(function() {
     alert("New fortune accepted");
  • Fortune.create will allow the fortune passed in from data to persist in a csv file
  • The DOM Manipulation uses the .append method to add new content to the page.
request.done(function() {
  $("ul.fortunes").append("<li>" + newFortuneContent + "</li>");
  1. AJAX Update/PUT/PATCH
  • The url must pass in an existing fortune ID, as well as data with which to update the fortune
  1. AJAX Destroy/DELETE
  • The url must also contain the ID of an existing fortune/item
  • .remove can be used to remove an html element from the page

Random Brussels Sprouts (exercise)

In the Javascript:

  • Add event listener to the link on the page (#get-dish) (provided)
  • Add event.prevent_default at the beginning of the listener (provided)
  • Add AJAX Call to retrieve a dish from the '/dishes/random.json' path

In the server.rb file:

  • Use .sample to retrieve a random dish
  • Create a hash using the random dish, and return it in the method as a json using the .to_json method

Back in the Javascript:

  • Use the .done function on the AJAX request to take in the response dish and use the .alert function to create the alert
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