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Created March 15, 2018 16:39
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import jMoment from 'moment-jalaali'
import { toPersian } from './toPersian'
export default class jalaaliUtils {
static toJMoment (date) {
return jMoment(date ? date.clone() : undefined)
static parse (value, format) {
return jMoment(value, format)
static date (value, format) {
return jMoment(value, format)
static isValid (date) {
return date.isValid()
static isNull (date) {
return date.parsingFlags().nullInput
static isAfter (date, value) {
return date.isAfter(value)
static isBefore (date, value) {
return date.isBefore(value)
static isAfterDay (date, value) {
return date.isAfter(value, 'day')
static isBeforeDay (date, value) {
return date.isBefore(value, 'day')
static isBeforeYear (date, value) {
return date.isBefore(value, 'jYear')
static isAfterYear (date, value) {
return date.isAfter(value, 'jYear')
static startOfDay (date) {
return date.startOf('day')
static endOfDay (date) {
return date.endOf('day')
static format (date, formatString) {
switch (formatString) {
case 'D':
return date.format('jD')
case 'MMMM YYYY':
return date.format('jMMMM jYYYY')
case 'YYYY':
return date.format('jYYYY')
case 'ddd, MMM D':
return date.format('ddd, jMMM jDD')
case 'MMM D':
return date.format('jMMM jDD')
case 'MMMM Do':
return date.format('jMMMM jDo')
return date.format(formatString)
static formatNumber (num) {
return toPersian(num)
static getHours (date) {
return date.get('hours')
static addDays (date, count) {
return count < 0
? date.clone().subtract(Math.abs(count), 'days')
: date.clone().add(count, 'days')
static setHours (date, value) {
return date.clone().hours(value)
static getMinutes (date) {
return date.get('minutes')
static setMinutes (date, value) {
return date.clone().minutes(value)
static getMonth (date) {
return date.jMonth()
static isSameDay (date, comparing) {
return date.isSame(comparing, 'day')
static getMeridiemText (ampm) {
return ampm === 'am'
? jalaaliUtils.toJMoment().hours(2).format('A')
: jalaaliUtils.toJMoment().hours(14).format('A')
static getStartOfMonth (date) {
return date.clone().startOf('jMonth')
static getNextMonth (date) {
return date.clone().add(1, 'jMonth')
static getPreviousMonth (date) {
return date.clone().subtract(1, 'jMonth')
static getYear (date) {
return date.jYear()
static setYear (date, year) {
return date.clone().jYear(year)
static getWeekdays () {
return [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map(dayOfWeek => jalaaliUtils.toJMoment().weekday(dayOfWeek).format('dd')[0])
static isEqual (value, comparing) {
static getWeekArray (date) {
const start = date.clone().startOf('jMonth').startOf('week')
const end = date.clone().endOf('jMonth').endOf('week')
const nestedWeeks = []
let count = 0
let current = start
while (current.isBefore(end)) {
const weekNumber = Math.floor(count / 7)
nestedWeeks[weekNumber] = nestedWeeks[weekNumber] || []
current = current.clone().add(1, 'day')
count += 1
return nestedWeeks
static getYearRange (start, end) {
const startDate =
const endDate =
const years = []
let current = startDate
while (current.isBefore(endDate)) {
current = current.clone().add(1, 'jYear')
return years
// displaying methods
static getCalendarHeaderText (date) {
return toPersian(date.format('jMMMM jYYYY'))
static getYearText (date) {
return toPersian(date.format('jYYYY'))
static getDatePickerHeaderText (date) {
return toPersian(date.format('ddd, jMMMM jD'))
static getDateTimePickerHeaderText (date) {
return toPersian(date.format('jMMM jD'))
static getDayText (date) {
return toPersian(date.format('jD'))
static getHourText (date, ampm) {
return toPersian(date.format(ampm ? 'hh' : 'HH'))
static getMinuteText (date) {
return toPersian(date.format('mm'))
const dict = {
'0': '۰',
'1': '۱',
'2': '۲',
'3': '۳',
'4': '۴',
'5': '۵',
'6': '۶',
'7': '۷',
'8': '۸',
'9': '۹',
export const toPersian = function (str = '') {
return `${str}`.replace(/[0-9]/g, (v) => {
return dict[v] || v
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