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Created March 7, 2014 02:16
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AngularJS directives and a controller. Used in a calendar/scheduling app.
/*jshint bitwise: true, curly: true, eqeqeq: true, forin: true, immed: true, indent: 4, latedef: true, newcap: true, noarg: true, noempty: true, nonew: true, quotmark: double, undef: true, strict: true, trailing: true, maxdepth: 4, esnext: true, browser: true, devel: true */
/*global $: true, angular: true, moment: true, $http */
var NG_BIG = angular.module("NG_BIG", []);
NG_BIG.directive("dateformat", function ($parse, $filter) {
return {
require: "ngModel",
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
// Input: What the model has in it.
// Output: What the textbox will display.
function (value) {
return moment(value).format("MMMM Do");
// Input: What the textbox has in it on submit.
// Output: What the model will have in it.
function (value) {
return value;
// Input: What the textbox has in it on typing.
// Output: What the model will have in it.
function (value) {
return moment(value, "MMMM DDo").format("MM/DD/YYYY HH:00:00");
var size = function () {
// Our app is loaded and the DOM is compiled
var biggest_height = 0;
$(".month").each(function () {
$(this).css("height", "100%");
if ($(this).height() > biggest_height) {
biggest_height = $(this).height();
$(".month").height(parseInt(biggest_height, 10));
NG_BIG.directive("dimensions", ["$timeout", function ($timeout) {
return {
link: function ($scope, element, attrs) {
// FIXME: Update is broadcast for each month. Size iterates through each month. N^2. Bad.
$scope.$on("update", function () {
$timeout(size, 0, false);
NG_BIG.controller("biggio", ["$scope", "$http", function ($scope, $http) {
"use strict";
function Day(year, month, day) {
// Year.
this.year = year;
// Month.
this.month = month;
// Day. = day;
// Array of events. = [];
this.checked = false;
this.check = function () {
this.checked = !this.checked;
var i, a, b,
t = moment(this.year + this.month +, "YYYYMMD");
this.getEvents = function () { = [];
if ($ !== undefined) {
for (i = 0; i < $; i++) {
var dupe = $[i];
//var dupe = Object.create($[i]);
dupe.isStart = false;
dupe.isEnd = false;
a = moment(dupe.StartTime);
b = moment(dupe.EndTime);
if ((a.isBefore(t, "day") || a.isSame(t, "day")) && (b.isAfter(t, "day") || b.isSame(t, "day"))) {
if (a.isSame(t, "day")) {
dupe.isStart = true;
if (b.isSame(t, "day")) {
dupe.isEnd = true;
if ([0] == "") {; }
if ( === 0) {"");
function Month(year, month) {
// Iterator.
var i;
// Year.
this.year = year;
// Month.
this.month = month;
// Array of day names.
this.week = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
// First day of the month.
this.firstDay = moment(this.year + this.month + "01", "YYYYMMDD").format("dddd");
// Number of blanks until first day of the month.
this.numBlanks = this.week.indexOf(this.firstDay);
// Number of days in the month.
this.numDays = new Date(this.year, this.month, 0).getDate();
// Array of days.
this.days = [];
for (i = 1; i <= this.numDays; i++) {
this.days[this.numBlanks + i - 1] = new Day(this.year, this.month, i);
this.days = this.days.concat(new Array(7 - (this.numBlanks + this.numDays % 7)));
$ = moment();
$scope.month = new Month($"YYYY"), $"MM"));
$scope.title = function () { return $"MMMM YYYY"); };
$scope.checked = [];
$scope.go = {
previous: function () {
$"months", 1);
$scope.month = new Month($"YYYY"), $"MM"));
today: function () {
$ = moment();
$scope.month = new Month($"YYYY"), $"MM"));
next: function () {
$"months", 1);
$scope.month = new Month($"YYYY"), $"MM"));
$scope.update_days = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.month.days.length; i++) {
if ($scope.month.days[i] !== undefined && $scope.month.days[i].hasOwnProperty("events")) {
function Test(object) {
object = object || { LocationID: 2, StartTime: $, Duration: 1, EndTime: $"hours", 1), MaxAttendees: 50, Cost: 0, isProctored: false, StatusID: 1 };
this.ID = object.ID;
this.LocationID = object.LocationID;
this.StartTime = object.StartTime;
this.Duration = object.Duration;
this.EndTime = object.EndTime;
this.MaxAttendees = object.MaxAttendees;
this.Course = object.Course;
this.Section = object.Section;
this.Name = object.Name;
this.Notes = object.Notes;
this.Cost = object.Cost;
this.isProctored = object.isProctored;
this.StatusID = object.StatusID;
// Return whether an event exists in the given hour.
Test.prototype.exists = function (hour, id) {
for (var i = 0; i < $; i++) {
if ($[i].ID == id) { return true; }
var es = this.during(hour);
return es.length > 0 && es[0] !== "" && es[0].Course !== "";
// Display an add or edit modal.
Test.prototype.add = function (hour, id) {
var firstDay = $scope.checked[0],
lastDay = $scope.checked[$scope.checked.length - 1];
if (id === undefined && (firstDay === undefined || lastDay === undefined)) {
// Edit
if (this.exists(hour, id)) {
$scope.event = this;
this.op = "Edit";
// Add
} else {
$scope.event = this;
this.StartTime = moment(firstDay.year + firstDay.month +, "YYYYMMDD");
this.EndTime = moment(lastDay.year + lastDay.month +, "YYYYMMDD");
this.op = "Add";
// Remove an event from the JSON event list.
Test.prototype.forget = function () {
var i, a;
for (i = 0; i < $; i++) {
a = $[i].ID;
if (a === this.ID) {
$, 1);
// Add or edit an event.
Test.prototype.update = function () {
var hour = moment(this.StartTime).format("YYYY-MM-DDT");
hour += "07";
hour = moment(hour, "YYYY-MM-DDTHH").format("MM/DD/YYYY HH:00:00");
this.StartTime = hour;
hour = moment(this.EndTime).format("YYYY-MM-DDT");
hour += "19";
hour = moment(hour, "YYYY-MM-DDTHH").format("MM/DD/YYYY HH:00:00");
this.EndTime = hour;
// Add
if (this.op === "Add") {
$"/big/tests/add", this).success(
function (data) {
$$.extend(Test.prototype, data));
// Edit
} else if (this.op === "Edit") {
$"/big/tests/edit", this).success(
function (data) {
$$.extend(Test.prototype, data));
// Delete an event.
Test.prototype.destroy = function () {
if ($ !== undefined) {
$"/big/tests/delete", this).success(
function () {
// Set example properties.
Test.prototype.test = function () {
this.Course = "UNIV 4001";
this.Section = "001";
this.Name = "The Auburn Tradition";
this.Cost = 0;
this.isProctored = false;
// Return list of events in a given day.
Test.prototype.during = function (day) {
var i, a, es = [],
t = moment($"YYYY-MM-") + day, "YYYY-MM-DTH");
if ($ !== undefined) {
for (i = 0; i < $; i++) {
a = moment($[i].StartTime);
if (a.isSame(t, "day")) {
if (es.length === 0) {
return es;
$scope.event = new Test();
$(window).on("resize", size);
$scope.testify = function (objects) {
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
output.push(new Test(objects[i]));
return output;
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