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FP ideas in C++
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
// In Haskell, a Functor is a type class that implements the fmap function. fmap applies a function to every element within a container (e.g., list, Maybe). The C++ code defines a Functor template struct that requires the implementation of fmap for different container types. The % operator is overloaded to use fmap in a more convenient way, mimicking the infix notation of Haskell.
/* Functor */
template <template <typename...> class F>
struct Functor {
template <typename A, typename B>
static function <F<B>(F<A>)> fmap(function <B(A)>);
template <template <typename...> class F, typename A, typename B>
static function <F<B>(F<A>)> fmap(function <B(A)> f) {
return Functor<F>::fmap(f);
template <template <typename...> class F, typename A, typename B>
static F<B> fmap_(function <B(A)> f, F<A> v) {
return Functor<F>::fmap(f)(v);
template <template <typename...> class F, typename A, typename B>
static F<B> operator %(function <B(A)> f, F<A> v) {
return Functor<F>::fmap(f)(v);
/* Monad */
template <template <typename...> class F>
struct Monad {
template <typename A>
static F<A> return_(A);
template <typename A, typename B>
static F<B> bind(F<A>, function<F<B>(A)>);
template <template <typename...> class F, typename A, typename B>
static F<B> bind(F<A> m, function<F<B>(A)> f) {
return Monad<F>::bind(m, f);
template <template <typename...> class F, typename A>
static F<A> return_(A a) {
return Monad<F>::return_(a);
template <template <typename...> class F, typename A, typename B>
static F<B> operator >=(F<A> m, function<F<B>(A)> f) {
return Monad<F>::bind(m, f);
template <template <typename...> class F, typename A, typename B>
static F<B> operator >>(F<A> a, F<B> b) {
function<F<B>(A)> f = [b](A){ return b; };
return a >= f;
/* Maybe */
template <typename T>
class Maybe {
Maybe() : _empty(true){};
explicit Maybe(T value) : _empty(false), _value(value){};
T fromJust() const {
if (isJust()) {
return _value;
} else {
throw "Cannot get value from Nothing";
bool isJust() const { return !_empty; }
bool isNothing() const { return _empty; }
static bool isJust(Maybe &m) { return m.isJust(); }
static bool isNothing(Maybe &m) { return m.isNothing(); }
bool _empty;
T _value;
template <typename T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const Maybe<T> m)
if (m.isJust()) {
return s << "Just " << m.fromJust();
} else {
return s << "Nothing";
/* Functor Maybe */
template <>
struct Functor<Maybe> {
template <typename A, typename B>
static function <Maybe<B>(Maybe<A>)> fmap(function <B(A)> f) {
return [f](Maybe<A> m) -> Maybe<B> {
if (m.isNothing()) {
return Maybe<B>();
} else {
return Maybe<B>(f(m.fromJust()));
/* Monad Maybe */
template <>
struct Monad<Maybe> {
template <typename A>
static Maybe<A> return_(A v){
return Maybe<A>(v);
template <typename A, typename B>
static Maybe<B> bind(Maybe<A> m, function<Maybe<B>(A)> f){
if (m.isNothing()){
return Maybe<B>();
} else {
return f(m.fromJust());
/* Functor vector */
template <>
struct Functor<vector> {
template <typename A, typename B>
static function <vector<B>(vector<A>)> fmap(function <B(A)> f) {
return [f](vector<A> v){
vector<B> result;
transform(v.begin(), v.end(), back_inserter(result), f);
return result;
/* Monad vector */
template <>
struct Monad<vector> {
template <typename A>
static vector<A> return_(A v){
return vector<A>{v};
template <typename A, typename B>
static vector<B> bind(vector<A> m, function<vector<B>(A)> f){
vector<B> v;
for_each(m.begin(), m.end(), [f, &v](A a){
vector<B> result = f(a);
copy(result.begin(), result.end(), back_inserter(v));
return v;
template <typename A, typename B, typename C>
static function<C(A)> compose(function<B(A)> f1, function<C(B)> f2) {
return [f1,f2](A v) -> C {
return f2(f1(v));
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
/* Returns the length of a string. */
function<int(string)> length = [](string s){return s.size();};
/* Squares an integer arugment. */
function<int(int)> square = [](int i) { return i*i; };
/* Tests function composition. */
cout << "Square of length of \"testing 1234\": " <<
compose(length, square)("testing 1234") << endl;
Maybe<string> just("Hello World");
Maybe<string> nothing;
cout << "Untouched Maybes:" << endl;
cout << "\t" << just << endl;
cout << "\t" << nothing << endl;
cout << "Maybes fmapped with length:" << endl;
cout << "\t" << length % just << endl;
cout << "\t" << length % nothing << endl;
/* A function to test monadic bind on Maybe.
* Returns Just x if x > 5 otherwise Nothing.
function<Maybe<int>(int)> fm = [](int v){ return v > 5 ? Maybe<int>(v) : Maybe<int>(); };
auto good = return_<Maybe>(6);
auto bad = return_<Maybe>(4);
cout << "Before bind:" << endl;
cout << "\t" << good << endl;
cout << "\t" << bad << endl;
cout << "After bind (if x > 5 Just x else Nothing):" << endl;
//cout << "\t" << bind(good, fm) << endl;
cout << "\t" << (good >= fm) << endl;
cout << "\t" << (bad >= fm) << endl;
function<vector<int>(int)> fv = [](int v){ return vector<int>{v,v*v};};
cout << "Monadic bind on vector \\v -> [v,v*v]:" << endl;
vector<int> v{1,2,3,4,5};
vector<int> vr = v >= fv;
vector<int> vrr = v >= fv >= fv;
cout << "\t";
copy(v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
cout << endl << "\t";
copy(vr.begin(), vr.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
cout << endl << "\t";
copy(vrr.begin(), vrr.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
cout << endl;
return 0;
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