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Last active March 30, 2024 08:21
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import System.Random (StdGen, randomR, split)
type Interval = (Double, Double)
type Label = String
data Event = Event Label Interval deriving (Show)
data Relationship = Before | Meets | Overlaps | After
deriving (Show, Eq)
type IntervalGraph = [(Event, Event, Relationship)]
determineRelationship :: Interval -> Interval -> Maybe Relationship
determineRelationship (start1, end1) (start2, end2)
| end1 < start2 = Just Before
| end1 == start2 = Just Meets
| start1 < start2 && end1 > end2 = Just Overlaps
| start2 < start1 = Just After
| otherwise = Nothing
createEventBasedOnRelationship :: Event -> Relationship -> StdGen -> (Event, StdGen)
createEventBasedOnRelationship (Event lbl (start, end)) relationship gen =
let (gen1, gen2) = split gen
newLabel = lbl ++ "'"
(duration, newGen) = randomR (1.0, 5.0) gen1
newInterval = case relationship of
Before -> (start - duration - 1.0, start - 1.0)
Meets -> (end, end + duration)
Overlaps -> (end - 1.0, end + duration - 1.0)
After -> (end + 1.0, end + duration + 1.0)
in (Event newLabel newInterval, newGen)
generateGraph :: [Event] -> IntervalGraph
generateGraph events =
let findRelations e = [(e, e', rel) | e' <- events, e /= e', Just rel <- [determineRelationship (snd $ eventInterval e) (snd $ eventInterval e')]]
eventInterval (Event _ interval) = interval
in concatMap findRelations events
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