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Last active June 18, 2016 16:06
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void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o)
// Create a separate variable to store our UVs
// before we pass them to the tex2D() function
fixed2 scrolledUV = IN.uv_MainTex;
// Create variables that store the individual
// x and y components for the UVs scaled by time
fixed xScrollValue = _ScrollXSpeed * _Time;
fixed yScrollValue = _ScrollYSpeed * _Time;
// Apply the final UV offset
scrolledUV += fixed2(xScrollValue, yScrollValue);
// Apply textures and tint
half4 c = tex2D(_MainTex, scrolledUV);
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
o.Alpha = c.a;
FallBack "Diffuse"
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