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Created February 9, 2020 22:26
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ISBN 10 and 13 verifier
(ns isbn-verifier)
(defn- digits
"Splits ISBN 10 string into collection of digits"
(keep #(cond
(Character/isDigit %) (Character/getNumericValue %)
(= \X %) 10)
(defn- isbn10-checksum
"Calculates ISBN 10 checksum"
(->> digits
(map * (range 10 1 -1))
(apply +)
(#(- 11 (mod % 11)))))
(defn- isbn13-checksum
"Calculates ISBN 13 checksum"
(->> digits
(map * (flatten (repeat 6 '(1 3))))
(apply +)
(#(- 10 (mod % 10)))))
(defn- isbn10?
"Validates ISBN 10 number"
(let [checksum? #(= (isbn10-checksum %) (last %))]
(and (not= nil (re-matches #"\d[-]?\d{3}[-]?\d{5}[-]?[\d|X]" string))
(checksum? (digits string)))))
(defn- isbn13?
"Validates ISBN 13 number"
(let [checksum? #(= (isbn13-checksum %) (last %))]
(and (not= nil (re-matches #"978[-]?\d[-]?\d{3}[-]?\d{5}[-]?[\d|X]" string))
(checksum? (digits string)))))
(defn- isbn10->13
"Converts ISBN 10 string to ISBN 13 one"
(str "978-" isbn10))
(defn isbn?
"Validates ISBN number"
(and (isbn10? isbn)
(isbn13? (isbn10->13 isbn))))
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