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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Save smoll/327be04182f36a564475 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Using Ruby and smarter_csv gem to process Statement Exports (Tab-separated values file with headers)
require 'benchmark'
require 'smarter_csv'
require 'bigdecimal' # using BigDecimal instead of Float
require 'bigdecimal/util'
# modify these variables
filename = "new_statement_detail_Yorck_Eysel_10942_Q12014.txt" # put the real path to your .txt file here
rows_per_chunk = 10000 # processes this many rows in each "chunk"
name_of_column = "Label Share Net Receipts"
number_format = "EU" # set this to "EU" or "US"
# end modify section
raise "Set number_format to either \"EU\" or \"US\"!" unless number_format == "US" or number_format == "EU"
col = name_of_column.downcase.gsub( /\s/, '_' ).gsub( "'", "" ).to_sym # turn "Label Share Net Receipts" into :label_share_net_receipts
options = {
:chunk_size => rows_per_chunk,
:col_sep => "\t",
:row_sep => "\n",
:strip_chars_from_headers => /[\-']/, # if any header columns have apostrophes, this removes them so we don't get a MalformedCSV exception
:force_simple_split => true,
:key_mapping => {col => :receipts}, # this remaps something like :label_net_share_receipts to :receipts in the hash so it's less verbose
:remove_unmapped_keys => true # this ignores columns that aren't mapped, speeds up processing
row_count = 0
receipts_total = 0
b = Benchmark.measure do
chunk_num = 0
puts "Using #{options[:chunk_size]} row chunks!"
SmarterCSV.process(filename, options) do |chunk|
# if we need to debug the chunks due to errors, uncomment the following line:
#puts chunk.inspect
chunk_num += 1
puts "Processing chunk: #{chunk_num}" # this will print a line for each chunk that is processed, to see progress. You can comment this out.
if chunk_num == 1 # logic to double-check number format, but only do it for the first chunk
commas = chunk.inject(0) do |c, hash|
c + hash[:receipts].to_s.scan(",").size # increment if value contains a comma
periods = chunk.inject(0) do |p, hash|
p + hash[:receipts].to_s.scan(".").size # increment if value contains a comma
# Todo: change these puts to raises when we implement this in our test suite:
puts "Found more periods than commas...are you sure number format is EU?" if number_format == "EU" && periods > commas
puts "Found more commas than periods...are you sure number format is US?" if number_format == "US" && commas > periods
receipts_total += chunk.inject(0) do |sum, hash|
row_count += 1
if number_format == "EU"
hash[:receipts].gsub!(".","_") # Ruby uses "_" as a locale-agnostic thousands separator
hash[:receipts].gsub!(",",".") # use period as decimal delimiter
sum + hash[:receipts].to_d # convert each entry to BigDecimal
puts "-"*80
puts "File row count: #{row_count}"
puts "receipts_total final: #{receipts_total.to_s('F')}"
puts "Rounted to 2 decimals: #{receipts_total.round(2).to_s('F')}"
puts "-"*80
puts "Total time to process was #{} seconds"
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smoll commented Jul 28, 2014

Updated the gist to use BigDecimal instead of Float, to avoid rounding errors

"Float objects represent inexact real numbers using the native architecture's double-precision floating point representation."

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smoll commented Jul 28, 2014

Added row count print

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smoll commented Jul 29, 2014

Added better EU/US number format handling, number_format needs to be set to either "EU" or "US".

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