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Last active June 10, 2020 13:28
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" ### Ocaml
" Get the opam directories:
let opam_prefix_ = system('echo -n "$(opam config var prefix)"')
let opam_prefix = substitute(opam_prefix_,'^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '') " This strips the string
" #### merlin
if filereadable(opam_prefix . '/share/ocamlmerlin/vim/doc/merlin.txt')
exec 'set rtp+=' . opam_prefix . '/share/ocamlmerlin/vim'
exec 'set rtp+=' . opam_prefix . '/share/ocamlmerlin/vimbufsync'
exec 'helptags ' . opam_prefix . '/share/ocamlmerlin/vim/doc'
if filereadable(opam_prefix . '/share/merlin/vim/doc/merlin.txt')
exec 'set rtp+=' . opam_prefix . '/share/merlin/vim'
exec 'helptags ' . opam_prefix . '/share/merlin/vim/doc'
" #### More OCaml files:
autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.eliom set filetype=ocaml
autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.eliomi set filetype=ocaml
autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.atd set filetype=ocaml
" #### def's ocp-indent mode
" (I use NeoBundle, but it works with other package managers)
NeoBundle 'def-lkb/ocp-indent-vim'
let g:ocp_indent_args='-c strict_with=always,with=0,strict_comments=false'
" #### Some cool optional stuff
fun! OCaml_additional()
" For the plugin 'tpope/vim-commentary':
set commentstring=(*\ %s\ *)
" For indenting and folding
set foldmethod=indent
set shiftwidth=2
map <buffer> <localleader>bmw obegin match with<cr>end<esc>k2==0EEl
nmap <buffer> <localleader>om o>>= fun -><esc>==0t-
nmap <buffer> <localleader>ou o>>= fun () -><esc>==
nmap <buffer> <localleader>ad a(** *)<esc>hh
nmap <buffer> <localleader>op o\| -><esc>==^l
set cc=81 " display 81st column
" It's a merlin thing, but who cares:
nmap <buffer> <localleader>l :Locate<cr>
autocmd FileType ocaml call OCaml_additional()
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