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import smartpy as sp
class FA2_mini(sp.Contract):
def __init__(self, history, metadata):
history = history,
metadata = metadata
(* In the tezos codebase: Use ["dune utop src/lib_base"] *)
open Tezos_crypto
let enc =
(* src/proto_alpha/lib_protocol/ *)
let open Data_encoding in
obj2 (req "operation" Operation_hash.encoding) (dft "index" int32 0l)
(* src/proto_alpha/lib_protocol/ *)
## Let's setup a silent [sandbox](,
## and configure `tezos-client` for it:
docker run --rm --name my-sandbox --detach -p 20000:20000 \
tqtezos/flextesa:20201214 delphibox start
tezos-client --endpoint http://localhost:20000 config update
tezos-client import secret \
key alice unencrypted:edsk3QoqBuvdamxouPhin7swCvkQNgq4jP5KZPbwWNnwdZpSpJiEbq --force
tezos-client import secret key \
bob unencrypted:edsk3RFfvaFaxbHx8BMtEW1rKQcPtDML3LXjNqMNLCzC3wLC1bWbAt --force
## (don't forget to `docker kill my-sandbox` when you're done).
smondet /
Last active June 23, 2020 15:24
Data for michokit blog post
(* Generated code for
pair (pair (nat %some_counter) (string %some_name))
(or %a_variant_thing (bytes %some_data) (key %the_key))
module Big_int = struct
include Big_int
let equal_big_int = eq_big_int
let pp_big_int ppf bi = Format.pp_print_string ppf (string_of_big_int bi)
" ### Ocaml
" Get the opam directories:
let opam_prefix_ = system('echo -n "$(opam config var prefix)"')
let opam_prefix = substitute(opam_prefix_,'^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '') " This strips the string
" #### merlin
if filereadable(opam_prefix . '/share/ocamlmerlin/vim/doc/merlin.txt')
exec 'set rtp+=' . opam_prefix . '/share/ocamlmerlin/vim'
exec 'set rtp+=' . opam_prefix . '/share/ocamlmerlin/vimbufsync'
exec 'helptags ' . opam_prefix . '/share/ocamlmerlin/vim/doc'
dune exe dune-deps/src/Main.exe . | tred >
dot -Tpng -o tezos.png
Genspio: Generating Shell Phrases In OCaml

[Genspio][] is a typed EDSL to generate shell scripts from OCaml. The idea is to build values of type 'a Genspio.EDSL.t with the combinators in the Genspio.EDSL module, and compile them to POSIX shell scripts (or one-liners) with functions from the Genspio.Compile module.

The project provides two compilers. The standard compiler generates strict but complex POSIX shell expressions, which can be even treated as one-liners. The second compiler, generates much slower but simpler scripts targeting a subset of

smondet /
Last active August 10, 2017 19:44
Deploy Debug for Wobi-seco-local
#use "/epidisco-shared/";;
let workflow =
let open Biokepi in
let open KEDSL in
let program =
let open Program in
let cmd c =
let shorten s =
match String.sub s ~index:0 ~length:50 with
smondet /
Created October 19, 2016 18:28
Transfer existential types
type t =
| Text: 'a list -> t
type u =
| Uext: 'a list -> u
let f: t -> u =

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am smondet on github.
  • I am smondet ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 48E8 876A 5F5B E376 19F2 AB8A ABDE 8FF0 8479 CA0C

To claim this, I am signing this object: