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Created May 20, 2024 11:01
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using Silk.NET.Maths;
using Silk.NET.WebGPU;
using Silk.NET.Windowing;
var options = WindowOptions.Default;
options.Size = new Vector2D<int>(800, 600);
WebGPU wgpu = null!;
Instance* instance;
Surface* surface = null!;
Adapter* adapter;
Device* device = null!;
Queue* queue = null!;
var window = Window.Create(options);
window.Load += onLoad;
window.FramebufferResize += onResize;
window.Render += onRender;
void onLoad()
wgpu = WebGPU.GetApi();
instance = wgpu.CreateInstance(new InstanceDescriptor());
surface = window.CreateWebGPUSurface(wgpu, instance);
adapter = requestAdapter(wgpu, instance, new RequestAdapterOptions { CompatibleSurface = surface });
device = requestDevice(wgpu, adapter, new DeviceDescriptor());
queue = wgpu.DeviceGetQueue(device);
void onResize(Vector2D<int> size)
wgpu.SurfaceConfigure(surface, new SurfaceConfiguration
Device = device,
Format = TextureFormat.Bgra8Unorm,
Usage = TextureUsage.RenderAttachment,
Width = (uint)size.X,
Height = (uint)size.Y,
PresentMode = PresentMode.Fifo
void onRender(double delta)
SurfaceTexture surfaceTexture = default;
wgpu.SurfaceGetCurrentTexture(surface, ref surfaceTexture);
TextureView* surfaceView = wgpu.TextureCreateView(surfaceTexture.Texture, null);
var encoder = wgpu.DeviceCreateCommandEncoder(device, new CommandEncoderDescriptor());
RenderPassColorAttachment* colourAttachments = stackalloc RenderPassColorAttachment[1]
new RenderPassColorAttachment
View = surfaceView,
LoadOp = LoadOp.Clear,
StoreOp = StoreOp.Store,
ClearValue = new Color(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
var renderPassDescriptor = new RenderPassDescriptor
ColorAttachmentCount = 1,
ColorAttachments = colourAttachments
var renderPass = wgpu.CommandEncoderBeginRenderPass(encoder, &renderPassDescriptor);
CommandBuffer** commandBuffers = stackalloc CommandBuffer*[1];
commandBuffers[0] = wgpu.CommandEncoderFinish(encoder, new CommandBufferDescriptor());
wgpu.QueueSubmit(queue, 1, commandBuffers);
static Adapter* requestAdapter(WebGPU wgpu, Instance* instance, RequestAdapterOptions options)
Adapter* result = null;
using ManualResetEventSlim adapterRequestEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim();
wgpu.InstanceRequestAdapter(instance, options, PfnRequestAdapterCallback.From((status, adapter, _, _) =>
if (status == RequestAdapterStatus.Success)
result = adapter;
// ReSharper disable once AccessToDisposedClosure
}), null);
return result;
static Device* requestDevice(WebGPU wgpu, Adapter* adapter, DeviceDescriptor desc)
Device* result = null;
using ManualResetEventSlim adapterRequestEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim();
wgpu.AdapterRequestDevice(adapter, desc, PfnRequestDeviceCallback.From((status, device, _, _) =>
if (status == RequestDeviceStatus.Success)
result = device;
// ReSharper disable once AccessToDisposedClosure
}), null);
return result;
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