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Created April 5, 2020 17:33
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Samples from Matt Ellis "Writing Allocation Free Code in C#" talk
// replicating same techniques as
type Point =
val mutable X : int
val mutable Y : int
new(x, y) = { X = x; Y = y }
type Enemy(location: Point) =
let mutable location = location
member x.GetLocation() = location
member x.GetLocationRef() = &location
let areEqual x y =
if x = y then () else failwithf "not equal"
let ``struct return value is a copy`` () =
let enemy = Enemy(Point(10,10))
let mutable location = enemy.GetLocation()
location.X <- 12
areEqual 12 location.X
areEqual 10 (enemy.GetLocation().X)
let ``ref return value is a copy`` () =
let enemy = Enemy(Point(10,10))
let mutable point = enemy.GetLocationRef()
point.X <- 12
areEqual 12 point.X
areEqual 10 (enemy.GetLocation().X)
let ``ref return to ref not a copy`` () =
let enemy = Enemy(Point(10,10))
let point = &enemy.GetLocationRef()
point.X <- 12
areEqual 12 point.X
areEqual 12 (enemy.GetLocation().X)
let ``method as lhs`` () =
let enemy = Enemy(Point(10,10))
enemy.GetLocationRef() <- Point(42,42)
areEqual 42 (enemy.GetLocation().X)
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