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Created June 21, 2016 13:36
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namespace MyTypeProviders
open System
open System.IO
open System.Reflection
open ProviderImplementation.ProvidedTypes
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.CompilerServices
open CsvHelper
open System.Collections.Generic
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
type TheCsvDistinctValuesProvider (config: TypeProviderConfig) as this =
inherit TypeProviderForNamespaces()
let ns = this.GetType().Namespace
let asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(config.RuntimeAssembly)
let providerType = ProvidedTypeDefinition(asm, ns, "CsvDistinctValuesProvider", Some typeof<obj> , HideObjectMethods = true, IsErased = false)
let tempAssembly = ProvidedAssembly(Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetTempFileName(), ".dll"))
tempAssembly.AddTypes [providerType]
parameters = [
ProvidedStaticParameter("CsvFile", typeof<string>)
ProvidedStaticParameter("FieldName", typeof<string>)
ProvidedStaticParameter("Delimiter", typeof<string>)
instantiationFunction = fun typename args -> this.instanciate(typename, (unbox args.[0]), (unbox args.[1]), (unbox args.[2]))
this.AddNamespace(ns, [providerType])
member this.instanciate(typename, csvFile, (fieldName: string), delimiter) =
let tempAssembly = ProvidedAssembly(Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetTempFileName(), ".dll"))
let providedCsvLiteralsType = ProvidedTypeDefinition(asm, ns, typename, baseType = Some typeof<obj> , HideObjectMethods = true, IsErased = false)
tempAssembly.AddTypes [ providedCsvLiteralsType ]
let values =
let values = HashSet<_>()
use textReader = File.OpenText(csvFile)
use csvReader = new CsvReader(textReader)
csvReader.Configuration.Delimiter <- delimiter
while csvReader.Read() do
let value = csvReader.GetField (fieldName)
if not (String.IsNullOrEmpty value) then
values.Add value |> ignore
|> (fun value -> ProvidedLiteralField(value, typeof<string>, value))
|> Seq.iter providedCsvLiteralsType.AddMember
let typeInit = ProvidedConstructor([], IsTypeInitializer = true)
typeInit.InvokeCode <- fun _ -> <@@ () @@>
providedCsvLiteralsType.AddMember typeInit
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Looking at this for the first time and after pulling this code into a local project I get compiler errors on references to ProviderImplementation.ProvidedTypes and TypeProviderForNamespaces as they don't appear to be defined.

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Ah, I found a reference to the FSharp.TypeProviders.StarterPack Nuget package and on the GitHub project README it gives a pretty good explanation of the current state of things wrt writing type providers.

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