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Created February 11, 2016 04:49
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Package devexpress assemblies as nuget packages
#r "../../../../packages/Mono.Cecil/lib/net40/Mono.Cecil.dll"
#r "../../../../packages/QuickGraph/lib/net4/QuickGraph.dll"
#r "../../../../packages/FAKE/tools/FakeLib.dll"
open Mono.Cecil
open System.IO
open QuickGraph
open System.Linq
open System.Reflection
let folder = @"C:\testing\DevExpress 15.2\Components\Bin\Framework"
let baseName = "DevExpress."
let getTopology () =
let graph = new QuickGraph.AdjacencyGraph<AssemblyDefinition, IEdge<AssemblyDefinition>>()
let filenameByAssembly =
let dir = new DirectoryInfo(folder)
let files = dir.GetFiles(baseName + "*.dll")
|> (fun f -> AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(f.FullName), f.FullName)
|> dict
let assemblyDefinitions =
|> (fun a -> a.Name.FullName, a)
|> dict
|> graph.AddVertexRange
|> ignore
for a in assemblyDefinitions.Values do
for r in a.MainModule.AssemblyReferences do
if r.FullName.StartsWith baseName then
graph.AddEdge(new Edge<_>(a, assemblyDefinitions.[r.FullName])) |> ignore
graph, filenameByAssembly
let assembliesInReverseDependencyOrder (graph) =
let a = new Algorithms.TopologicalSort.TopologicalSortAlgorithm<_,_>(graph)
|> Seq.rev
|> Seq.toArray
open Mono.Cecil
let getVersion (assembly: AssemblyDefinition) =
let versionAttributeTypeName = typeof<AssemblyFileVersionAttribute>.FullName
match assembly.CustomAttributes.FirstOrDefault(fun f ->f.AttributeType.FullName = versionAttributeTypeName) with
| null -> None
| a -> Some (a.ConstructorArguments.First().Value :?> string)
let writePackages () =
let graph, filenames = getTopology ()
let assemblies = assembliesInReverseDependencyOrder (graph)
let outputDir = Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, "nugetpackages", baseName)
let dir = DirectoryInfo(outputDir)
if dir.Exists then
let asyncs = seq {
for a in assemblies do
match filenames.TryGetValue(a) with
| false, _ -> printfn "no filename for it???"
| true, filename -> printfn "filename %s" filename
let version = getVersion a
if version.IsSome then
let deps =
match graph.TryGetOutEdges(a) with
| false, _ -> []
| true, deps ->
|> (fun e -> e.Target.Name.Name, (getVersion e.Target).Value)
|> Seq.toList
let fileNames = [
let assemblyFile = filenames.[a]
let docFile = assemblyFile.Replace(".dll", ".xml")
yield (assemblyFile, Some "lib/net40/", None)
if File.Exists docFile then
yield (docFile, Some "lib/net40", None)
let template = FileInfo(Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, @"template.devexpress.nuspec"))
let newTemplate =
Path.Combine(outputDir, a.Name.Name + "." + template.Name)
yield (async {
Fake.NuGetHelper.NuGet (
fun p ->
p with
Files = fileNames
OutputPath = outputDir
WorkingDir = outputDir
Dependencies = deps
ToolPath = Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, "nuget.exe")
Description = a.Name.Name
Authors = ["DevExpress"]
Version = version.Value
Project = a.Name.Name
) newTemplate
return ()
Async.Parallel asyncs
|> Async.RunSynchronously
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<metadata xmlns="">
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