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Created December 5, 2022 08:00
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Advent of Code 2022 - Day 5
plan aoc::day5 (
Boolean $sample = false,
) {
$file = $sample ? {
false => 'aoc/2022/day5.txt',
true => 'aoc/2022/day5.sample.txt',
$lines = file($file).split('\n')
$separator = $lines.index |$value| { $value.empty }
$start_position = $lines[0, $separator - 1]
$movements = $lines[$separator + 1, -1]
$stack_count = ($start_position[0].length + 1) / 4
# FIXME: We surely can create an Array of $stack_count Arrays more easily
$empty_stacks = Array($stack_count).map |$_value| { [] }
$stacks = $start_position.reduce($empty_stacks) |$memo, $value| {
$ |$index, $old_value| {
$crate = $value[$index * 4 + 1]
if $crate == ' ' {
} else {
$old_value << $value[$index * 4 + 1]
$movements.reduce($stacks) |$memo, $movement| {
$x = $movement =~ /\Amove (\d+) from (\d+) to (\d+)\z/
$n = Integer($1)
$from = Integer($2) - 1
$to = Integer($3) - 1
Array($n).reduce($memo) |$memo2, $_n| {
$crate = $memo2[$from][0]
$ |$index, $stack| {
if $index == $from {
$stack[1, -1]
} elsif $index == $to {
[$crate] + $stack
} else {
}.map |$stack| {
$movements.reduce($stacks) |$memo, $movement| {
$x = $movement =~ /\Amove (\d+) from (\d+) to (\d+)\z/
$n = Integer($1)
$from = Integer($2) - 1
$to = Integer($3) - 1
$crates = $memo[$from][0, $n]
$ |$index, $stack| {
if $index == $from {
$stack[$n, -1]
} elsif $index == $to {
$crates + $stack
} else {
}.map |$stack| {
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