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Created December 20, 2015 23:53
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Rock paper scissors spock lizard
# Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard
# require 'pry'
VALID_CHOICES = %w(rock paper scissors spock lizard)
def win?(first, second)
(first == 'scissors' && second == 'paper') ||
(first == 'paper' && second == 'rock') ||
(first == 'rock' && second == 'lizard') ||
(first == 'lizard' && second == 'spock') ||
(first == 'spock' && second == 'scissors') ||
(first == 'scissors' && second == 'lizard') ||
(first == 'lizard' && second == 'paper') ||
(first == 'paper' && second == 'spock') ||
(first == 'spock' && second == 'rock') ||
(first == 'rock' && second == 'scissors')
player_score = 0
computer_score = 0
puts "Welcome to Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard! First to score 5 wins!"
loop do # main loop
def display_result(player, computer)
if win?(player, computer)
prompt("You won this round...")
elsif win?(computer, player)
prompt("The Computer won this round...")
else prompt("It's a tie!")
def prompt(message)
Kernel.puts("=> #{message}")
prompt("Your score: #{player_score}")
prompt("The computer's score: #{computer_score}")
choice = ''
loop do
# prompt("Choose one (first letter ok): #{VALID_CHOICES.join(', ')}")
prompt("Choose one (r)ock (p)aper (sc)issors (s)pock (l)izard")
choice = Kernel.gets().chomp()
if VALID_CHOICES.none? { |word| word[0] == choice || 'sc' == choice }
prompt("That's not a valid choice")
choice = case choice
when 'sc'
then 'scissors'
when 's'
then 'spock'
when 'r'
then 'rock'
when 'p'
then 'paper'
when 'l'
then 'lizard'
computer_choice = VALID_CHOICES.sample
Kernel.puts("You chose #{choice}, the computer chose #{computer_choice}")
display_result(choice, computer_choice)
computerwins = win?(choice, computer_choice)
playerwins = win?(computer_choice, choice)
if computerwins == true
player_score += 1
elsif playerwins == true
computer_score += 1
if player_score == 5
prompt("You won the game!")
elsif computer_score == 5
prompt("The computer won the game!")
break if player_score == 5 || computer_score == 5
end # main loop end
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