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Created March 7, 2019 09:33
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import Dispatch
public final class Atomic<A> {
private var _value: A
private let queue: DispatchQueue
public init(_ value: A, targetQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil) {
_value = value
queue = DispatchQueue(label: "Atomic", attributes: .concurrent, target: targetQueue)
public var value: A {
return queue.sync { _value }
public func mutate(_ transform: (inout A) -> Void) {
queue.sync(flags: .barrier) {
extension Atomic: Equatable where A: Equatable {
public static func ==(lhs: Atomic, rhs: Atomic) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
extension Atomic: Hashable where A: Hashable {
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {