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# test script to show arduino light control code usage
# can execute this (on OS X, assuming named and is chmoded to be runnable - chmod 755) via:
# ./ | sudo cu -l /dev/cu.usbserial-A900cecL -s 115200
while [ 1 ]; do
echo "49572,1261,255"
sleep 1
echo "49572,45326,255"
sleep 1
echo "49572,25831,255"
smpaine / FlexTechLEDController
Last active October 12, 2015 09:27
Arduino code for controlling FlexTech RGBY LED light set
* FlexTechLEDController
* Stephen Paine 2013 (
* Extension of the code found at:
* Controls an LED digitally addressable light sight made by FlexTech:
* Contains extensions (made by me) to the original P9613 controller code from seedstudio (FlexTech light set uses P9618, but appears to be controllable by the P9613 code).