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Created April 25, 2017 20:38
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Coherence 0.3.1 to 0.4.0 Upgrade Instructions

Coherence 0.3.1 to 0.4.0 Upgrade Instructions

Update your configuration

Two new manditory configuration keys are required


config :coherence,
  # ...
  messages_backend: MyProject.Coherence.Messages,
  router: MyProject.Web.Router

Generate new Boilerplate

The following boilerplate files have been updated:

TOO: Update this list!!

  • web/controllers/coherence/cofirmation_controller.ex
  • web/controllers/cohe/coherence/registration_controller.ex
  • web/controllers/coherence/session_controller.ex
  • web/emails/coherence/user_email.ex
  • web/models/coherence/user.ex
  • web/templates/coherence/registration/edit.html.eex
  • web/templates/coherence/registration/edit.html.eex
  • web/views/coherence/coherence_view_helpers.exrence/redirects.ex
  • web/controllers

To update the boilerplate, run:

mix coherence.install --reinstall

Run a git diff to review the updated files. If you had updated any of the boilerplate files, you may need to manually integrate the changes into the newly generated files.

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