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Created November 15, 2020 17:17
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// we have two variables that we will use to generate the warp of the sheet
let t = 0;
let j = 0;
// We will set x and y as random integers
let x = randomInteger(0, 32);
let y = randomInteger(0, 32);
const animate = function () {
// This function is the animation, so lets request a frame
requestAnimationFrame( animate );
// And lets re-render the image
renderer.render( scene, camera );
// Remember the uniform variables from earlier? Now we will update the randomisePosition
// variable with the j variable, producing a random z and x position as shown in the shader
mesh.material.uniforms.u_randomisePosition.value = new THREE.Vector2(j, j);
// We will also generate a random R, G, and B value using R(), G(), and B(). The full code
// can be found in the codepen or on the git.
mesh.material.uniforms.u_color1.value = new THREE.Vector3(R(x,y,t/2), G(x,y,t/2), B(x,y,t/2));
// And since we have t representing time, we will update time. Again, this will produce another
// random input for adjusting the animation of the 3D object.
mesh.material.uniforms.u_time.value = t;
// Every 2 ticks of t, we will adjust x, so it never goes below 0 or above 32.
if(t % 0.1 == 0) {
if(vCheck == false) {
x -= 1;
if(x <= 0) {
vCheck = true;
} else {
x += 1;
if(x >= 32) {
vCheck = false;
// Increase t by a certain value every frame
j = j + 0.01;
t = t + 0.05;
// Call the animation function
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