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Last active June 12, 2019 20:22
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# Plot Fermi 3FGL PS catalog histogram
# Usage:
# p = plot_3FGL()
# x_counts, y_counts, error_L, error_H, x_errors_L, x_errors_H = \
# p.return_counts(flux_min = 5e-11,
# flux_max = 1e-7,
# flux_bins = 12)
# # Plot F^2*dN/dF:
# plt.errorbar(x_counts,x_counts**2*y_counts,xerr=[x_errors_L,x_errors_H],
# yerr=x_counts**2*np.array([error_L,error_H]), fmt='o',
# color='black', label='3FGL PS')
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.stats import chi2
class plot_3FGL():
def __init__(self):
self.errors_sigma = [poisson_interval(i) for i in range(1500)]
def load_3FGL_data(self):
# Load in the 3FGL catalog
self.source_3fg_df = pd.read_csv('3fgl.dat', sep='|', comment='#')
# Remove whitespace from column names
self.source_3fg_df.rename(columns=lambda x: x.strip(), inplace=True)
for col in self.source_3fg_df.columns.values:
self.source_3fg_df[col] = self.source_3fg_df[
except TypeError:
# Convert to numeric data
self.source_3fg_df = self.source_3fg_df.convert_objects(
def lb2pix(self, nside, l, b, nest=False):
""" Convert right ascension and descent to galactic
coordinates, then get index corresponding to HEALPix array
return hp.ang2pix(nside, np.deg2rad(90 - b), np.deg2rad(l), nest=nest)
def return_counts(self, emin=2., emax=20., flux_min=7e-12, flux_max=4e-10, flux_bins=14, nside=128, mask=None):
""" Return histogrammed source counts from 3FGL data
self.nside = nside
self.mask_total = mask
self.energy_range = [emin, emax]
self.area_factor = 1.
# Reduce dataframe to unmasked region
if self.mask_total is not None:
to_include = []
for i in range(len(self.source_3fg_df)):
source_pix = (self.lb2pix(self.nside, self.source_3fg_df[
'_Lii'].values[i], self.source_3fg_df['_Bii'].values[i]))
if self.mask_total[source_pix] == 0:
self.source_3fg_df = self.source_3fg_df.iloc[to_include]
self.area_factor = 1. - \
np.sum(self.mask_total) / float(hp.nside2npix(self.nside))
self.fluxes_3fgl = []
for index, row in self.source_3fg_df.iterrows():
if row['spectrum_type'] == 'PowerLaw':
flux = [quad(lambda E: y_powerlaw(E, .001 * row['pivot_energy'], 1000 * row['flux_density'], row['spectral_index']),
self.energy_range[i], self.energy_range[i + 1])[0] for i in range(len(self.energy_range) - 1)]
elif row['spectrum_type'] == 'LogParabola':
flux = [quad(lambda E: y_logparabola(E, .001 * row['pivot_energy'], 1000 * row['flux_density'], row['spectral_index'],
row['beta']), self.energy_range[i], self.energy_range[i + 1])[0] for i in range(len(self.energy_range) - 1)]
elif row['spectrum_type'] == 'PLExpCutoff':
flux = [quad(lambda E: y_expcutoff(E, .001 * row['pivot_energy'], 1000 * row['flux_density'], row['spectral_index'],
.001 * row['cutoff'], row['exp_index']), self.energy_range[i], self.energy_range[i + 1])[0] for i in range(len(self.energy_range) - 1)]
flux_values_reduced = self.fluxes_3fgl
deg = 180 / np.pi
sr = 4 * np.pi
srdeg2 = sr * deg**2 # (180/np.pi)**2
counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(flux_values_reduced, bins=np.logspace(
int(np.log10(flux_min)), int(np.log10(flux_max)), flux_bins))
bin_centres = 10**((np.log10(bin_edges[:-1]) +
np.log10(bin_edges[1:])) / 2.)
bin_centers = bin_centres # British to American
bin_width = bin_edges[1:] - bin_edges[:-1]
x_counts = bin_centres
y_counts = np.array(counts / (self.area_factor * bin_width * srdeg2))
y_counts_err = np.array(
np.sqrt(counts) / (self.area_factor * bin_width * srdeg2))
errors = [self.errors_sigma[count] for count in counts]
error_L = []
error_H = []
for i in range(len(counts)):
error_L.append(counts[i] - errors[i][0] - 10**-8)
error_H.append(errors[i][1] - counts[i])
self.error_L = np.array(error_L) / \
(self.area_factor * bin_width * srdeg2)
self.error_H = np.array(error_H) / \
(self.area_factor * bin_width * srdeg2)
self.x_errors_L = np.array(
[bin_centers[i] - bin_edges[i] for i in range(np.size(bin_centers))])
self.x_errors_H = np.array(
[bin_edges[i + 1] - bin_centers[i] for i in range(np.size(bin_centers))])
return x_counts, y_counts, self.error_L, self.error_H, self.x_errors_L, self.x_errors_H
# 3FGL fit functions
def y_powerlaw(E, E0, K, Gamma):
return K * (E / E0)**(-Gamma)
def y_logparabola(E, E0, K, Gamma, beta):
return K * (E / E0)**(-Gamma - beta * np.log(E / E0))
def y_expcutoff(E, E0, K, Gamma, Ec, b):
return K * (E / E0)**(-Gamma) * np.exp((E0 / Ec)**b - (E / Ec)**b)
def poisson_interval(k, alpha=0.32):
""" Uses chisquared info to get the poisson interval.poisson
Stolen from
a = alpha
low, high = (chi2.ppf(a/2, 2*k) / 2, chi2.ppf(1-a/2, 2*k + 2) / 2)
if k == 0:
low = 0.0
return low, high
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