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Last active August 12, 2019 18:40
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Random notes on cluster-related stuff for Princeton clusters.

Useful tips and tricks for running on Princeton's computing clusters. (Adapted from


Feynman-hepheno has 3 nodes -- node022 with 16 cores and 128GB memory, and node040-node041 with 28 cores and 256GB memory.

  • Three areas -- home (~), group (/group/hepheno/) and group storage (/mnt/hepheno/)
  • Best to work from your user directory in /group/hepheno since ~ has very little storage space -- set a cd /group/hepheno/ in ~/.bashrc!
  • The contents of /group/hepheno/ are automatically sourced on cd into the group directory /group/hepheno/:
    • Activates a python virtual environment (see below)
    • Initiates MPI and sets a few environment variables
  • Different compiler versions (intel/gnu) as well as OpenMPI/Intel MPI versions can be activated using module load <module> and available modules seen using module avail.
  • Typical env:

Submitting jobs

  • SLURM scheduler. Typical batch file:
#SBATCH -N 1   # node count
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=12
#SBATCH -t 4:00:00
#SBATCH --mail-type=begin
#SBATCH --mail-type=end
#SBATCH -p hepheno

cd /hepheno/heptools/test_code
mpiexec.hydra -n 12
  • To submit job, sbatch submit.batch
  • Standard output and error in same directory where job is run from.
  • Useful commands:
    • squeue [-u <username>] to view jobs
    • scancel -u <username> and scancel <jobid> to cancel jobs


  • The Fermi data is stored in /mnt/hepheno/CTBCORE/ and /mnt/hepheno/FermiData
  • /group/hepheno/heptools/ contains relevent programs (MultiNest, pythia etc) as well as the NPTF code (likeliy outdated)



Tiger has 16 cores/node and della has 20 cores/node.

  • Home dir ~ (negligible storage space), /scratch/gpfs/ (temp work, short-lived branches etc), /tigress/ (storage area, everything else)
  • Both tiger and della use common storage space /tigress/ so probably best to work from there
  • Fermi data in /tigress/smsharma/public
  • Software in /tigress/smsharma/public/heptools (including NPTF code)
  • No group setup so need to run the following before using:
cd /tigress/smsharma/public/heptools/MultiNest/
cd /tigress/smsharma/public/heptools
source venv/bin/activate
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/tigress/smsharma/public/heptools/Fermi-NPTF-edep
module load openmpi


Most of this is just random stuff that I find useful while running on the cluster

Editing locally:

If you want to use Sublime Text, either use rsub or Sublime FTP

Instructions for rsub:

  • Put this script somewhere on the cluster and name the file rsub. chmod +x the file. Change the port setting to the desired on (here, port=52697)
  • Create an alias rsub pointing to that file
  • Install rsub locally in Sublime via the ST package manager. Open the package settings and set the port appropriately ("port": 52697).
  • Add the following lines in ~/.ssh/config, for each cluster being used:
    RemoteForward 52697

Staying logged in to a session

tmux allows multiple persistent terminal sessions

  • Install local version of tmux using this script
  • tmux new-session -s <name> to start new session
  • tmux attach -t <name> to attach named session
  • Ctrl-B D to detach session
  • tmux attach to attach session
  • Ctrl-B $ to rename session
  • tmux kill-session -t <name> to kill session
  • tmux ls to view active sessions
  • set-window-option -g aggressive-resize to properly resize over different sessions

Here's a nice cheatsheet.

To get proper mouse scrolling in iTerm, edit ~/.tmux.conf (might not work):

set-option -g mouse on

Kill all processes started by you

kill -9 -1
kill [-u <user>]

Running an jupyter notebook remotely

For feynman:

  1. Go to the root folder from where you can navigate to your notebooks
  2. On Feynman, type: jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=7000. NB: Replace 7000 with something unique 7xxx.
  3. On your computer, type: ssh -N -f -L localhost:7000:localhost:7000 <username>
  4. On your web browser, go to: http://localhost:7000

To follow a job as it's running

tail -f ~/HL_Sim1_NPTF_0-15_np3.batch.o288395

Finding number of available processors (cores)


Set up aliases on local machine

So you don't have to type the ssh command each time when logging in, append these to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile

# Aliases for ssh-ing into clusters
alias feynman="ssh -Y"
alias della="ssh -Y"
alias tiger="ssh -Y"
alias perseus="ssh -Y"

Set up ssh public key authentication

So you don't have to type a password each time when logging in. For Linux and Mac OS X (sorry, Windows users).

  • Create a private/public keypair on your local machine (note: if you already have an existing keypair, you can skip this step): ssh-keygen -t rsa. Enter password and specify output file path as prompted.
  • Copy the public key to the cluster:
    • Linux: ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/
    • OS X: cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh "mkdir ~/.ssh; cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
  • Enter passwords as prompted, and you should be good to go!

Installing stuff on a new machine

Making a virtual environment with Anaconda

  • Download the appropriate version with wget from here.
  • Simply do e.g. bash Make sure to choose the prepend path to be somewhere nice and spacious rather than your home dir.
  • Conda is now installed and it should also have appended conda to your PATH (otherwise do somethinglike export PATH="/group/hepheno/heptools/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"). This installs the usual stuff like [num/sci/asto]py etc.
  • Create a new venv with conda create -n venv_py27 python=2.7 anaconda, where you can see the available Python versions with conda search "^python$".
  • Activate your beautiful venv with source activate venv_py27. You can now pip install into it and do whatever you please.

TODO: working with multiple Python versions in venvs for development. TODO: pipenv

Making a virtual environment (OLD: recommend using Conda as above)

curl -O # Check for latest version
tar xzf virtualenv-1.9.tar.gz
python virtualenv-1.9/ venv
source venv/bin/activate

Can use a different python executable with virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.6 <path/to/new/virtualenv/> (in case the default one is old, for example)

autoenv automatically sources virtual environments on login -- useful!

Installing PolSpice

  • Download and untar PolSpice
tar -zxvf PolSpice_v03-01-06.tar.gz
cd PolSpice[..]
  • Make sure $HEALPIX is set to your root Healpix directory and edit the Makefile in src. My header:
# Makefile to customize for your system
# system variable HEALPIX must be defined for compilation
#  and at run time
FC = gfortran                   # F90 compiler
FCFLAGS =  -fopenmp -lgomp              # compiler options
FITSLIB = /group/hepheno/heptools/cfitsio/              # cfitsio library location (directory)
SUFF   = F90            # Healpix f90 include and lib suffix
HPXINC = $(HEALPIX)/include$(SUFF)  # Healpix f90 include files location
HPXLIB = $(HEALPIX)/lib$(SUFF)      # Healpix f90 library location
LIBS = -L$(HPXLIB) -lhealpix -L$(FITSLIB) -lcfitsio
  • Add /PolSpice/src to your $PATH so that spice is available
  • See example in CAPS.ipynb in the Rockstar directory. The other file you'll need is from the same directory

Installing MultiNest

cd /group/hepheno/smsharma/ #cd /group/hepheno/heptools/

git clone

source /opt/intel/impi/
cmake -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=gfortran
make install #optional, probably don't need it / might not work

# Need to do this everytime -- replace $(pwd) with install dir and add to or ~/.bashrc.

Python packages needed on fresh install

pip install numpy matplotlib scipy healpy pandas Cython mpmath pymultinest mpi4py numexpr astropy ipython jupyter ipyparallel joblib tqdm iminuit 
pip install scikit-learn keras tensorflow

If astropy and numpy happen to not play nice, the following definitely work:

pip install numpy==1.9.1
pip install astropy==1.0.3

If getting errors about .so files not being found (libraries)

Try installing OpenBLAS

git clone
cd OpenBLAS
make FC=gfortran

To get tqdm/tqdm_notebook working in JupyterLab

  • Install nodejs:
conda install -c conda-forge nodejs 
  • Install the JupyterLab extensionwith widgets as in here.

Using git

  • To clone repository: git clone <remote link>
  • To pull updates from remote: git pull
  • To add all local changes (from the folder you're in): git add -A .
  • To remove files from local: git rm <files>
  • To commit changes: git commit -m "<Descriptive name of commit>"
  • To push changes to remote: git push


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