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smsm21 / dgd
Created October 25, 2017 18:17
Clean wood in simple ways and amazing results
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Most houses have different wooden pieces such as furniture and parquet flooring. Wood cleaning must be done with care and care in order to maintain it and to live longer with the same gloss. Today we will have some of the methods you can use to clean wood and achieve amazing results in addition to maintaining it.
Before cleaning wood ..
You should consider the type of wood surface you deal with, the different kind of cleaning method varies wood. There are coarse wooden surfaces, and there are painted with different types of paint, and there are processed in contrast to those made of raw. Here are the general methods for performing the task of cleaning the wood, but consider the experience of the method on the sample is not visible first and waiting for the result, and if successful only used for the entire wooden surface.
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smsm21 / fjf
Last active October 25, 2017 18:21
The cockroach is one of the most annoying insects to a large number of people, and many of them are always complaining about their pursuit of a way to get rid of cockroaches and eliminate them completely if they are in their homes. Before going on to talk about the most important ways and means to completely eliminate the cockroaches, We will provide some information about that insect. The cockroach belongs to the rank of the winged insects that are known to be domestic scents. This world of cockroaches has been known for 250 million years. More than 3,500 species of cockroaches are scattered in different and varied environments such as tropical forests and deserts. The cockroaches that live where humans live and where they live are about 20 species. This insect is characterized by small wings, and legs, and wings are brown in color and transparent, the owner of the body of oblique color tends to brown, as well as large eyes and has a long sensor horn. The cockroach is the only organism in which the microbial
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