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Created June 1, 2014 06:39
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package main
import (
type DataPoint struct {
Time float64
Summary string
Icon string
SunriseTime float64
SunsetTime float64
PrecipIntensity float64
PrecipIntensityMax float64
PrecipIntensityMaxTime float64
PrecipProbability float64
PrecipType string
PrecipAccumulation float64
Temperature float64
TemperatureMin float64
TemperatureMinTime float64
TemperatureMax float64
TemperatureMaxTime float64
DewPoint float64
WindSpeed float64
WindBearing float64
CloudCover float64
Humidity float64
Pressure float64
Visibility float64
Ozone float64
type Forecast struct {
Latitude float64
Longitude float64
Timezone string
Offset float64
Currently DataPoint
Junk string
func main() {
// Create a wait group to manage the goroutines.
var waitGroup sync.WaitGroup
// Perform 4 concurrent queries
for query := 0; query < 4; query++ {
go Get(query, &waitGroup)
// Wait for all the queries to complete.
fmt.Printf("All Queries Completed")
// Get is a function that is launched as a goroutine
func Get(query int, waitGroup *sync.WaitGroup) {
// Decrement the wait group count so the program knows this
// has been completed once the goroutine exits.
defer waitGroup.Done()
addr := [4]string{"Pune,India", "Franklin,TN", "Sydney,Australia", "Vientiane,Lao PDR"}
// Geocoding API
// QueryEscape escapes the addr string so
// it can be safely placed inside a URL query
// safeAddr := url.QueryEscape(addr)
safeAddr := url.QueryEscape(addr[query])
fullUrl := fmt.Sprintf("", safeAddr)
// Build the request
req, err1 := http.NewRequest("GET", fullUrl, nil)
if err1 != nil {
log.Fatal("NewRequest: ", err1)
// For control over HTTP client headers,
// redirect policy, and other settings,
// create a Client
// A Client is an HTTP client
client := &http.Client{}
// Send the request via a client
// Do sends an HTTP request and
// returns an HTTP response
resp, err2 := client.Do(req)
if err2 != nil {
log.Fatal("Do: ", err2)
// Callers should close resp.Body
// when done reading from it
// Defer the closing of the body
defer resp.Body.Close()
// Read the content into a byte array
body, dataReadErr := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if dataReadErr != nil {
log.Fatal("ReadAll: ", dataReadErr)
res := make(map[string][]map[string]map[string]map[string]interface{}, 0)
// We will be using the Unmarshal function
// to transform our JSON bytes into the
// appropriate structure.
// The Unmarshal function accepts a byte array
// and a reference to the object which shall be
// filled with the JSON data (this is simplifying,
// it actually accepts an interface)
json.Unmarshal(body, &res)
// lat, lng as float64
lat, _ := res["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]["lat"]
lng, _ := res["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]["lng"]
// Forecast API
// %.13f is used to convert float64 to a string
url := fmt.Sprintf(",%.13f?units=ca", lat, lng)
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Get: ", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
fbody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("ReadAll: ", err)
var f Forecast
json.Unmarshal(fbody, &f)
fmt.Println("The Weather at ", addr[query])
fmt.Println("Timezone = ", f.Timezone)
fmt.Println("Temp in Celsius = ", f.Currently.Temperature)
fmt.Println("Summary = ", f.Currently.Summary)
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