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Created August 13, 2012 22:10
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Save smujohnson/3344438 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10.0;
use Sjohnson::Database qw(getTBMDSN);
use Sjohnson::Shortcuts qw(slurp);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
use DBI;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
use Text::Trim;
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
# ---
my $tmp_dir;
$tmp_dir = (-d '/tmp/tmpfs') ? '/tmp/tmpfs' : '/tmp';
my %rowdata; # stores the actual fields of the insertion row
$rowdata{al_name} = determineUser();
# default tag suggestions
my @tags_do_want = ('bug', 'fixed');
# all the tags
my @tags = getTags( { check_against => \@tags_do_want } );
# start preparing the "before buffer", for vi editing
my $buffer_init = prepareCommentedMessages();
my ($tempfile_fh, $tempfile_fn) = tempfile("tmpfileXXXXX", 'DIR', $tmp_dir);
print $tempfile_fh $buffer_init;
# end of init state, fire up the editor
system($ENV{EDITOR}, $tempfile_fn);
# done editing, now load that bad boy up by lines so we can parse the data.
# the idea is to grab the Heading and Tags lines and parse them, then yank them out.
# What remains is taken as the "activity", and thus whitespace trimmed.
my @lines = split("\n", slurp($tempfile_fn));
@lines = grep { ! m/^\s* \#/x } @lines;
my @tags_chosen;
my $c = -1;
foreach (@lines) {
next unless defined;
if (m/^Tags: (.+)$/) {
@tags_chosen = split(' ', $1);
$lines[$c] = undef;
if (m/^Heading: (.+)$/) {
$lines[$c] = undef;
$rowdata{al_heading} = trim($1);
@lines = grep { defined } @lines;
if (! @tags_chosen) {
gracefulDeath("no tags chosen");
if (! exists($rowdata{al_heading})) {
gracefulDeath("heading not present");
if (! length($rowdata{al_heading})) {
gracefulDeath("blank heading!");
# if there are any supported tags, exit the program
scanTags(\@tags, \@tags_chosen);
@tags_chosen = uniq @tags_chosen;
# tags in this field are space delimited
$rowdata{al_tags} = join ' ', @tags_chosen;
$rowdata{al_activity} = trim(join ("\n", @lines));
unless (length($rowdata{al_activity})) {
gracefulDeath("No article scooped.");
my $dbi = DBI->connect(getTBMDSN());
my $sth_insert = $dbi->prepare('INSERT INTO `activity_log` (al_datecreated, al_name, al_heading, al_tags,
al_activity, al_activitydate) VALUES (NOW(), ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())');
$sth_insert->execute( @rowdata{"al_name", "al_heading", "al_tags", "al_activity"} );
# ---
sub prepareCommentedMessages {
my $buffer;
$buffer .= "Heading: \n\n\n\n";
$buffer .= "Tags: " . join(' ', @tags_do_want) . "\n";
$buffer .= "\n";
$buffer .= "# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n";
$buffer .= "# with '#' will be ignored.\n";
$buffer .= "#\n";
$buffer .= "# Available tags:\n#\n";
my @tags_copy = @tags;
my $c = 0;
while (@tags_copy) {
my @five;
for (1 .. 5) {
last unless @tags_copy;
push(@five, shift(@tags_copy));
$buffer .= "# " . join(' ', @five) . "\n";
return $buffer;
sub getTags {
my $argref = shift;
my @tags_from_php = trim split(',' => qx'php -r \'include_once("site/ListFactory.php"); include_once
("site/SiteAction/SA_TBMNews.php"); $sa = new SA_TBMNews(); $a = $sa->getTagNames(); print implode (",",
$a) . "\n";\'');
if (exists($argref->{check_against})) {
scanTags(\@tags_from_php, $argref->{check_against});
return @tags_from_php;
sub scanTags {
my $array_ref_main = shift;
my $array_ref_keys_to_check = shift;
foreach my $tp (@$array_ref_keys_to_check) {
if (! grep { $_ eq $tp } @$array_ref_main) {
gracefulDeath("requested a tag not found in the source tag list");
sub determineUser {
for ($ENV{USER}) {
gracefulDeath("Unknown user!");
sub gracefulDeath {
my $msg = shift;
say STDERR "Exiting script, reason given: $msg";
if (defined($rowdata{al_heading}) || defined($rowdata{al_activity})) {
print "Dumping input data back to you...\n\n";
if (defined($rowdata{al_heading})) { print "Heading: $rowdata{al_heading}\n\n"; }
if (defined($rowdata{al_activity})) { print "Activity: $rowdata{al_activity}\n\n"; }
if (@tags_chosen) { print "Tags: @tags_chosen\n"; }
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