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#!/usr/bin/env python3
Quick & Dirty timelapse generator for BRAW files
Copyright (C) 2021 Sylvain Munaut <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import functools
import mmap
import os
import struct
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metadata block parsing
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Atom:
__atoms = {}
def __init__(self, data): = data
def serialize(self):
def print(self, lvl=0):
print("%6d %08x %s-%s" % (len(, self.AID, lvl*' |', bytes([4:8]).decode('utf8')))
def all_atoms(cls):
return set(cls.__subclasses__()).union(
[s for c in cls.__subclasses__() for s in c.all_atoms()]
def for_aid(cls, aid, fallback=False):
# Maybe already there
if aid in cls.__atoms:
return cls.__atoms[aid]
# Update
for ac in cls.all_atoms():
if hasattr(ac, 'AID'):
cls.__atoms[ac.AID] = ac
# Fallback
if fallback:
if aid not in cls.__atoms:
return LeafAtom
# Get it (or error out if not found)
return cls.__atoms[aid]
def for_buf(cls, buf):
if len(buf) < 8:
raise ValueError('Buffer too small for ATOM')
alen, aid = struct.unpack('>II', buf[0:8])
acls = cls.for_aid(aid)
return acls(buf[0:alen])
class ContainerAtom(Atom):
def __init__(self, data):
# Super call
# Children
self.children = []
# Parse atoms inside it
o = 8
l = len(data)
while o <= (l-8):
# Get length and atom
alen, aid = struct.unpack('>II', data[o:o+8])
# Build atom
acls = Atom.for_aid(aid)
ainst = acls(data[o:o+alen])
# Add it
# Next
o += alen
# Error ?
if o != l:
raise ValueError('Data left over while parsing children list')
def __getitem__(self, key):
# Split into components
if '/' in key:
key, skey = key.split('/', 1)
skey = None
# Index
if ':' in key:
key, idx = key.split(':')
idx = int(idx)
idx = None
# Check
if len(key) != 4:
raise KeyError('Invalid key %r' % key)
key = struct.unpack('>I', bytes(key, 'utf8'))[0]
# Find all matching children
m = [c for c in self.children if c.AID == key]
# Index handling
if len(m) == 0:
raise KeyError('No such key %08x' % key)
elif (len(m) > 1) and (idx is None):
raise KeyError('Multiple key %08x and no index provided' % key)
elif (idx is not None) and (len(m) <= idx):
raise KeyError('Invalid index %d for key %08x' % (idx, key))
# Result
rv = m[idx or 0]
return rv[skey] if skey else rv
def __contains__(self, key):
# Key conversion/validation
if len(key) != 4:
return False
key = struct.unpack('>I', bytes(key, 'utf8'))[0]
# Find all matching children
m = [c for c in self.children if c.AID == key]
# Any found ?
return len(m) > 0
def serialize(self):
cb = b''.join([c.serialize() for c in self.children])
return struct.pack('>II', 8 + len(cb), self.AID) + cb
def print(self, lvl=0):
print("%6d %08x %s-%s" % (len(, self.AID, lvl*' |', bytes([4:8]).decode('utf8')))
for c in self.children:
class LeafAtom(Atom):
class DecodedLeafAtom(Atom):
H = None
L = None
H_s = None
H_t = None
L_s = None
L_t = None
def __init__(self, data):
# Super call
# Base offset
ofs = 8
# Decode header
if self.H is not None:
self.hdr = self.hdr_tuple()(*self.hdr_struct().unpack_from(data, offset=ofs))
ofs += self.hdr_struct().size
self.hdr = None
# Decode list
if self.L is not None:
self.lst = []
while ofs < len(data):
e = self.lst_tuple()(*self.lst_struct().unpack_from(data, offset=ofs))
ofs += self.lst_struct().size
self.lst = None
def update(self, **kwargs):
self.hdr = self.hdr._replace(**kwargs)
def serialize(self):
# Serialize header
if self.H is not None:
hs = self.hdr_struct().pack(*self.hdr)
hs = b''
# Serialize list
if self.L is not None:
ls = b''.join([self.lst_struct().pack(*e) for e in self.lst])
ls = b''
# Final
return struct.pack('>II', 8 + len(hs) + len(ls), self.AID) + hs + ls
def hdr_struct(cls):
return struct.Struct('>' + ''.join([x[1] for x in cls.H])) \
if (cls.H is not None) else None
def hdr_tuple(cls):
return namedtuple(
cls.__name__ + 'hdr',
[x[0] for x in cls.H]
) if (cls.H is not None) else None
def lst_struct(cls):
return struct.Struct('>' + ''.join([x[1] for x in cls.L])) \
if (cls is not None) else None
def lst_tuple(cls):
return namedtuple(
cls.__name__ + 'lst',
[x[0] for x in cls.L]
) if (cls.L is not None) else None
class AtomMOOV(ContainerAtom):
AID = 0x6d6f6f76 # 'moov'
class AtomMVHD(DecodedLeafAtom):
AID = 0x6d766864 # 'mvhd'
H = [
( 'version', 'B' ),
( 'flags', '3s' ),
( 'creation_time', 'I' ),
( 'modification_time', 'I' ),
( 'timescale', 'I' ),
( 'duration', 'I' ),
( 'preferred_rate', 'I' ),
( 'preferred_volume', 'H' ),
( 'reserved', '10s' ),
( 'matrix', '36s' ),
( 'preview_time', 'I' ),
( 'preview_duration', 'I' ),
( 'poster_time', 'I' ),
( 'selection_time', 'I' ),
( 'selection_duration', 'I' ),
( 'current_time', 'I' ),
( 'next_track_id', 'I' ),
class AtomTRAK(ContainerAtom):
AID = 0x7472616b # 'trak'
class AtomTKHD(DecodedLeafAtom):
AID = 0x746b6864 # 'tkhd'
H = [
( 'version', 'B' ),
( 'flags', '3s' ),
( 'creation_time', 'I' ),
( 'modification_time', 'I' ),
( 'track_id', 'I' ),
( 'reserved1', '4s' ),
( 'duration', 'I' ),
( 'reserved2', '8s' ),
( 'layer', 'H' ),
( 'alternate_group', 'H' ),
( 'volume', 'H' ),
( 'reserved3', 'H' ),
( 'matrix', '36s' ),
( 'track_width', 'I' ),
( 'track_height', 'I' ),
class AtomEDTS(ContainerAtom):
AID = 0x65647473 # 'edts'
class AtomELST(DecodedLeafAtom):
AID = 0x656c7374 # 'elst'
H = [
( 'version', 'B' ),
( 'flags', '3s' ),
( 'num_entries', 'I' ),
L = [
( 'track_duration', 'I' ),
( 'media_time', 'I' ),
( 'media_rate', 'I' ),
class AtomTREF(ContainerAtom):
AID = 0x74726566 # 'tref'
class AtomTMCD(LeafAtom):
AID = 0x746d6364 # 'tmcd'
class AtomMDIA(ContainerAtom):
AID = 0x6d646961 # 'mdia'
class AtomMDHD(DecodedLeafAtom):
AID = 0x6d646864 # 'mdhd'
H = [
( 'version', 'B' ),
( 'flags', '3s' ),
( 'creation_time', 'I' ),
( 'modification_time', 'I' ),
( 'timescale', 'I' ),
( 'duration', 'I' ),
( 'language', 'H' ),
( 'quality', 'H' ),
class AtomHDLR(LeafAtom):
AID = 0x68646c72 # 'hdlr'
class AtomMINF(ContainerAtom):
AID = 0x6d696e66 # 'minf'
class AtomVMHD(LeafAtom):
AID = 0x766d6864 # 'vmhd'
class AtomSMHD(LeafAtom):
AID = 0x736d6864 # 'smhd'
class AtomGMHD(ContainerAtom):
AID = 0x676d6864 # 'gmhd'
class AtomGMIN(LeafAtom):
AID = 0x676d696e # 'gmin'
class AtomTEXT(LeafAtom):
AID = 0x74657374 # 'text'
class AtomDINF(ContainerAtom):
AID = 0x64696e66 # 'dinf'
class AtomDREF(LeafAtom):
AID = 0x64726566 # 'dref'
class AtomSTBL(ContainerAtom):
AID = 0x7374626c # 'stbl'
class AtomSTSD(LeafAtom):
AID = 0x73747364 # 'stsd'
class AtomSKIP(LeafAtom):
AID = 0x736b6970 # 'skip'
class AtomSTTS(DecodedLeafAtom):
AID = 0x73747473 # 'stts'
H = [
( 'version', 'B' ),
( 'flags', '3s' ),
( 'num_entries', 'I' ),
L = [
( 'sample_count', 'I' ),
( 'sample_duration', 'I' ),
class AtomSTSC(DecodedLeafAtom):
AID = 0x73747363 # 'stsc'
H = [
( 'version', 'B' ),
( 'flags', '3s' ),
( 'num_entries', 'I' ),
L = [
( 'first_chunk', 'I' ),
( 'samples_per_chunk', 'I' ),
( 'sample_description_id', 'I' ),
class AtomSTSZ(DecodedLeafAtom):
AID = 0x7374737a # 'stsz'
H = [
( 'version', 'B' ),
( 'flags', '3s' ),
( 'sample_size', 'I' ),
( 'num_entries', 'I' ),
L = [
( 'size', 'I' ),
class AtomCO64(DecodedLeafAtom):
AID = 0x636f3634 # 'co64'
H = [
( 'version', 'B' ),
( 'flags', '3s' ),
( 'num_entries', 'I' ),
L = [
( 'offset', 'Q' ),
class AtomMETA(ContainerAtom):
AID = 0x6d657461 # 'meta'
class AtomKEYS(LeafAtom):
AID = 0x6b657973 # 'keys'
class AtomILST(LeafAtom):
AID = 0x696c7374 # 'ilst'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# BRAW file reader
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class BrawReader:
K_WIDE = 0x77696465 # 'wide'
K_MDAT = 0x6d646174 # 'mdat'
def __init__(self, filename):
self.fileno =, os.O_RDONLY) = mmap.mmap(self.fileno, 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) = memoryview(
# def __del__(self):
# os.close(self.fileno)
def parse(self):
# MetaData pointer
mp = struct.unpack('>IIII',[0:16])
if (mp[0:2] == (8, self.K_WIDE)) and (mp[3] == self.K_MDAT):
# Format 1 -> be32:8, be32:'wide', be32:(ptr-8), be32:'mdat'
self.md_ofs = mp[2] + 8
elif mp[0:2] == (1, self.K_MDAT):
# Format 2 -> be32:1, be32:'mdat', be64:ptr
self.md_ofs = (mp[2] << 32) | mp[3]
raise RuntimeError('Unknown metadata pointer format')
# MetaData block
self.md_blk =[]
self.md_atom = Atom.for_buf(self.md_blk)
# Identify tracks
idx = 0
self.trk_vid_idx = -1
self.trk_aud_idx = -1
self.trk_tim_idx = -1
for c in self.md_atom.children:
# Only parse tracks
if c.AID != AtomTRAK.AID:
# Get media info
minf = c['mdia/minf']
idx += 1
if 'vmhd' in minf:
if self.trk_vid_idx == -1:
self.trk_vid_idx = idx
raise RuntimeError('Multiple video tracks')
elif 'smhd' in minf:
if self.trk_aud_idx == -1:
self.trk_aud_idx = idx
raise RuntimeError('Multiple audio tracks')
elif 'gmhd' in minf:
if self.trk_tim_idx == -1:
self.trk_tim_idx = idx
raise RuntimeError('Multiple timecode tracks')
idx += 1
if self.trk_vid_idx == -1:
raise RuntimeError('Missing video track')
if self.trk_tim_idx == -1:
raise RuntimeError('Missing timecode track')
# Video frames
v_stsz = self.md_atom['trak:%d/mdia/minf/stbl/stsz' % self.trk_vid_idx]
v_co64 = self.md_atom['trak:%d/mdia/minf/stbl/co64' % self.trk_vid_idx]
if v_stsz.hdr.num_entries != v_co64.hdr.num_entries:
raise ValueError('Inconsistent number of entried in STSZ & CO64')
self.frames = []
for i in range(v_stsz.hdr.num_entries):
fs = v_stsz.lst[i].size
fo = v_co64.lst[i].offset
self.frames.append([fo:fo+fs] )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# BRAW Timelapse generator
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class BrawTimelapser:
def __init__(self, src):
self.src = src
def build_metadata(self):
# Clone original meta data (so we can edit it)
md_atom = Atom.for_buf(self.src.md_blk)
# Original / New frame count
nf_org = len(self.src.frames)
nf_new = len(self.frames_offset)
# Tracks
v_trak = md_atom['trak:%d' % self.src.trk_vid_idx]
t_trak = md_atom['trak:%d' % self.src.trk_tim_idx]
# Remove audio track
if self.src.trk_aud_idx != -1:
md_atom.children.remove( md_atom['trak:%d' % self.src.trk_aud_idx] )
# 'mvhd' duration
# 'tkhd' duration
# 'elst' duration
v_trak['edts/elst'].lst[0] = v_trak['edts/elst'].lst[0]._replace(track_duration=nf_new)
t_trak['edts/elst'].lst[0] = t_trak['edts/elst'].lst[0]._replace(track_duration=nf_new)
# 'mdhd' duration
# 'stts' sample count/duration (depends on track)
v_trak['mdia/minf/stbl/stts'].lst = [ AtomSTTS.lst_tuple()(sample_count=nf_new, sample_duration=1) ]
t_trak['mdia/minf/stbl/stts'].lst = [ AtomSTTS.lst_tuple()(sample_count=1, sample_duration=nf_new) ]
# Build new list of frames offset/size
v_stsz = v_trak['mdia/minf/stbl/stsz']
v_stsz.update(num_entries=nf_new, sample_size=0)
v_stsz.lst = []
v_co64 = v_trak['mdia/minf/stbl/co64']
v_co64.lst = []
for fo, fd in zip(self.frames_offset, self.frames_data):
v_stsz.lst.append( v_stsz.lst_tuple()(size=len(fd)) )
v_co64.lst.append( v_co64.lst_tuple()(offset=fo) )
# Done
return md_atom.serialize()
def clear(self):
# No frames
self.frames_data = []
self.frames_offset = []
# Empty write list
self.write_list = []
self.write_offset = 0
# Clean header
self.header = bytearray(16)
def add_chunk(self, data, offset=None):
# Handle requested offset
if offset is not None:
if offset > self.write_offset:
raise RuntimeError('Attempt to add chunk to already assigned parts')
self.write_offset = offset
# Add to the list
self.write_list.append( (self.write_offset, data) )
rv = self.write_offset
# Next offset aligned to page
self.write_offset += (len(data) + 4095) & ~4095
# Return where it was placed
return rv
def write_chunks(self, fn):
if os.path.exists(fn):
raise RuntimeError('Not overwriting destination file')
fh = open(fn, 'wb')
for wo, wd in self.write_list:
def handle_header(self):
K_WIDE = 0x77696465 # 'wide'
K_MDAT = 0x6d646174 # 'mdat'
# Always use the 64b variant
struct.pack_into('>IIQ', self.header, 0, 1, K_MDAT, self.write_offset)
def handle_timecode(self):
# Check timecode track is as we expect, a single 4 byte chunk @ 0x1000
trak = self.src.md_atom['trak:%d' % self.src.trk_tim_idx]
if ((trak['mdia/minf/stbl/stsz'].hdr.sample_size != 4) or
(len(trak['mdia/minf/stbl/co64'].lst) != 1) or
(trak['mdia/minf/stbl/co64'].lst[0].offset != 0x1000)):
raise RuntimeError('Unexpected timecode track format')
# Add it
self.add_chunk([0x1000:0x1004], 0x1000)
def handle_frames(self):
for f in self.frames_data:
self.frames_offset.append( self.add_chunk(f) )
def generate(self, dst_filename, n, start=0):
# Reset
# Pick frames to write
self.frames_data = self.src.frames[start::n]
# Add header to write list (yet to be build)
# Add timecode chunks
# Add video frames
# Set metadata pointer in header
# Add metadata block
# Write result
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def main(argv0, src, dst, n, start=0):
# Arguments
n = int(n)
start = int(start)
br = BrawReader(src)
tl = BrawTimelapser(br)
tl.generate(dst, n, start)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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