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iCE40 Control Set optimization
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from collections import namedtuple
# TODO: When evaluating cost and wiring stuff, if the signal of the control set
# happen to be already existing on the LUT, it could be used ...
class ControlSet(namedtuple('ControlSet', 'rs ena clk')):
__slots__ = []
def from_cell(kls, cell):
if not cell.type.startswith('SB_DFF'):
raise ValueError("Invalid cell type")
net_r = cell.ports['R'] if (('R' in cell.ports) and (cell.ports['R'].net is not None)) else None
net_s = cell.ports['S'] if (('S' in cell.ports) and (cell.ports['S'].net is not None)) else None
net_e = cell.ports['E'] if (('E' in cell.ports) and (cell.ports['E'].net is not None)) else None
net_c = cell.ports['C'] if (('C' in cell.ports) and (cell.ports['C'].net is not None)) else None
return kls(net_r or net_s, net_e, net_c)
class ControlSetOptimizer:
def __init__(self, ctx):
self.ctx = ctx
self.global_nets = self.find_global_nets()
self.cset_map = self.build_map()
def find_global_nets(self):
"""List all nets (names) that are output from global buffers"""
return set([
for c in self.ctx.cells
if c[1].type=='SB_GB'
def build_map(self):
# Init
cset_map = {}
# Scan all cells
for cell_name, cell in self.ctx.cells:
# Only consider FFs
if not cell.type.startswith('SB_DFF'):
# Add cell
cset = ControlSet.from_cell(cell)
cset_map.setdefault(cset, []).append(cell)
return cset_map
def stats(self):
"""Print some statistics"""
print(f"Total control sets: {len(self.cset_map):d}")
csl = {}
for k, v in self.cset_map.items():
csl.setdefault(len(v), []).append( (k, v) )
for k, v in sorted(csl.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
print(k, len(v))
for k, v in sorted(self.cset_map.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[1])):
print(len(v), k)
# Utility
def _net_name_simplify(self, net):
if net is None:
return None
if net.driver.cell.type in ['GND', 'VCC']:
return net.driver.cell.type
def _unused_port(self, cell, port_name):
n = cell.ports[port_name].net
if n is None:
return True
# Technically a fixed 'VCC' connection could be removed too
# but the _update_lut_init assumes unused ports were zero.
# Also, VCC is only used if there is a damn good reason, like
# needed for a SB_CARRY ...
if n.driver.cell.type == 'GND':
return True
return False
def _cell_has_carry(self, cell):
# Get connections to 'I1' and 'I2'
n1 = cell.ports['I1'].net
n2 = cell.ports['I2'].net
users = (list(n1.users) if n1 else []) + (list(n2.users) if n2 else [])
nn1 = self._net_name_simplify(n1)
nn2 = self._net_name_simplify(n2)
for u in users:
if u.cell.type != 'SB_CARRY':
if self._net_name_simplify(u.cell.ports['I0'].net) != nn1:
if self._net_name_simplify(u.cell.ports['I1'].net) != nn2:
return True
return False
def _lut_free_ports(self, cell):
# First pass
free_ports = [ p
for p in ['I0', 'I1', 'I2', 'I3']
if self._unused_port(cell, p)
# If the cell has a carry out attached ... remove I1/I2
if self._cell_has_carry(cell):
for p in ['I1', 'I2']:
if p in free_ports:
return free_ports
def cost_convert(self, cset, conv):
# Init
rm_rs = bool(conv & 1)
rm_ena = bool(conv & 2)
n_in = (2 * rm_ena) + (1 * rm_rs)
cost = 0
# Scan all cells in that set
for cell in self.cset_map[cset]:
# Get cell driving that FF
driver_cell = cell.ports['D'].net.driver.cell
# If it's not a LUT already, then we can put a LUT in front for free, always
if driver_cell.type != 'SB_LUT4':
# If there is more than one user of the LUT, we always need a new one
# and it comes for free since it wouldn't have been packable in the same LC
# anyway
if len(driver_cell.ports['O'].net.users) > 1:
# Count how many LUT inputs are 'free'
free_ports = self._lut_free_ports(driver_cell)
if len(free_ports) < n_in:
cost = cost + 1
# Return cost of conversion
return cost
def can_convert(self, cset, conv):
# What do we want to remove
rm_rs = bool(conv & 1)
rm_ena = bool(conv & 2)
# What do we have
has_rs = ( is not None) and ( not in self.global_nets)
has_ena = (cset.ena is not None) and (cset.ena not in self.global_nets)
# If the reset is used for asynchronous set/reset, we can't remove it
if has_rs:
for c in self.cset_map[cset]:
if c.type in ['SB_DFFR', 'SB_DFFS', 'SB_DFFER', 'SB_DFFES']:
has_rs = False
# Does that conversion make sense
if rm_rs and not has_rs:
return False
if rm_ena and not has_ena:
return False
return True
def exec_convert(self, cset, conv):
# What do we want to remove
rm_rs = bool(conv & 1)
rm_ena = bool(conv & 2)
n_in = (2 * rm_ena) + (1 * rm_rs)
# Update every cell
for cell in self.cset_map[cset]:
# Disconnect from FF and adapt cell type
t = cell.type
set_reset = 'SS' in t
if rm_rs:
self.ctx.disconnectPort(, 'R')
self.ctx.disconnectPort(, 'S')
t = t.replace('SR', '').replace('SS', '')
if rm_ena:
self.ctx.disconnectPort(, 'E')
t = t.replace('E', '')
cell.type = t
# Get cell driving that FF
driver_cell = cell.ports['D'].net.driver.cell
# If it's not a LUT, we need to insert a lut ...
# If it is, we collect free ports
# Also need to check that LUT is only used once !
free_ports = []
if (driver_cell.type == 'SB_LUT4') and (len(driver_cell.ports['O'].net.users) == 1):
free_ports = self._lut_free_ports(driver_cell)
# Do we need a new lut or alter the existing one ?
if len(free_ports) < n_in:
# Insert a new LUT
new_lut = ctx.createCell( + '_conv', 'SB_LUT4')
new_lut.setParam('LUT_INIT', '1111111100000000')
# New net
new_net = ctx.createNet( + '_net')
# Interpose out new LUT
old_net = cell.ports['D'].net
ctx.disconnectPort(, 'D')
ctx.connectPort(,, 'I3')
ctx.connectPort(,, 'O')
ctx.connectPort(,, 'D')
# Freeports on this lut
tgt_lut = new_lut
free_ports = ['I0', 'I1', 'I2']
tgt_lut = driver_cell
# Connect target LUT
if rm_rs:
# Assign port
p_rs = free_ports.pop()
pn_rs = int(p_rs[1:])
# Connect signals
ctx.disconnectPort(, p_rs)
ctx.connectPort(,, p_rs)
pn_rs = None
if rm_ena:
# Assign port
p_ena = free_ports.pop()
pn_ena = int(p_ena[1:])
p_old = free_ports.pop()
pn_old = int(p_old[1:])
# Connect signals
ctx.disconnectPort(, p_ena)
ctx.disconnectPort(, p_old)
ctx.connectPort(cset.ena,, p_ena)
ctx.connectPort(cell.ports['Q'],, p_old)
pn_ena = None
pn_old = None
# Modify LUT content
tgt_lut.setParam('LUT_INIT', self._update_lut_init(
pn_rs, set_reset,
pn_ena, pn_old
# Connect remaining free ports to 'GND' if they're still unconnected
def _update_lut_init(self, val, pn_rs, rs_val, pn_ena, pn_old):
# Convert value to int
val = int(val, 2)
# Scan all bits
for i in range(16):
mask = 1 << i
# Handle reset/set
if (pn_rs is not None) and (i & (1 << pn_rs)):
if rs_val:
# Set bit
val |= mask
# Clear bit
val &= ~mask
# Handle enable
if (pn_ena is not None) and not (i & (1 << pn_ena)):
if (i & (1 << pn_old)):
# Set bit
val |= mask
# Clear bit
val &= ~mask
# Convert value back
return f'{val:016b}'
def optimize(self, threshold=4, debug=False):
# Init loop
# Sort to be consistent across run ...
to_process = sorted(self.cset_map.keys(), key=lambda x: (x[0] or '', x[1] or '', x[2] or ''))
total_cost = 0
# Process while there are control sets in the pool
while len(to_process):
# Pick one
cset = to_process.pop()
cells = self.cset_map[cset]
# Don't bother trying to consolidate sets that are well used
if len(cells) >= threshold:
# We can remove RS,E or both. Evaluate result and cost for all 3
possible_tgt = []
for conv in range(1,4):
# Make sure that option makes senses
if not self.can_convert(cset, conv):
# What do we want to remove
rm_rs = bool(conv & 1)
rm_ena = bool(conv & 2)
tgt = ControlSet(
None if rm_rs else,
None if rm_ena else cset.ena,
# Number of cells in potential resulting group
cell_in_group = len(cells)
cset_in_group = [ cset ]
# Does that create a resulting control set that already exists ?
if tgt in self.cset_map:
cell_in_group += len(self.cset_map[tgt])
# Maybe applying the same conversion to other control set would bring them in-line
if or tgt.ena:
for alt_cset in to_process:
# Possible alt targets
alt_cells = self.cset_map[alt_cset]
alt_tgt = ControlSet(
None if rm_rs else,
None if rm_ena else alt_cset.ena,
# Only consider low-cell control sets
if len(alt_cells) >= threshold:
# Only consider conversion that make sense
if not self.can_convert(alt_cset, conv):
# Check it's a match
if tgt == alt_tgt:
# Ok, that's a possibility count possible cells in resulting group
cell_in_group += len(alt_cells)
# If at this point, we don't have enough, discard that option
if cell_in_group < threshold:
# Record result
cost = sum( [self.cost_convert(x, conv) for x in cset_in_group] )
possible_tgt.append( (tgt, conv, cost, cell_in_group, cset_in_group) )
# Nothing to do ?
if len(possible_tgt) == 0:
# Select the option that yields the lower cost per removed control set
possible_tgt = sorted(possible_tgt, key=lambda x: (x[2] / len(x[4]), -x[3]))
if debug:
for tgt, conv, cost, cell_in_group, cset_in_group in possible_tgt:
print("%d %d %r" % (cost, cell_in_group, tgt))
for x in cset_in_group:
print(" %2d %r" % (len(self.cset_map[x]),x))
tgt, conv, cost, cell_in_group, cset_in_group = possible_tgt[0]
# Process
for cset_cur in cset_in_group:
# Apply conversion
self.exec_convert(cset_cur, conv)
# Update state variable
if cset_cur in to_process:
cells_cur = self.cset_map.pop(cset_cur)
total_cost += cost
print("Total cost: %d" % (total_cost,))
opt = ControlSetOptimizer(ctx)
opt.optimize(threshold=8, debug=True)
if False:
import sys
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