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Last active December 10, 2021 11:57
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Kicad scale footprint
from sexpdata import dump,load,Symbol, dumps as ds
import click
import sys
skip = set(("rotate",))
scaled = set(("xy","xyz","at","size","start","end"))
scaled_width = set(("thickness","width"))
def resize(s, scale):
if isinstance(s[0], Symbol):
sn = s[0].value()
if sn in skip:
if sn in scaled:
for i in range(1,len(s)):
if isinstance(s[i],(int,float)):
s[i] = round(s[i] * scale, 10)
# this avoids nonsense outut like "1.23400000002"
for m in s:
if isinstance(m,list):
resize(m, scale)
@click.option("-s","--scale", type=float,default=1, help="Scaling factor")
@click.option("-S","--scale-width", is_flag=True, help="Affect line widths")
@click.option("-T","--scale-text", is_flag=True, help="Affect text")
@click.option("-i","--in", "_in", type=click.File("r"), default=sys.stdin,
help="File to read. Defaults to stdin")
@click.option("-o","--out", "_out", type=click.File("w"), default=sys.stdout,
help="File to write. Defaults to stdout")
def main(scale,scale_width,scale_text, _in,_out):
Rescale a KiCAD footprint.
global scaled
if not scale_text:
if scale_width:
scaled |= scaled_width
if __name__ == "__main__":
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