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Created May 1, 2014 03:04
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Indexed StateMonad Experiment
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings , NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module StateMachine where
import Control.Monad.Indexed
import CorePrelude
{- | This is my short example of creating an indexed state Monad
Indexed State Monad are different from the standard state Monad because the type of the
state is transformable. This is awesome and really nice for creating statemachines that
prohibit invalid transitions at the type level.
This is someone who actually understands this stuff, I just use it.
-- | our Data Types
-- | I am going to be making a simple state machine first with no IO then I will re-do it to use IO
-- | The states in question are Those that might be in an alarm, this is something I have to do a
-- in production code so I figure it might be something that comes up for others
-- | Valid transitions are that the system has to call out between Trip and Clear.
-- | Real alarm systems have side effects and are terrible... but haskell is nice for sorting through it all
data Trip = Trip
deriving (Show)
data Clear = Clear
deriving (Show)
data Calling = Calling
deriving (Show)
-- | Straight from the link above, here are the states applied to the IxMonad Class
newtype IxState s1 s2 a = IxState { runIxState :: s1 -> (a, s2) }
instance IxFunctor (IxState) where
imap f ixSt = IxState (\st -> let (a,st') = (runIxState ixSt st)
in (f a, st'))
instance IxPointed IxState where
ireturn a = IxState (\st -> (a, st))
instance IxApplicative IxState where
iap ixStFcn ixSt = IxState (\st1 -> let (fAB,st2) = (runIxState ixStFcn st1)
(a,st3) = runIxState ixSt st2
in (fAB a,st3))
instance IxMonad IxState where
ibind atoIxStFcn ixStA = IxState (\st1 -> let (a,st2) = runIxState ixStA st1
in runIxState (atoIxStFcn a) st2)
testIx1 :: IxState Clear Trip (Text)
testIx1 = IxState (\(Clear) -> (toTripAction, Trip))
testIx2 :: IxState Trip Calling (Text)
testIx2 = IxState (\(Trip) -> (toCallAction, Calling))
testIx3 :: IxState Calling Clear (Text)
testIx3 = IxState (\(Calling) -> (toClearAction, Clear))
transforms :: IxState Clear Calling Text
transforms = testIx1 >>>= (\_ -> testIx2 )
toTripAction :: Text
toTripAction = "alarm tripping"
toClearAction :: Text
toClearAction = "alarmClearing"
toCallAction :: Text
toCallAction ="Calling User "
-- | State machine with IO
It is a neat process to re-factor this Monad into one with IO embedded
data IxStateM m s1 s2 a = IxStateM {
runIxStateM :: s1 -> m (a,s2)
instance (Monad m) => IxFunctor (IxStateM m) where
imap f ixSt = IxStateM {
runIxStateM = (\ st -> do
(b,st') <- runIxStateM ixSt st
return (f b, st')) }
instance (Monad m ) => IxPointed (IxStateM m) where
ireturn a = IxStateM {
runIxStateM = (\st -> return (a, st) )
instance (Monad m) => IxApplicative (IxStateM m) where
iap ixStFcn ixSt = IxStateM {
runIxStateM = (\st1 -> do
(fAB,st2) <- runIxStateM ixStFcn st1
(a,st3) <- runIxStateM ixSt st2
return (fAB a,st3))
instance (Monad m ) => IxMonad (IxStateM m) where
ibind atoIxStFcn ixStA = IxStateM {
runIxStateM = (\st1 -> do
(a,st2) <- runIxStateM ixStA st1
runIxStateM (atoIxStFcn a) st2)
Some IO to run, notice that each one of them has an initial and a final state
How cool is this!
someStaticState :: (Show s) => s -> Int -> IO String
someStaticState s i = print s >> print i >> return "Test IO"
exClear :: Int -> IxStateM IO Clear Calling String
exClear init = IxStateM (\Clear -> do
a <- someStaticState Clear init
return $ (a,Calling))
exTripCalling :: Int -> IxStateM IO Calling Trip String
exTripCalling init = IxStateM (\Calling -> do
a <- someStaticState Calling init
return $ (a,Trip))
exTrip :: Int -> IxStateM IO Trip Calling String
exTrip init = IxStateM (\Trip -> do
a <- someStaticState Trip init
return $ (a,Calling))
exClearCalling :: Int -> IxStateM IO Calling Clear String
exClearCalling init = IxStateM (\Calling -> do
a <- someStaticState Calling init
return $ (a,Clear))
sampleInvaldiCycle = (exClear 1)
>>>= (\str -> exTripCalling 2)
>>>= (\str -> exClearCalling 4 )
--> Couldn't match type `Calling' with `Trip'
--> Expected type: IxStateM IO Trip Clear String
--> Actual type: IxStateM IO Calling Clear String
--> In the return type of a call of `exClearCalling'
--> In the expression: exClearCalling 4
--> In the second argument of `(>>>=)', namely
--> `(\ str -> exClearCalling 4)'
sampleCycle = (exClear 1)
>>>= (\str -> exTripCalling 2)
>>>= (\str -> exTrip 3)
>>>= (\str -> exClearCalling 4 )
-- > runIxStateM sampleCycle Clear
-- > Clear
-- > Calling
-- > Trip
-- > Calling
-- > ("Test IO",Clear)
sampleCycle :: IxStateM IO Clear Clear String
sampleCycle = (exClear 1)
>>>= (\_ -> exTripCalling 2)
>>>= (\_ -> exTrip 3)
>>>= (\_ -> exClearCalling 4 )
exIxStateM :: IO (String, Clear)
exIxStateM = runIxStateM sampleCycle Clear
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