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Created May 9, 2014 14:22
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lens page example
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings,TemplateHaskell, MultiParamTypeClasses
, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances, RecordWildCards #-}
module AlarmState.Lens where
import qualified Protocol.Mir3.Simple.Mir3SimpleTypes as M
import Alarm.DB.Types
import AlarmState.Types (AlarmRunner,AlarmParameters,People,Person,AlarmState
,AnyAlarm(..),AnyCall(..),AlarmCallout(..) ,InProgress(..)
import Control.Lens
makeClassy_ ''AlarmStateConfig
makeClassy_ ''CallOrderUser
makeClassy_ ''AlarmRunner
makeClassy_ ''AlarmParameters
makeClassy_ ''People
makeClassy_ ''Person
makeClassy_ ''AlarmState
makeClassy_ ''ValidCall
makeClassy_ ''CallResponse
makePrisms ''M.Mir3Result
makePrisms ''AnyAlarm
makePrisms ''AnyCall
makePrisms ''AlarmCallout
makePrisms ''InProgress
makePrisms ''CallResponse
makePrisms ''AnyCount
-- ascToCOUlens = _alrmCallOrderUsrs
makeLenses_ t = makeLensesWith ?? t $ defaultRules & lensField .~ \x -> Just (x ++ "_")
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