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Created June 11, 2024 07:46
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janet: Launch a jupyterlab session on Spartan
#!/usr/bin/env janet
(use sh)
(import cmd)
# terminal formatting
(defn format [v]
(def t {:green "\e[0;32m"
:red "\e[0;31m"
:yellow "\e[0;33m"
:bold "\e[1m"
:grey "\e[0;37m"
:reset "\e[0m"})
(get t v))
(defmacro check-paths [& paths]
,;(mapcat (fn [path]
[~(os/stat (string ,path "/bin/jupyter-lab"))
~(string ,path "/bin/jupyter-lab")])
(defn find-jupyter-lab []
(def git-root (let [devnull @""
stdout @""]
($? git rev-parse --show-toplevel > ,stdout > [stderr devnull])
(string/trim stdout)))
(def pwd (os/getenv "PWD"))
(os/getenv "VIRTUAL_ENV")
(os/getenv "PIXI_ENV")
(os/getenv "CONDA_PREFIX")
(string pwd "/.venv")
(string pwd "/venv")
(string pwd "/.pixi/envs/default")
(string git-root "/.venv")
(string git-root "/venv")
(string git-root "/.pixi/envs/default")))
Launch an interactive Jupyter lab session.
Extra arguments, not listed below, will be passed to the srun command and override the defaults:
-n 1 -p interactive
[[jupyter-path --jupyter -j] (optional :string)
[--port -p] (optional :number)
[--time -t] (optional :string "02:00:00")
[--mem -m] (optional :string "72G")
[--cpus -c] (optional :string "4")
[--job-name -J] (optional :string "jupyter-lab")
extra (escape :string)]
(def path (or jupyter-path (find-jupyter-lab)))
(if (nil? path)
(do (printf "%sFailed to find jupyter-lab executable!%s\n" (format :red) (format :reset)) (os/exit 1)))
(printf "%sUsing jupyter-lab executable at %s%s" (format :green) path (format :reset))
(def srun-opts (string/split " " (or (if-not (empty? extra) extra) "-n 1 -p interactive")))
(array/push srun-opts (string/format "--time=%s" time))
(array/push srun-opts (string/format "--mem=%s" mem))
(array/push srun-opts (string/format "--cpus-per-task=%s" cpus))
(array/push srun-opts (string/format "--job-name=%s" job-name))
(printf "%sUsing srun options: %s%s\n" (format :grey) (string/join srun-opts " ") (format :reset))
(def use-port (or port
(let [rand (scan-number ($< bash -c "echo -n $RANDOM"))]
(+ (mod rand (+ (- 4999 4001) 1)) 4001))))
(def submit-script
(string/format `
banner() {
msg=" $2 "
edge=$(echo "$msg" | sed 's/./─/g')
echo "%s%s$1"
echo "┌$edge┐"
echo "│$msg│"
echo "└$edge┘"
echo "${3:-%s}"
echo ""
banner "Use this to connect:" "ssh -NL %d:localhost:%d -J spartan $(hostname -s)"
%s --no-browser --port %d
(format :yellow) (format :bold) (format :reset) use-port use-port path use-port))
($ srun ,;srun-opts bash -c ,submit-script)))
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