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Last active April 30, 2021 12:18
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Snek - The game
But please credit my YT channel ;-)
_____ _ _ ______ _ __ _______ _ _ ______ _____ __ __ ______
/ ____| \ | | ____| |/ / |__ __| | | | ____| / ____| /\ | \/ | ____|
| (___ | \| | |__ | ' / ______ | | | |__| | |__ | | __ / \ | \ / | |__
\___ \| . ` | __| | < |______| | | | __ | __| | | |_ | / /\ \ | |\/| | __|
____) | |\ | |____| . \ | | | | | | |____ | |__| |/ ____ \| | | | |____
|_____/|_| \_|______|_|\_\ |_| |_| |_|______| \_____/_/ \_\_| |_|______|
I made snake called it snek and wont be fixing bugs unless they are completely breaking.
I might update it some day if i feel like i can do a better job at the code or i'm just very fucking bored.
The drawing of the game is done with relative cursor movement using the ANSI A and D code's.
The A code is for moving the cursor up "\e[4A" will move your cursor up 4 lines.
The D code is for moving the cursor back "\e[8D" will move your cursor back 8 characters.
These codes can then be used to overwrite the game instead of rewrite it meaning there are no clear screen commands in the whole game.
This is also how i avoid flicker as the screen is never empty it will not be able to flicker.
We also achieve fast draw times by appending all of the drawing commands to a buffer and drawing it.
This means we draw the game in one frame, while a python game would need (in the best case) 11 frames.
10 for drawing and 1 for wiping (Thats why we use c you scripting plebs).
JK i love python but fuck its trash in a few major aspects for games, but GUI's in less than 100 lines of code damn rock.
The game also uses pthreads for multi threading thus making the performace even better.
The compile command i used is "gcc -o Snek.exe Snek.c -Wall -w -Werror -lpthread" on a windows machine.
Its made with c so if you can hook a monitor up to a toaster it might even work.
Its all fully self contained so you can just run the .exe anywhere without installation.
My video:
/* -- IMPORTS -- */
#include <pthread.h> // For the multithreading functions
#include <string.h> // For string manipulation functions
#include <stdio.h> // For input/output functions
#include <conio.h> // For getch() function
#include <time.h> // For the rand() function
void MoveSnake (int x, int y); // Function to adjust the x,y of the snakes head
void AddSegment(); // Function to add a new segment to the snake
void NewFood (); // Function to spawn a new food piece
void HitTest (); // Function to test if the snake is coliding with anything
void Clock (); // Function to update the clock
void Draw (); // Function to draw the game
void Move (); // Function to convert the input to actual movement
void End (); // Function to clean up, display scores and exit
void In (); // Function to get the user input and store it
int InSnake (int x, int y); // Function to test if the x,y position is in the snake's body
/* -- VARIABLES -- */
int tailXPosition = 11; // Variable to hold the x position of the tail
int tailYPosition = 4; // Variable to hold the y position of the tail
int foodXPosition; // Variable to hold the x position of the food
int foodYPosition; // Variable to hold the y position of the food
int snakeSize = 3; // Variable to hold the length of the snake
int score = 0; // Variable to hold the score of the current player
int timer = 0; // Variable to hold the time the current player
char UserInput = '\0'; // Variable to hold the key the user just pressed
char direction = 'a'; // Variable to hold the direction of the snake
int snakeBodySegments[128][2] = {{8, 4},{9, 4},{10, 4}}; // Variable to hold the x,y positions of segments
/* -- FUNCTIONS -- */
void Clock() // Function to update the clock
while (1) // Infinite loop
Sleep(1000); // Delay 1000 milliseconds
timer++; // Add 1 to the timer variable
void In() // Function to get the user input and store it
char c; // Character variable to hold the input
while (1) // Infinite loop
c = getch(); // Wait untill a user presses a key and store it in c
if (c == 'q') {End();} // If the user pressed the q key >> call the End() function
UserInput = c; // Store the key the user pressed in the global variable UserInput
void AddSegment() // Function to add a new segment to the snake
snakeBodySegments[snakeSize][0] = tailXPosition; // Set the x value of the new segment to the stored location
snakeBodySegments[snakeSize][1] = tailYPosition; // Set the y value of the new segment to the stored location
snakeSize++; // Add 1 to the size of the snake
int InSnake(int x, int y) // Function to test if the x,y position is in the snake's body
for (int i = 1; i < snakeSize; i++) // Loop through each segment in the snake's body
if (snakeBodySegments[i][0] == x && snakeBodySegments[i][1] == y) // Test if the given position is in the snake
return 1; // Return TRUE
return 0; // Return FALSE
void MoveSnake(int x, int y) // Function to adjust the x,y of the snakes head
tailXPosition = snakeBodySegments[snakeSize - 1][0]; // Set the x for a possible new tail segment to the current last segments x
tailYPosition = snakeBodySegments[snakeSize - 1][1]; // Set the y for a possible new tail segment to the current last segments y
for (int i = snakeSize -1; i > 0; i--) // Loop through each segment of the snake in reverse
snakeBodySegments[i][0] = snakeBodySegments[i - 1][0]; // Set the x of the current segment to the x of the next segment
snakeBodySegments[i][1] = snakeBodySegments[i - 1][1]; // Set the y of the current segment to the y of the next segment
snakeBodySegments[0][0] += x; // Set the x of the head to the new given offset
snakeBodySegments[0][1] += y; // Set the y of the head to the new given offset
UserInput = '\0'; // Set the user input to a null character
void Move() // Function to convert the input to actual movement
if (UserInput == 'w' && direction != 's') // If the user pressed w and we are not moving in the direction of s
MoveSnake(0, -1); // Actualy move the snake
direction = 'w'; // Set the direction to w
else if (UserInput == 'a' && direction != 'd') // If the user pressed a and we are not moving in the direction of d
MoveSnake(-1, 0); // Actualy move the snake
direction = 'a'; // Set the direction to a
else if (UserInput == 's' && direction != 'w') // If the user pressed s and we are not moving in the direction of w
MoveSnake(0, 1); // Actualy move the snake
direction = 's'; // Set the direction to s
else if (UserInput == 'd' && direction != 'a') // If the user pressed d and we are not moving in the direction of a
MoveSnake(1, 0); // Actualy move the snake
direction = 'd'; // Set the direction to d
else // If the user did not provide valid input
UserInput = direction; // Set the user input to the current direction
Move(); // Recall the move function as there should now be valid input
void NewFood() // Function to spawn a new food piece
int x; // Variable to hold the generated x location
int y; // Variable to hold the generated y location
while (1) // Infinite loop
x = (rand() % 16) + 1; // Generate a random number between 1 and 16, then store it in x
y = (rand() % 8) + 1; // Generate a random number between 1 and 8, then store it in y
/* V If the x and y are in the snakes body or head V */
if (InSnake(x , y) == 0 && snakeBodySegments[0][0] != x && snakeBodySegments[0][1] != y)
break; // Leave the loop
foodXPosition = x; // Store the generated x in foodXPosition
foodYPosition = y; // Store the generated y in foodYPosition
void Draw() // Function to draw the game
char buff[1000]; // String to store the game board
/* V Display a pop up, the score and time in the top V */
sprintf(buff, "(Press Q to quit)\nScore: %d - Time: %d\n",score, timer);
for (int y = 0; y < 10; y++) // Loop 10 times
for (int x = 0; x < 18; x++) // Loop 18 times
if (y == 0 || y == 9 || x == 0 || x == 17) // If its on the edge of the board
strcat(buff, "[]"); // Display []
/* V If its the head of the snake V */
else if (x == snakeBodySegments[0][0] && y == snakeBodySegments[0][1])
strcat(buff, "\e[0;32m()\e[0;0m"); // Display [] in green
else if (InSnake(x, y)) // If its in the snake
strcat(buff, "\e[0;34m[]\e[0;0m"); // Display [] in blue
else if (x == foodXPosition && y == foodYPosition) // If its the food
strcat(buff, "\e[0;31m()\e[0;0m"); // Display [] in red
else // If its not a given position
strcat(buff, " "); // Display ' '
strcat(buff, "\n"); // Add a new line to the display
strcat(buff, "\e[36D\e[12A"); // Move back 36 characters and move up 12 lines
printf(buff); // Display the buffer
void End() // Function to clean up, display scores and exit
printf("\e[13B\e[?25h"); // Move the cursor down 13 lines and display the cursor
exit(0); // Leave the programm
void HitTest() // Function to test if the snake is coliding with anything
if (foodXPosition == snakeBodySegments[0][0] && foodYPosition == snakeBodySegments[0][1]) // If the snakes head matches the food
score++; // Add 1 to the score
AddSegment(); // Add a segment to the snake
NewFood(); // Generate new food
/* V If the head of the snake is touching the edge V */
else if (snakeBodySegments[0][1] == 0 || snakeBodySegments[0][1] == 9 || snakeBodySegments[0][0] == 0 || snakeBodySegments[0][0] == 17)
End(); // End the game
else if (InSnake(snakeBodySegments[0][0], snakeBodySegments[0][1])) // If the snakes head is touching the body
End(); // End the game
/* -- MAIN ENTRY POINT -- */
int main()
printf("\e[?25l"); // Hide the cursor
NewFood(); // Generate food
pthread_t inputThread; // Make a thread ID H
pthread_create(&inputThread, NULL, In, NULL); // Summon a thread wich calls the function in
pthread_t clockThread; // Make a thread ID
pthread_create(&clockThread, NULL, Clock, NULL); // Summon a thread wich calls the function Clock
while (1) // Infinite loop
Sleep(150); // Delay 150 milliseconds
Move(); // Call the move function
Draw(); // Call the Draw function
HitTest(); // Call the HitTest function
End(); // Call the End function
return 0; // Exit the programm
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