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Created April 27, 2021 10:35
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#define WINVER 0x0500 // It needs to be windows 2000 or up
#include <windows.h> // Import windows standard header
#include <string.h> // Import header to work with words
#include <stdio.h> // Import input/output header
int main // Main function
int argc, // Variable to hold the ammount of arguments
char **argv // Variable to hold the arguments
if (argc != 5) // If we dont have the correrct ammount of arguments
fprintf(stderr, // Write to standard error
"\e[0;31m" // Color RED
"ERROR >> ARGUMENTS >> Expected 4 arguments, received %d\n"
"\e[0m", // Clear Color
argc - 1 // Replace %d with the ammount of arguments
exit(1); // End program
int ammount = atoi(argv[2]); // Variable to hold the ammount of messages to send
int sleep = atoi(argv[3]); // Variable to hold the delay between messages
char word[1000];; // Maka a variable to hold the word
strcpy(word, argv[1]); // Save the word in the variable
printf("\e[s"); // Save cursor posision
Sleep(atoi(argv[4])); // Wait for the given milliseconds
printf("\e[u0/%d ",ammount); // Reset cursor and display 0/ammount
for ( // For loop
int a = 0; // Make a varaible a = 0
a < ammount; // While a < ammount of messages
a++ // Add 1 to a
int len = strlen(word); // Variable for word length
KEYBDINPUT ki; // Variable to store keyboard input
INPUT input; // Variable to store general input
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) // Loop for each character in the word
ki.wVk = 0; // Set the virtual key code to 0
ki.wScan = word[i]; // Set the actual key code to the character
ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_UNICODE; // Set the key type to unicode
ki.time = 0; // Set the time to 0
ki.dwExtraInfo = 0; // Set the extra info to 0
input.type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; // Set the input type to keyboard = ki; // Set the keyboard input to ki
SendInput(1, &input, sizeof(INPUT));// Send the input
ki.wVk = 13; // Set the virtual key code to 13 (ENTER)
ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_UNICODE; // Set the key type to unicode
ki.time = 0; // Set the time to 0
ki.dwExtraInfo = 0; // Set the extra info to 0
input.type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; // Set the input type to keyboard = ki; // Set the keyboard input to ki
SendInput(1, &input, sizeof(INPUT)); // Send the input
printf("\e[u%d/%d",a,ammount); // Reset cursor and display current count
Sleep(sleep); // Wait for the given delay
printf("\e[u%d/%d",ammount,ammount); // Display the complete ammount
printf("\e[uDone... \n"); // Display that its done
return 0; // Exit normaly
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