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Created May 31, 2021 13:08
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Sorting algorithms in c
The algorithims i have implemented are:
1. Bubble sort
2. Insertion sort
3. Selection sort
4. Comb sort
#include <stdio.h> // Header for standard IO
#include <stdlib.h> // Header for standard functions
#include <time.h> // Header for working with time
#include <string.h> // Header for working with strings
#include <unistd.h> // Header for POSIX
#define BLOCK_COUNT 25 // Count of blocks in the reference array
#define DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE 5000 // The maximum size of the display buffer
#define SLEEP 100 // The time waited between each cycle
#define SHRINK 1.3 // The ammount to shrink the comb (Comb Sort)
int blocks[BLOCK_COUNT]; // The array to be solved
void Swap(int *a, int s1, int s2) // Function to swap two items in an array
int t = a[s1]; // Save the first item in a temp variable
a[s1] = a[s2]; // Set the first item to the second item
a[s2] = t; // Set the second item to the temp item
void GenerateBlocks(int *a, int n) // Function to generate an array of scrambled blocks
srand(time(0)); // Set the seed so its less consistent
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) // Loop over each item
a[i] = i +1; // Set the starting value
if (n > 1) // If there is more than 1 item
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) // Loop over each item
int j = i + rand() / (RAND_MAX / (n - i) + 1); // Make a random number between 0 and the array size
Swap(a, j, i); // Swap the current item with the random item
void VisualiseBlocks(int *a, int n, // Function to show blocks and cycles while highlighting 2
int h1, int h2,
int c
char buff[DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE]; // Display buffer
for (int i = 0; i < n +2; i++) // Loop for each item + 2 lines
printf("\e[1A"); // Move the cursor up a line
sprintf(buff, "Cycles: %d\n", c); // Write the cycles to the buffer
for (int y = 0; y <= n; y++) // Loop over each item in the y direction
for (int x = 0; x < n; x++) // Loop over each item int the x direction
if (a[x] <= y) // If the current hight is equal or less than y
if (x == h1 +1 || x == h2 +1) // If its a highlight
strcat(buff, "\e[31m[]\e[0m"); // Append to the buffer in red
strcat(buff, "[]");
strcat(buff, " ");
strcat(buff, "\n");
printf(buff); // Write the buffer to the screen
void BubbleSort(int *a, int n) // Function to run the bubble sort algorithm
int r = 0; // Variable that holds weather we are running
int c = 0; // Variable for the cycle count
while (r != n-1) // Loop while we still need to sort items
r = 0; // Set the sort count to 0
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) // Loop over each item
if (a[i] > a[i -1]) // If the item to its left is larger
Swap(a, i, i -1); // Swap them
VisualiseBlocks(a, n, i, i -1, c); // Update the visuals
usleep(SLEEP * 1000); // Wait a set ammount of milliseconds
void InsertionSort(int *a, int n) // Function to run the insertion sort algorithm
int c = 0; // Variable for the cycle count
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) // Loop over each item ignoring the first one
if (a[i -1] < a[i]) // If the last item is smaller than the current item
Swap(a, i, i -1); // Swap the last and current item
(i != 1) ? (i -= 2) : (0); // If i isnt 1 subtract 2 from i
VisualiseBlocks(a, n, i -1, i, c); // Update the visuals
usleep(SLEEP * 1000); // Wait for a set ammount of time
void SelectionSort(int *a, int n) // Function to run the selection sort algorithm
int max = 0; // Variable for the location of the highest block
int c = 0; // Variable for the cycle count
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) // Loop over each item
max = i; // Set the current item to the maximum
for (int b = i; b < n; b++) // Loop over each item after the current item
if (a[b] > a[max]) // If the current is larger than the maximum
max = b; // Set the max equal to b
VisualiseBlocks(a, n, b, max, c); // Update the visuals
usleep(SLEEP * 1000); // Wait for a set ammount of time
if (max != i) // If the current item isnt the max
Swap(a, i, max); // Swap the current item and the max
VisualiseBlocks(a, n, i, max, c); // Update the visuals
usleep(SLEEP * 1000); // Wait for a set ammount of time
void CombSort(int *a, int n, float s) // Function to run the comb sort algorithm
int g = n -1; // Variable for the gap
int d = 0; // Variable for being done
int c = 0; // Variable for the cycles count
while (!d) // Loop while d = 0
g = g / s; // Reduce the gap by the scaling value
if (g <= 1) // If we have scaled below 2
d = 1; // Set done to true
for (int i = 0; i +g < n; i++) // Loop over each item accesable item
if (a[i] < a[i +g]) // If the current item is smaller than the gap item
Swap(a, i, i +g); // Swap the current item and gap item
d = 0; // Set done to false
VisualiseBlocks(a, n, i, i +g, c); // Update the visuals
usleep(SLEEP * 1000); // Wait for a set ammount of time
void Help()
printf(" -- HELP --\n");
printf("1. Bubble sort\n");
printf("2. Insertion sort\n");
printf("3. Selection Sort\n");
printf("4. Comb Sort\n");
int main(int argc, char ** argv) // Main entry point
int choice = atoi(argv[1]); // Variable to hold the choice converted to an int
int n = BLOCK_COUNT; // Variable to hold the number of blocks
if (argc != 2) // If there are no arguments provided
return 0;
else if (choice < 1 || choice > 4)
return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n +2; i++) // Loop over each item +2
GenerateBlocks(blocks, n); // Generate the new array
VisualiseBlocks(blocks, n, -1, -1, 0); // Show the new array
switch (choice) // Test against the users choice
case 1:
BubbleSort(blocks, n); // Run the bubble sort algorithm
case 2:
InsertionSort(blocks, n); // Run the insertion sort algorithm
case 3:
SelectionSort(blocks, n); // Run the selection sort algorithm
case 4:
CombSort(blocks, n, SHRINK); // Run the comb sort algorithm
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