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Created March 10, 2023 16:25
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-- An online type checker for the Haskell programming language (see
-- Fix the typo to get rid of the compilation error.
val = filter (divides 3) [1..10]
where divides n x = (x `mod` n) == 0
main = putStrLn (show val)
-- Click the button below the code editor to evaluate 'main'.
-- That was easy!
-- If you are an intermediate haskeller, try solving the following exercises, courtesy of Tony Morris.
-- Source:
-- If you can get a solution to typecheck, there is a very good chance that it is correct.
class Fluffy f where
furry :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-- Exercise 1
-- Relative Difficulty: 1
instance Fluffy [] where
furry f xs= map f xs
-- Exercise 2
-- Relative Difficulty: 1
instance Fluffy Maybe where
furry f (Just a) = Just (f a)
furry f Nothing = Nothing
-- Exercise 3
-- Relative Difficulty: 5
instance Fluffy ((->) t) where
furry f g = f.g
newtype EitherLeft b a = EitherLeft (Either a b)
newtype EitherRight a b = EitherRight (Either a b)
instance Fluffy (Either t) where
furry f (Left a) = Left ( a)
furry f (Right a) = Right (f a)
-- Exercise 4
-- Relative Difficulty: 5
instance Fluffy (EitherLeft t) where
furry f (EitherLeft (Left a))= EitherLeft (Left (f a))
furry _ (EitherLeft (Right a)) = EitherLeft (Right a)
-- Exercise 5
-- Relative Difficulty: 5
instance Fluffy (EitherRight t) where
furry _ (EitherRight (Left a))= EitherRight (Left a)
furry f (EitherRight (Right a)) = EitherRight (Right(f a))
-----------------------------MISTY ! --------------------------------
class Misty m where
banana :: (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
unicorn :: a -> m a
-- Exercise 6
-- Relative Difficulty: 3
-- (use banana and/or unicorn)
furry' :: (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
furry' f = banana (unicorn.f)
-- Exercise 7
-- Relative Difficulty: 2
instance Misty [] where
banana f xs = concatMap f xs
unicorn a = [a]
-- Exercise 8
-- Relative Difficulty: 2
instance Misty Maybe where
banana _ Nothing = Nothing
banana f (Just a) = f a
unicorn a = Just a
-- Exercise 9
-- Relative Difficulty: 6
instance Misty ((->) t) where
banana f g x = f ( g x ) x
unicorn a _ = a
-- Exercise 10
-- Relative Difficulty: 6
instance Misty (EitherLeft t) where
banana f (EitherLeft ( Left a ) )= f a
banana _ (EitherLeft ( Right a ))= EitherLeft (Right a)
unicorn a = EitherLeft (Left a)
-- Exercise 11
-- Relative Difficulty: 6
instance Misty (EitherRight t) where
banana f (EitherRight ( Right a) ) = f a
banana _ (EitherRight ( Left a) ) = EitherRight (Left a)
unicorn a = EitherRight ( Right a)
-- Exercise 12
-- Relative Difficulty: 3
jellybean :: (Misty m) => m (m a) -> m a
jellybean a = banana id a
-- Exercise 13
-- Relative Difficulty: 6
apple :: (Misty m) => m a -> m (a -> b) -> m b
apple ma mf = furry' mf
-- Exercise 14
-- Relative Difficulty: 6
moppy :: (Misty m) => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m [b]
moppy xs f = error "todo"
-- Exercise 15
-- Relative Difficulty: 6
-- (bonus: use moppy)
sausage :: (Misty m) => [m a] -> m [a]
sausage = error "todo"
-- Exercise 16
-- Relative Difficulty: 6
-- (bonus: use apple + furry')
banana2 :: (Misty m) => (a -> b -> c) -> m a -> m b -> m c
banana2 = error "todo"
-- Exercise 17
-- Relative Difficulty: 6
-- (bonus: use apple + banana2)
banana3 :: (Misty m) => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> m a -> m b -> m c -> m d
banana3 = error "todo"
-- Exercise 18
-- Relative Difficulty: 6
-- (bonus: use apple + banana3)
banana4 :: (Misty m) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> m a -> m b -> m c -> m d -> m e
banana4 = error "todo"
newtype State s a = State {
state :: (s -> (s, a))
-- Exercise 19
-- Relative Difficulty: 9
instance Fluffy (State s) where
furry = error "todo"
-- Exercise 20
-- Relative Difficulty: 10
instance Misty (State s) where
banana = error "todo"
unicorn = error "todo"
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