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Created September 19, 2024 01:21
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import requests
import json
# APIリクエストのURL
url_w = ""
# リクエストを送信
response_w = requests.get(url_w)
# レスポンスをJSON形式で整形
weather_data = response_w.json()
# 必要な天気情報を抽出
current_weather = weather_data['current_weather']
temperature = current_weather['temperature']
windspeed = current_weather['windspeed']
winddirection = current_weather['winddirection']
weather_time = current_weather['time']
# 天気情報をメッセージとしてフォーマット
message_text = (
f"日時: {weather_time}\n"
f"気温: {temperature}°C\n"
f"風速: {windspeed} km/h\n"
f"風向き: {winddirection}°"
url = ""
payload = json.dumps({
"roomId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vYTliNjRjZDAtZWViOC0xMWU4LWJmZTItZDliYWRmMDgxNTcz",
"text": message_text
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ZDBhNmFiN2EtMTEyYS00ZTYzLTljODAtNjJhNmZiMGI0NzY0ZjEwNDdiMjEtYmEx_P0A1_8e922505-3178-4b77-8fc7-9f393761f81e'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# TODO implement
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps('Hello from Lambda!')
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