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Created October 31, 2013 06:24
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C Program to accept two integers for a co-ordinate point and determine its Quadrant.
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int main()
int x,y;
printf("Enter the values for coordinates x and y\n");
if((x>=0) &&(y>=0))
printf("\n The co-ordinate (%d,%d) is in first Quardrant\n",x,y);
else if((x<0) &&(y<0))
printf("\n The co-ordinate (%d,%d) is in Third Quardrant\n",x,y);
else if((x>0) &&(y<0))
printf("\n The co-ordinate (%d,%d) is in Fourth Quardrant\n",x,y);
else {
printf("\n The co-ordinate (%d,%d) is in Second Quardrant\n",x,y);
return 0;
/* Author: Sandeepa Nadahalli */
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