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Last active November 21, 2017 00:22
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structure Parser =
exception ParsingError of string
datatype cmd = Push of int
| Add
| Sub
| Mul
| Div
| Dup
| Drop
| Over
| Swap
| Custom of string * cmd list
fun tokenize s =
String.tokens Char.isSpace ( Char.toLower s)
fun parse [] = []
| parse ("+" :: xs) = Add :: parse xs
| parse ("-" :: xs) = Sub :: parse xs
| parse ("*" :: xs) = Mul :: parse xs
| parse ("/" :: xs) = Div :: parse xs
| parse ("drop" :: xs) = Drop :: parse xs
| parse ("dup" :: xs) = Dup :: parse xs
| parse ("swap" :: xs) = Swap :: parse xs
| parse ("over" :: xs) = Over :: parse xs
| parse (":" :: xs) =
fun split [] = ([], false, [])
| split (x :: xs) =
if x = ";"
then ([], true, xs)
val (xs', found, xs'') = split xs
(x :: xs', found, xs'')
case split xs of
(x :: xs', true, xs'') =>
(* let *)
(* fun isnumber s = List.all () (explode s) *)
(* in *)
(* end *)
case Int.fromString x of
NONE => Custom (x, parse xs') :: parse xs''
| _ => raise ParsingError "numbers can not be used as command names"
| _ => raise ParsingError ""
| parse (x :: xs) =
case Int.fromString x of
SOME n => Push n :: parse xs
| NONE => Custom (x, []) :: parse xs (*raise ParsingError ("unexpected token: " ^ x)*)
structure Forth =
open Parser
exception StackUnderflow
type stack = int list
fun dup (x :: xs) = x :: x :: xs
| dup _ = raise StackUnderflow
fun drop (_ :: xs) = xs
| drop _ = raise StackUnderflow
fun swap (x :: x' :: xs) = x' :: x :: xs
| swap _ = raise StackUnderflow
fun over (x :: x' :: xs) = x' :: x :: x' :: xs
| over _ = raise StackUnderflow
fun binop f (x :: x' :: xs) = f (x, x') :: xs
| binop _ _ = raise StackUnderflow
fun primitives Add = binop (op +)
| primitives Sub = binop (op -)
| primitives Mul = binop (op *)
| primitives Div = binop (op div)
| primitives Dup = dup
| primitives Drop = drop
| primitives Swap = swap
| primitives Over = over
| primitives (Push n) = (fn stack => n :: stack)
| primitives (Custom (_, cmds)) =
foldl (fn (cmd, chain) => (primitives cmd) o chain) (fn x => x) cmds
type word = string * cmd
val words: word list = [
("add" , Add ),
("sub" , Sub ),
("mul" , Mul ),
("div" , Div ),
("dup" , Dup ),
("drop", Drop),
("swap", Swap),
("over", Over)
fun lookupWord key = List.find (fn (k, _) => k = key)
fun addWord (key: string, cmd: Parser.cmd) pairs =
fun splitat key [] = ([], [])
| splitat key ((k, cmd) :: xs) =
if key = k
then ([], xs)
val (xs', xs'') = splitat key xs
((k, cmd) :: xs', xs'')
val (front, rest) = splitat key pairs
front @ (key, cmd) :: rest
type state = { stack: stack, words: word list }
val initialState: state =
stack = [],
words = words
fun eval' ({ stack, ... }: state) [] = stack
| eval' { stack, words } (cmd :: cmds) =
case cmd of
Custom (k, []) =>
case lookupWord k words of
SOME (_, cmd') => eval' { stack = (primitives cmd') stack, words = words } cmds
| NONE => raise Fail "unknown word"
| Custom (k, _) => eval' { stack = stack, words = (addWord (k, cmd) words) } cmds
| _ => eval' { stack = (primitives cmd) stack, words = words } cmds
fun eval s = eval' initialState (parse (tokenize s))
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